The Vibratory Structure of the Mind – Transforming your Mind Through Self-Realization

 Our Mind is always Absorbing and Digesting the Consciousness Around Us

In order to understand how to grow and develop our mind, we have to get a thorough understanding of the vibratory structure of the mind and how it operates according to this structure. The most fundamental Law that governs all of life as we know it, is the law of vibration. Everything in life is made up of energy, not energy as a form of electricity, but subtle energy as the primal essence of consciousness and intelligence itself. Vibration isn’t just shimmering photons whose movement between two parameters creates an illuminated astral, or ghost-like phenomena, but also has a self-organizing mechanism inherent in it, that shapes light into distinct patterns based on its vibratory frequency. Whatever frequency (rate and mode) something vibrates at moves it up and down a vibratory scale as levels and qualities of consciousness, much like a musical scale of octaves which build, expand, and increase as they move up the scale.

The pattern inherent within a vibration forms the structure of the mind, which is a multi-dimensional sphere-like flowing field that exists within the level of its vibratory frequency, and breathes (rotates by expanding and contracting) in a toroidal sphere-like motion, that merges into and absorbs, and integrates all the subtle energy within near proximity of it that’s of the same vibratory frequency. This absorption, digesting, assimilating, and elimination is the law of energy itself as resonance, sympathetic induction, modification, and coherence. We’re always in the process of exchanging energy as consciousness with everything and everyone around us, modifying and evolving our mental structure to be equivalent to our environment. This process of constant emanation, acquisition, integration, and discharge is the fundamental law of evolution that always keeps us in-sync with the outer environment within which we have to live, function, and survive. This constant energy exchange is occurring simultaneously at conscious, semi-conscious, and unconscious levels all the time.

rainbow torus - vibratory structure of the mind

This oscillating field of energy, known as the mind, is a single entity that’s dual in nature and exists on several corresponding planes simultaneously. It’s an electromagnetic field that flows in a rotational expanding and contracting movement, which expands outward from its center, then folds back on itself and is absorbed back into its core. This field is dual in nature (masculine and feminine), and moves as two fields spiraling in opposite directions simultaneously, creating a stabilized, self-perpetuating system that’s much like a whirlpool. It has a center that’s bonded to a material body, and a peripheral range extending quite some distance from the body. This field has a dual nature as gross and subtle, with the strongest, concentrated part three to four feet from the body, where energy exchange is immediate and intense and felt in a direct (conscious) manner, and as it moves further out, it gradually becomes more subtle in nature, and is no longer experienced in a sharp, pronounced manner, but rather as a notion, feeling, or distant thought (semi-conscious) that has a fleeting quality to it. Our mind, as an electromagnetic field that extends quite some distance from our body in a tiered gradation, still possesses the self-organizing mechanism inherent in vibration itself, and not only influences and modifies the formation and organization of all other mind fields in near proximity to it, but also has a larger organizing quality, that not only attracts or magnetizes whatever is of the same quality as itself, but organizes the greater events of our life, by forming them into indigenous patterns.

While the gross energy in our immediate environment comes quickly and felt strongly, then subsides and dissipates almost as quickly as it came, producing short term effects of a heightened intensity, the subtle aspects that extend great distances from the body, organize larger events into the same thematic pattern, that involve numerous objects, people, and a dynamic series of correlated events, that come into fruition over an extended period of time through synchronicity. Whatever our vibration (state-of-mind) is, not only creates our life experiences in the moment, and how we influence and are influenced by everything around us, but is also producing our destiny as the same patterns happening over greater and greater amounts of time. Whatever our vibration determines the patterns of our life as habits, rituals, and tendencies that we simply repeat over and over, sometimes throughout the entire life of our body. Through energy that we absorb and integrate that’s of a similar nature to us, we’re always in the process of undergoing a constant form of transformation, but it’s usually within the same frequency or range of vibration because that’s all we can naturally comprehend, relate to, and exist in relationship with.

human torus - vibratory structure of the mind

Our entire experience, whether past, present, or future, is produced by our mental paradigm as a dynamic living model that we not only look through to perceive and experience the world around us by way of it, but also literally interacts with the entire energetic world, forming it into similar patterns through a stimulating (electric) mechanism, that activates certain qualities, while deactivating others, modifying the form and appearance it takes on. All energy as the subtle energy of pure consciousness, is in a constant state of a shimmering luster, dynamically changing form according to its interactions, absorption, digestion, and repulsion on a moment by moment basis. Yet most of these changes are so subtle and automatic in nature, always being within the same range of vibration that we are, that we don’t even notice them, and maintain a consistent experience of reality while undergoing a constant, yet gradual form of transformation as an evolutionary process.

While many people think that a paradigm shift takes place through a moment of inspiration and sudden realization, or what they call a ah-ha moment, where you suddenly get something you couldn’t see before, it usually happens in much more of a gradual fashion of learning and obtaining knowledge that’s applied at the practical level in order to gain realization around it that serves to consistently expand your ability to conceive of greater and greater aspects of reality that are subtle in nature, and require you to move beyond previously set boundaries in incremental steps, until a form of threshold is crossed. We have to absorb and assimilate information that’s at the very outer edge of our current perception in order to be able to absorb and digest it. If it’s too far out or foreign to our current paradigm (frequency), we literally can’t absorb or comprehend it by resonating with it, and therefore act to reject it or fail to be able to see it, and it doesn’t produce a realization as the means of stretching our paradigm to include it.

Once an idea is fully realized, whether through a gradual process of study, learning and acquiring new information, or through a sudden moment of realization that simply comes to us out of nowhere or through an association, and through the realization of it as an inner experience we absorb and incorporate it, and it acts to upgrade and modify every aspect of our paradigm that it’s involved in or a part of, automatically. This is what the term shift means, every aspect of the internal form of the mind is modified by the new information, and has a systematic adjustment that changes the entire structure. Once this modification of the mind takes place, what was realized becomes a normal part of everyday perceptions. We readily perceive the idea as a part of our everyday reality, and therefore, the reality naturally produced or organized by our mind changes accordingly. We literally see new versions of reality. We actually experience a shift in our vibratory frequency and vibrate at a new expanded level and quality.

interference pattern

The vibratory frequency of our mind forms a natural structure as a model of the world that projects and tunes us into a certain type of reality as our perception and experience of what we otherwise call an objective, universal, or shared reality. While the greater shared reality consists of the same basic elements for everybody who’s a part of it, what we see in those elements and what aspects we notice or don’t notice, how we arrange information as patterns that tell stories about things, is unique to everyone, and is the creative nature of the individual mind operating below the level of awareness in what seems like an automatic fashion. As we incorporate new information into our mind through studying, applying knowledge, and life experiences, our reality shifts and is in-formed by way of it. But learning doesn’t come through memorizing what’s presented as factual or through mental speculation, but rather through applying the information through practice of some sort to create an experience of it. L-earn, by living it we earn it. Through the experience it provides we gain realization of it as a reality (we become one with it and give it expression through us) and it’s integrated into our mind as a memory. Our mind is structured by memory as actual experience. To have knowledge of something, only comes through an intimacy with it.

Once a paradigm shift takes place, we live out of a different experience of reality, and no longer relate to our previous state. As we grow through constant study, application and acquisition of knowledge, we can no longer recall the reality of our previous states. We lose touch with them, and though we can recall the events of our life in an objective manner, we can’t remember the reality we were in when they occurred in terms of how we experienced them at the personal level, and we can no longer relate to who we were when we were going through them. As our mind grows and expands to greater and greater levels of reality, and we vibrate at a significantly different level over an extended period of time (30 – 40 years), our personality and identity changes along with it, and we no longer identify with previous levels. We literally lose our ability to remember them from the same mentality we were in when we created them. We literally become different people, live in a different level of reality, and serve to create and engage in different types of activities. This is because once our vibration shifts to a high enough level (out of the previous range), we no longer resonate with lower levels.

The act of remembering (re-member), is viewing reality from within it, by being of the same consciousness that produced it. When we’re no longer a member of the quality of consciousness producing and conceiving of that level of reality, we can’t recall it as an experience. While we can recall the factual event itself, we relate to it in a whole new way, and experience it through a different level of consciousness, which evolves the event of the memory to the current level of consciousness. We literally transform our memories by growing and expanding our consciousness which acts to reinterpret them. All memory is state based, and can only be relived from the same state that it was created in. This is the true secret to healing, which only comes through conscious growth and moving to a higher (more expanded) vibration that no longer perceives or acts to produce the previous reality. The saying a problem can’t be solved by the same mind that created it, is identifying this phenomenon, and provides us with the key to transforming all problems in our life, not by working with them within the level they occur, but by transcending them.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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gold narrow long with transparent background


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