Thought Projection, Distant Healing, and Praying for Others

We have been trained through many traditional practices of various sorts, many of which are religious in nature, to pray for others when they’re experiencing crisis or hardship of some sort. We’re also taught to send positive thoughts their way through intention or visualization of some sort, which we ourselves consider positive – positive of course being a relative term designed to engage others with the person manifesting them – not necessarily to the person they’re being sent to or projected towards. Likewise, we are still imbued with the tendency to pray to some outside source or entity through which we imagine we draw power or are helped in some way. We’re taught to always look outside of ourselves to God or spiritual masters of some kind, which reside in some imaginary realm and are able to give us or bestow upon us what we ourselves can’t seem to muster up. Yet power itself only truly exists within us, and only comes into the world through us. It needs a physical vehicle in order to act. We’re only capable of utilizing powers that we ourselves are aligned with and are similar to in moral terms.

 If we completely put the idea of karma aside, though it’s an absolute law, and look exclusively at the power of thought, we can further see how this idea of praying for another produces no real effect, except in us. Thoughts that are aroused in response to something, and formulated for the purpose of directing them towards someone else in an attempt to somehow influence their mind, and therefore alter their physical condition, produces no meaningful effect (in them) because it usually operates against law, and works through an attempt to violate choice and free will of the person the imagined thoughts are being directed towards. Thought itself is only powerful in terms of influence, when it’s sincere, concentrated on and built up over time, and if the person directing it has well developed will power. Thoughts, in order to be effective for another must be free of selfishness or any form of self-motivated agendas or personal beliefs (even of the most positive nature), and must be sustained through a consistent mindset. Very few people, especially in our modern day society of constant distraction and coercion, scattered mindset and blatant inability to concentrate for even a short time, our thoughts are not powerful, don’t travel very far, and are ineffectual. They dissolve almost as soon as they’re formed.

Thought transference

Thoughts, even when concentrated and absent of self-motivated ideas, can only be received by another person whose mind is in a passive and receptive state, and who is of the same will or consciousness (frequency) of the person sending them. As long as a mind is active and full of self-oriented thoughts and feelings, it can’t receive any thoughts and feelings being transmitted through the field from another. Most people have constant thoughts running through their mind and are not tuned into being able to receive ideas being transmitted. Especially those who are having problems or facing a crisis of some sort, in which their mind is probably being run almost exclusively on anxiety around the situation. Anytime a mind is in an active state, it can’t act as a receiver. It has to be relaxed, in a passive mode, and free of constant thoughts, and able to sympathize with the ideas available in the conscious field around them in order to take them in, hold them by fixating attention on them, and begin thinking about them until they become an internal reality as a possibility. Once a new possibility is realized, they have to choose it over the current reality, and bring it into fruition through willful action. None of us have the ability to violate the choice and free will of another, do their healing for them, or decide in what way they need to heal, and why.

 Every life situation and circumstances are the product of karma. Karma is what we call the absolute law, and is basically the law of cause and effect in terms of self-creation through life experiences. While we form an idea of a soul being innocent or undeserving of whatever happens to them, an extension of victim mentality or the belief that the universe is basically unjust and picks on people for no reason, or that events are random and not interrelated, and there are no consequences to what we set into motion through our own thoughts and behaviors, when in reality, everything happens to us at the personal level of producing an impact or involving us directly in an idea, and comes as the result of our own actions or thoughts as a reciprocal correspondence to our actions. Because of the time lapse involved, we often fail to recognize it. We act to draw on ourselves the results of our own attitudes, beliefs and behaviors, where we are on the receiving end, and therefore experiencing the same idea from the opposite perspective, which comes as what we call a life lesson as a direct reflection that allows us to see and understand our own psychological make-up and what areas or in what way we are invested in errors of thinking and perceiving.

interwoven light frequencies

Just as we are solely responsible for creating ourselves, we’re also solely responsible for healing ourselves (mentally, physically, emotionally, and morally), which only comes through self-realization of what we’ve done or are doing that’s causing it. We are both the cause and effect of our own life. We are truly self-determined in a purely unconscious sense. The only true form of helping another heal by gaining self-realization of their errors, is through compassion. To form compassion for another isn’t to feel sorry for them, or through empathy take on the same feelings and perspective, viewing life through their eyes, so to speak, but rather taking a position of witnessing, where we create a safe space (relinquish all judgment and al creative interaction) for them to self-reflect, and we serve to reflect back to them their own story about things without tainting or altering it through our emotions and mental paradigm, changing it to conform to our personal perception of them, and as a result, they’re able to see it by projecting it onto a neutral and nonreactive mindset. We’re only able to see our own mind by telling our story where it’s not being manipulated or altered by the perception and reaction of another.

 When we hold space for another as a neutral and shared atmosphere, and we withhold all judgment and the tendency to view their life through our paradigm, where we modify what they experience to be the same as we would experience in that same situation, and interact by sympathizing or discussing it rationally, or by feeling the need to correct them, advise them, or somehow comfort them, we don’t act as a mirror, but instead begin projecting onto them our own opinions about them, and what we call transference takes place. When we’re able to keep our mind and energy separate from theirs, and not react emotionally to anything that they say, while formulating in our mind in an objective manner and simply understand what it was like for them from their perspective, without interacting in any way, we mirror their experience back to them in an unadulterated form, and they’re able to gain realization around it as a result.

 Through this realization as self-awareness, they’re able to become aware of what they were previously unaware of, and see what’s been operating at an unconscious level within their own psyche. All healing comes only through self-awareness that brings self-realization. We can only work with and act on ourselves to change what we’re aware of and know. Through awareness we’re empowered with our ability to consciously choose and willfully implement the ideas gained from the realization. We bring forth what was previously in the dark, and we begin working consciously with the law of cause and effect, and transform ourselves according to our own thoughts, emotions, and actions.


Dr. Linda Gadbois

Integrative Health Consultant and Spiritual Mentor

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Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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