The Relationship Between DNA, the Subconscious Mind, and the Subtle Body
The scientific formula for multiple levels of self-creation as a dynamic combination of the spirit, soul, mind, and body, currently being re-discovered by modern science, was laid out as a diagram illustrating the subtle bodies in Esoteric Sciences thousands of years ago. This map of the subtle bodies was used as the basis for all forms of healing and self-development, and as the means of achieving self-mastery which was necessary in order to consciously undergo the process of personal transformation from a lower state of consciousness to a higher one. This diagram illustrated the hierarchical relationship of the mind and body as smaller fields nested within greater fields that brought an idea as an invisible field of information into physical form through the principles represented by the five elements. This image shows a physical body surrounded by multiple layers of an electromagnetic field formed as the etheric body, which formed the energetic blueprint for the physical body, the astral or emotional body, the mental body of thought, and the causal body of will, which formed the archetypal matrix of the soul.
While we have a tendency to separate what exists as a whole into separate parts that we then imagine function independently of the whole from which it was abstracted, the fact is every single aspect of a whole operates according to the same principles and can’t be accurately understood as a separate entity. All material bodies as we know them are accompanied by an electromagnetic field that acts to organize the individual particles into a whole living system as a field of information. Yet this isn’t an entirely accurate model either, because in reality all biological organisms develop through a process of cellular regeneration, where one cell replicates itself and divides to become two, which then replicates and divides to become four, then eight, then sixteen, and so on, and grows through a process of halving and doubling. All cells contain information as DNA for producing every aspect of the whole body, where cells differentiate and specialize by what aspects of the total information are turned on and off, forming a new configuration. Our entire body forms a hologram where the part exists and contains the information of the whole, and the whole exists as or in each part.
What we refer to as the electromagnetic field that accompanies all physical form, which of course is invisible, exists as what we also refer to as the mind of the body, and the phantom effect produced by DNA itself as a measurable field of organized information as what has traditionally been called the etheric body, or subtle body which is holographic in nature as a three-dimensional form that’s the exact duplicate of the material body. This holographic, phantom-like form is what we now know provides the blueprint for organizing and spatially locating the specialized cells within the body. This energetic field both organizes the information in the DNA to produce a duplicate as its twin in physical form, and radiates from within the DNA as a means of informing the space around it. Just as all atoms are comprised of a group of particles held together forming an intelligent living system by an invisible force, the whole body is fabricated through a process of regeneration, held together, vitalized, and operated by an invisible force called the subtle body which is itself produced and operated by the mind.

Science has now discovered and proven that matter is composed of light as packets of information that exist simultaneously as both a particle (local) and a wave (non-local). These packets of information as subtle energy are organized into a coherent field of information as the subtle body, which provides the etheric blueprint (hologram) for creating the body as a projection of the mind and soul. What appears as trillions of cells that make up our whole body are actually the same cell duplicated, differentiated, and multiplied to form a greater whole as specialized functions of the same thing. DNA is composed of both matter and etheric substance that’s organized by an electromagnetic field that produces a holographic form as the potential contained within the information. The molecular structure of our body operates in a unified manner where the DNA within the nucleus or brain of the cell receives, processes and interprets, and transmits information instantaneously “as” a whole – as if it’s one field or body – and interacts with and responds to the outer reality as a relationship with itself on a greater scale. Information doesn’t follow a physical pathway of communication from cell to cell, nor is it transmitted through the nervous system, but received by the DNA of each cell instantaneously at the exact same time.
The body (any living organism) is formed through the holographic principle where every cell of the body results from the regeneration of a single cell through the process of mitosis, and is all in fact one and the same thing formed from a single (double helix) strand of DNA as the basic information used to construct the body. They’re all formed by the same group of information as memory, and become unique parts that perform specialized functions based on how the information is reconfigured through a switching system that turns information within the cell on and off, forming dynamic sequences. The part becomes the whole, and the whole is contained within the part. If we take any part (cell) out of the whole system we’ve got all the information it takes to make the entire organism in the single cell.
DNA, when abstracted and separated from the body it originated in, still continues to respond as if it’s still a part of the body. It’s still a part of the unified field from whence it came through a state of energetic entanglement. The part contains the properties of both the particle and the wave, and exists as both simultaneously and continues to operate according to the duality of light (photons), which is the primary substance of matter. It operates according to the principles of particle/wave duality. Light and matter (which is essentially the same thing) exhibit both properties of a wave and particle as a single entity that exists throughout space and time, and can act on itself to interfere with itself when demonstrating wave-like properties, and influences itself into new and varied configurations by acting to turn different aspects on or off. Each cell of a whole body vibrates to the exact same frequency, and frequencies as electromagnetic fields propagate through space, which acts as a medium for them.

Light is made up of packets of information, much like an atom is formed out of a cluster of particles, as energy quanta called photons. Photons exist as a wave of potential or possibility, much like all the information contained in a single strand of DNA, and only appears as a stable material form (particle) when organized or frozen into a specific configuration by the mind that interacts with it, and then returns to a flow of photons as a wave function when not being organized by a mind. While we have been taught to see an atom as an organized system of particles rotating around a nucleus in a fixed manner, we now know that this isn’t true. The atom only appears as a fixed and stable system when it’s being viewed and perceived by the mind. When no one is looking at it, it returns to a wave of potential that appears as a blur or astral cloud-like substance. This ability of the mind to organize matter operates in the same manner or according to the same principle as the etheric body that provides the energetic blueprint for regenerating and multiplying one cell to create a unified field of information as a whole body comprised of billions of cells that continues to function through time and space as if it’s one.
Matter, which can be thought of as frozen light or the crystallization of light, exists as an electrical organism (mechanism) that’s operated through electrical impulses as a photoelectric effect of one or more photons propagating through space as electromagnetic waves. Wave-particle duality is a property not only of light, but of matter as well, because of course matter is ultimately composed of photons in its primary essence. The entire material world is composed of crystallized light produced by electromagnetic fields as intelligent subtle energy also referred to as the mind and the individual consciousness of the mind called the soul.
While many people tend to think in terms of separating the spiritual from the material, in reality they’re the same thing at different stages and phases of becoming as electrified or charged plasma that organizes a etheric form that acts to systematically produce a material form through a steady process of solidification (coagulation) or generation. The four states of matter are described as electrified plasma that forms a gas-like substance, which becomes a liquid, which then becomes a solid object. This can also be illustrated through the element of water, which exists in different states as plasma or air, as humidity, a liquid and a solid material when frozen. All of which are different states of the same thing. These stages of forming the material world correspond to the four elements (fire, air, water, and earth) of esoteric sciences, which are organized, formed, and given life through the fifth element of the Aether or the mind of the soul.

What science now calls Entanglement Theory basically states that whatever is born together (as in the cells of the body), or that become energetically entangled and vibrate in harmony as the same frequency and nature (mind and soul of the body), operates as a single unit, and continues to operate as one even when separated by great distances. They exist in a fundamental state of polarity as complementary opposites, which means they spin in opposite directions to each other, and whatever property is being measured (observed and fixated by the mind) in one, the other one instantaneously reflects the same property. As the state of one particle or cell changes, the state of all entangled parts change in a unified movement because they exist as being a part of the same field, which exists everywhere throughout the space-time continuum simultaneously. They exist as what appears to be individual particles and as an inherent part of the same field of information. What’s of the same nature influences each other, no matter where they’re located in the unified field, through their shared state of mind and emotions.
This has huge implications not only in terms of our own minds ability to organize and transform our physical body as a correspondence to it, but also explains the mystery of being able to produce and effect or heal somebody at a distance with a small amount of their blood or locket of hair, or anything that contains their DNA. By acting to transform the chemical make-up of their DNA in the sample provided, it simultaneously produces the same effect in every cell of the body, no matter how far away. Likewise, by tuning into the person by speaking their name several times while concentrating (words connect us to the reality inherent in the words) on them, we can intuitively connect with them mentally and influence them through our state of mind, altering their state and the thought-processes and emotions produced by that state, altering their DNA as a result. This same effect is produced through direct communication by what we say to someone that causes them to imagine the reality of our words as a possibility for experience, and forming a belief out of them as a result. This also gives us insight as to how we are literally transformed (to some degree) through sexual intercourse where we acquire some of the other persons DNA, and they ours, and become somewhat subject to their thoughts, emotional states, and actions as taking on the same morality and aligning ourselves with the same type of destiny. We literally become one with whomever we have sexual intercourse with.

The Astral Plane of Emotion
Emotion is the language of the material plane that also governs instinct and intuition. It’s the dominant property of the lower regions of the astral plane of formation, and the language of the subconscious mind, which is the same level and aspect of the mind we share with the natural world and the plant and animal kingdoms. It’s the energy that’s transmitted within the material plane as notions, urges, and mental impressions that spontaneously alters our state producing automatic behaviors that are systematically employed without direct awareness. In humans, who are bestowed with higher creative capacities of the mind, emotions go a step further in how they affect us by acting to produce whole imaginary realities as illusions that we use in place of the actual, objective reality, that’s produced by the memories associated with the emotion that provides a template for automatic behaviors. All behavior in the ultimate sense is emotionally driven or a product of will, which can override emotion and direct the subconscious with new behaviors based on reason, realization, and rational calculated thinking.
Emotions, which originate in the electromagnetic plane, come in a variety of ways as either a natural response to our own thoughts, as a transmission and thought-form from another being outwardly expressing emotions, as an instinctual response to a feeling or idea, or as a form of association to a memory that was created while in the same emotional state. As we form an emotional response to something we automatically reference a memory of a similar nature that was created while in that same emotional state that provides us with a form of template for creating an imaginary reality as an internal representation that we use in place of the actual or present reality making it out to be the same as the past experience.
This imaginary reality based on memory of some kind provides the template as a story-line or theme that we use for creating an illusion that provides us with an instant interpretation as the means of creating more of the same type of idea, causing us to act in the same way we did in the past situation of a similar nature. In this way, through natural emotional reactions, we engage in a natural form of instinct as intuition that uses memory in place of the intellect and reasoning to create more of the same type of ideas, experiences, and behaviors over and over based on past experiences. Through our emotional states and the automatic behaviors they produce, we continue to create the present to be like the past through an unconscious state that doesn’t require thought or use of choice and free will.

The Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind operates without direct awareness to produce realities out of memories, and reactive behaviors that are automatic and emotionally driven. The subconscious is the same aspect of the mind we share with all of nature and is what literally produces the substratum of material reality as the collective unconscious or group mind, and automatic functions of the body and behaviors that are involuntary in nature and don’t require a thought process or decision of any kind. It’s the aspect of the mind that forms our body consciousness, which operates and informs the DNA of our body by influencing it through emotional states produced by thoughts as actual or imagined realities. The subconscious is the active mind and is continuously active from the moment of conception and birth till our last breath and moment of physical death. While our self-conscious mind is only awake and active part of the time, our subconscious is continuously active and never sleeps, yet it operates for the most part without our direct awareness.
The Relationship between Thought and Emotion
Thought and emotion, which can also be seen as masculine and feminine aspects of the same thing, operate as one and one serves to automatically produce and influence the other. When descending as a downward movement from the higher, causal plane, we form a thought process in our mind as an idea that naturally stimulates an emotional state in response to it. The emotion married to the thought acts as the physical equivalent to the thought and systematically adjusts the chemistry of the body to match the reality produced by the thought. As we think we’re simultaneously regulating the chemistry of the body to produce the physical reality of our thoughts. The subconscious, which is experiential in nature and works through the imagination, doesn’t know the difference between a memory of an actual event or an imaginary one. This is because they’re both produced by the faculty of the imagination, and memories, once created, are replayed over and over through the imagination as a way of keeping the past alive in the present and using the same type of information, much like a feedback loop, to keep re-informing the body and our outer reality with the same type of information, producing a consistent and congruent version of our self and our experience of ourselves in our outer reality.

DNA as the Creative Intelligence of the Body and Outer Reality
The DNA of our body operates according to the same principles of both our self-conscious and subconscious mind, and is regulated primarily through our emotional states and imaginary thoughts. We are literally always creating our own physical constitution and character by how we inform our DNA, and organizing our outer reality through the electromagnetic field emanated by our DNA that interacts energetically with the DNA in every other living entity. The entire material world is formed by the information contained in DNA. As we think and form an emotional response to our own thoughts we literally act to structure the reality of our thoughts through the meaning they have. Thought and emotion form meaning as the basis for creating our experiences. Out of meaning comes the story we tell ourselves as a form of theme that provides us with a consistent version of reality that provides the basis for how we experience things.
DNA works to construct material form out of memory in much the same way that the subconscious mind, soul, and the archetypal realm of higher consciousness as universal memory does, all of which play off of each other and are used as the means for creating personal experiences that are formed out of the meaning and significance of something. We form personal memories out of the experiences we had of the events of our life that had a strong emotional impact. Events with little or no emotional impact are never really remembered in any detail, but merely as vague generalizations or forgotten all together. Events that had strong emotions associated with them, determine how we form the memory as the experience of it, which was shaped by the nature of the emotion we were experiencing at the time. The event itself merely sets the stage for enacting a theme of sorts that shapes how we experience it by the type of story we tell ourselves about it. The emotion the event invoked in us, determines the nature of how we created our experience of it through the telling. The same basic event and group of elements can be used to tell a story as a serious drama, adventure, comedy, or tragedy based on the emotion engendered and the type of reality that’s naturally inherent in the emotion. Emotions have very distinct types of experiences and fantasies inherent in them that form how we experience life and create ourselves (program our subconscious and DNA) by way of our experiences.
Our thoughts and emotions, which form the internal representations born in our imagination that we use to give things meaning, also act to inform and program our DNA, which, like the subconscious mind, acts as a receiver for information that it translates to produce instructions for organizing the material world. These emotional thoughts are produced by the union of the self-conscious and subconscious based on current life experiences and memories, and from the higher mind of archetypal memory that forms original thought that acts to transform and evolve our current creation by recomposing it through the integration of new and diverse information. The common denominator between reality as a neutral set of events that we use as the means of creating our experiences out of and the subconscious mind and DNA, as memory, (of the Soul, subconscious, DNA, and archetypes) is semantics. How we organize the cells of our body and the appearance of the outer world, which is always a correspondence to the inner world, is based on the meaning we give things as our perception of them that form our life story. It’s through meaning that we self-create and create our experience of our outer reality.

DNA acts as the link and medium between the mind and material reality and is programmed or informed in an evolutionary manner through our very thoughts and emotions and the imaginary realities we create out of them. It’s through the imagination that we program the subconscious and DNA as a set of instructions, which produce the equivalent as an experience of reality. Not necessarily by changing reality itself, but rather by changing how reality appears to us based on how we interpret it to give it meaning. As we think, feel, emote, and act, we’re producing a form of etheric template that provides the blueprint as an electromagnetic field of information for organizing how the material world appears to us. We self-create by way of our own thoughts and emotions in the most basic and rudimentary sense of the idea.
Both the subconscious and DNA, which is the conscious intelligence that organizes and structures material form, are experiential in nature, and operate out of memory as imagined experiences produced by a combination of thought, feeling sensations that make it real and elicit an emotion, altering the chemistry of the body to match the state of mind. These all work together in a synchronistic and congruent manner to produce an imaginary reality that has meaning as a way of experiencing it through the story we tell ourselves about it that creates a form of self-perpetuating feedback loop. Through the nature of our thoughts we’re always in the process of telling ourselves a story about everything that has a consistent meaning that we use as the means of literally creating ourselves and our experience of reality. If we change the nature of our story, we change ourselves and our world accordingly.
As we think, feel, and imagine the reality of our thoughts, we systematically create ourselves (program our subconscious and DNA) and our outer world as congruent correspondences to our inner imagining. We are literally the ones always creating ourselves by way of how we’re using all levels of our mind in unison to create experiences in our imagination that become the instructions as a projection and transmission for creating our reality. As we program our subconscious and DNA, the electromagnetic field of information that they produce acts to inform the subconscious and DNA of everything else in the outer, natural world of which they are an inherent part of, and through electrical impulses as resonance, acts to reconfigure it by turning some information off while turning other information on, composing it into a new variable as a personal creation. Our mind as a mental paradigm, vibratory frequency and dynamic pattern literally acts to influence, recompose and transform of field of potential into one possibility that matches our idea about it. Every person creates a unique version of reality through their perception of it.

The Law of Correspondences
All parallel planes that make up the four dimensional material world and the higher spiritual world of pure energy as unformed consciousness, exist in a natural relationship to each other as complementary opposites that are polar in nature. The activity that takes place on one plane propagates through all related planes as a series of correspondences or chain of association. The same vibration as a form of note or chord that is part of a whole octave resonates with that same chord on all higher and lower octaves. As they resonate, the passive aspect of one acts to draw in and absorb the active aspect of the same idea from a parallel plane, which influences it, altering its vibration and modifying the existing pattern to a new possibility for the same idea as a natural means of transformation that gradually evolves the form to a new kind or level. As we draw in energy as vibratory information from the space around us and synthesize it by becoming one with it in mind, we begin vibrating in harmony with it and it modifies our thought processes through the realization it brings, changing how we see ourselves and our world.
The most natural and immediate way we have of creating ourselves and developing our character that simultaneously modifies and transforms our physical body and outer reality, is by learning how to keep our body in a relaxed state while stilling our mind of random habitual thoughts, and focusing our attention on the idea of what we want to create. It’s only through deep states of concentration on an idea as an imagined experience of reality, that’s defined and developed with detail over an extended period of time that serves to invoke an equivalent emotion, that’s then thought about or remembered in a consistent fashion, that we create a virtual memory as an intentional form of self-programming. By controlling and directing our thoughts and what we imagine as possible scenarios, or what memories we dwell in and think about in a repetitive manner, we can regulate our emotional state and act on ourselves to reprogram ourselves with a corresponding reality. All ideas exist in a primary state of infinite potential for that idea as a kind of theme. The theme employed acts to produce the mental correspondence as our identity and character, the bodily correspondence as our physical health and constitution, and the outer correspondence as our perception of reality. All of which act together to form the story we tell by living it as the means for developing and evolving our soul, mind, physical constitution, and perception of reality through the same memory as a fundamental form of programming.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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