The Law of the Triad – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence
The world is a vast soup of energy that’s always stimulating and interacting with itself in others. Each entity or material body contains energy and is stimulating – emanating or putting off a charge – that’s being received by everything around it that contains the same type of charge and therefore can receive it, while simultaneously being stimulated by everything around it that’s of the same vibration. Every energy body, which always accompanies a material body, is what we could call charged with certain vibrations as attributes and qualities of a distinct frequency, that are always interacting with that same frequency in everything else.
We are only capable of being stimulated and our state altered by other energy bodies that are of the same frequency as we are. An outside stimulus can only activate and awaken in us what’s there to begin with. Energies that are of a different frequency than we are, operate out of a different state, and have little or no real affect on us. While they’re still a part of our environment in the typical sense, we view them objectively without any kind of reaction to them. In other words we don’t relate to them and don’t enter into a natural relationship with them.
All energy fields are comprised of three basic forces – active, passive, and neutral. Neutral is the balanced harmony of the active and passive. The active force is masculine, and the passive force feminine. The masculine initiates activity and the feminine responds to that activity in a complementary manner. The active force enters into and activates the passive, bringing it into expression and they exist in the same state as a unified whole or One as vibrating to the same frequency. The charge of any energy field is based on what elements of its entire energetic make-up are in an active state. Activity, similar to friction and heat, emanates, projects and transmits the active quality into the space around it, infusing it.
This active force readily moves into and stimulates that same force in anything within near proximity that possesses that same quality, and can therefore be stimulated by it. The stimulating affect, activates the same quality and calls it forth into outer expression, altering the persons state to vibrate at the same rate. The active force in another awakens the same passive force in us. The passive is capable of receiving the active force, bringing it to life in us. It can only stimulate in anything else the same quality of consciousness that it possesses. It can’t awaken what doesn’t exist to be awakened. We don’t ever give people traits they don’t already possess; we simply bring them out in them. You can’t bring out in somebody what’s not there to bring out.
Objects become charged through induction or sympathetic resonance. As forces are activated in us it reformulates a new pattern as a shift in vibration, changing our state of mind, and we begin vibrating in harmony with them, forming coherence. Our state, whether we realize it or not, is constantly undergoing adjustments based on the energetic interaction going on as a form of relationship we exist in with everything else. We’re affected by it, and it’s affected by us. We’re always blending into and taking on the energetic properties of everything around us. While this happens most prominently in our immediate environment, it also works throughout the larger energetic field of mass consciousness of which we are all apart of, and we connect with those of the same vibratory frequency as we are through a shared consciousness. This connection, through the same laws of resonance and induction, form a gravitational field between us and we begin steadily moving towards each other.
Whatever quality of consciousness we’re charged with to begin with as our soul’s essence and personality, becomes the vibratory basis out of which we form our initial relationships with everything else. Our consciousness as our mental state, determines what we feel a connection to, resonate with, have a natural interest in, and who and what we exist in natural relationships with and gravitate towards throughout our life. Because this vibratory consciousness operates at the subconscious level, and is happening spontaneously all the time, we often live our whole life out of the same frequency, entering into relationships of various sorts only with those of the same mind-set and attitude as we are.
This natural process of polarization and resonance can only be significantly altered through conscious use of the mind. While the mind has the ability to control the activities of energetic interactions, because, of course, it exists on the same energetic plane as an energy field, and so works by way of the same laws, we have to know how to operate it in order to consciously create with it. The only way we can begin working with this energetic process is by becoming aware of it, and learning how to use our mind to control and direct energy. For this simple fact, we can only truly grow energetically by learning to manage our own energy field as our state of mind, and work to change our vibratory frequency as our quality of consciousness that’s known through our feelings, thoughts, emotions, moods, and actions.
Because spiritual (energetic) growth requires conscious abilities and creative use of our will to discipline the normal activities of our subconscious mind which is always working in an unconscious and automatic fashion without our direct awareness, it only comes by way of deliberate action from an awakened state. We have to become aware of what’s always going on at the subconscious level, come to understand the nature of our own mind, and utilize our ability to choose and willfully act out new ways of being. By learning the laws that govern our mind and the energetic world, we can work through our mind to direct, control, and produce the qualities of consciousness that raise our vibratory state to higher and higher levels, bringing us into greater and greater understanding of what we previously didn’t even recognize as existing. We have to wake up and become aware of what’s really going on, and learn how to operate our mind and body to strategically cultivate our own mental and emotional being.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher