Sacred Geometry – The Tetrad and the Universal Law of Creation
All spiritual knowledge exists as laws, and Sacred Geometry is the symbolic language that’s used to illustrate and communicate these laws. Universal laws are the invisible forces and primordial intelligence of the natural world that operate as “processes” that organize and animate the physical forms that make up the...
The 3rd-Eye, Pineal Gland, and the Subconscious Mind – The Gateway to the Heavens
Every biological life-form there is has both a physical form and an invisible energy field (soul or mind) that’s also known as it’s etheric-double or mirror image that serves to “inform” and animate it with a specific set of instinctual behaviors and tendencies. The material body is formed out...
Intuition and Communication Between Multiple Levels of the Mind
How the Higher Self Communicates with the Lower Self The most fundamental law that permeates and governs all levels of life and reality, is the One that’s dual in nature, as complementary opposites that form a range of vibration as a scale or frequency. This 3 in 1 Law...
The Law of the Mind – Our Character, Nature, and Quality of Consciousness
The Law of Mentalism, which is the first principle of the seven primary principles of Hermetic Sciences, basically states that all of life and reality as we know it is a product of the mind. That Mind is all there is. Everything exists as a mental construct or dynamic...
The Dyad and the Primary Law of Relationship
The Dyad Demonstrates the most Fundamental Law of the Universe . . . . All geometric shapes that make up Sacred Geometry represent universal laws as a dynamic series of correspondences and analogies as numbers, letters, symbols, colors, musical tones, etc. The Dyad, which is two circles (with centers)...
Love, Equilibrium, and the Power of the Imagination
The Law of the Hexad Sacred Geometry represents universal laws that shape and govern multiple interlaced dimensions of the spirit (invisible forces), soul (formed consciousness), and matter (ethereal substance). Each geometric shape or configuration, like all symbolic imagery used in Spiritual Sciences, represents a relationship and requires each individual...