Tag: Quantum Physics

The Dual Nature of Existence and the Universal Law of Polarity

A popular spiritual theme being taught in the world today, usually professed by those who lack a fundamental understanding of the scientific nature of reality, is that what we perceive as being dual in nature, formed as a composition or greater pattern comprised of what appears to be “separate...

The Physics of the Soul – Our Character and the Holographic Nature of Reality

The most prevalent misconception formed in trying to understand the nature of the soul, comes by viewing it as being the body and personality of the body. The soul isn’t the body as a person, located in a particular place and time, confined to live within a specific set...

DNA – The Phantom Effect, Quantum Hologram, and the Etheric Body

While modern day science used to look at DNA as a material substance that was fixed in nature, where it existed as a form of permanent programming that couldn’t be edited or changed, where we were at the mercy of our genes so to speak, but we now know...

Sacred Geometry – The Secret Language of Universal Laws

Sacred Geometry forms the basis for an intuitive system of philosophical mathematics and universal laws as operations for applying knowledge at the practical level to create on multiple planes simultaneously through resonance as equilibrium. Through resonance we draw down purely mental forces of the higher planes and use them...

The Unified Theory and the Law of the Mind

 While science tends to say that it still hasn’t discovered a theory that unifies everything, or the single law of Nature with which all natural phenomena can be accurately assessed without exception, its as if it fails to recognize that the “mind” is what makes the perception of all...

Quantum Physics and Spiritual Sciences

“Understanding the Significance of the Particle and the Wave – the Universal and the Individual, the Micro and the Macro” In order to understand the reality implied by any level of science, we have to understand the entire paradigm as a dynamic series of interconnected ideas necessary to support...
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