Tag: Personal Transformation

How to Become Aware of Yourself through Your Reaction to Everything Else

One of the easiest ways to gain awareness around the hidden aspects of yourself that are actively creating in your life is by realizing that all outer stimuli only serves to awaken what’s alive within you as correlated qualities. As inherent aspects of us are activated and brought out...

The Art of Introspection: Self-Knowledge, Awareness, and Tools for Transformation

The cornerstone of all spiritual growth and psychological healing comes through the motto “know thyself” as attaining deeper forms of self-awareness that brings realization and insights into your true nature and why your life is the way it is. The whole basis of healing in the psychological sense comes...

Self-Empowerment – The Relationship between Choice, Will, and Creation

This idea can seem confusing in terms of being able to actually employ it at the practical level because it involves different functions of different aspects of our own mind working in harmony with each other to produce the same outcome as an experience of reality. We have to...

Our First Birth – How we become a Product of our Conditioning

This process is very important to understand in order to heal psychologically and in order to intentionally evolve our soul to higher levels of conscious empowerment by stepping into our true identity as higher creative beings. What we refer to as both our mind and soul is 3-fold in...

Self-Mastery: Learning How to Not be Affected by Others

Many of us spend our whole life a slave to the attitude, behaviors, and opinions of other people. We’re in a constant form of reaction from one moment to the next, beings jerked around like a puppet on strings, often crushed by a rude comment. If someone is hateful...

Learning how to Work with the Subtle Body

Working with what we refer to as the subtle body in an intelligent and effective way can be difficult in the most basic sense, because, like the mind that produces it, it’s invisible to the physical senses and operates according to complementary laws. The most fundamental universal law that...

Understanding the Nature of Different Dimensions and how to Mentally Move into Them

What we refer to as “parallel dimensions†are interlaced dimensions that are polar opposites of each other. Sound and light, for example, are frequencies that are complementary in nature, and sound as vibration serves to organize light into living forms as a perceivable reality. Vibration has both a pattern...