“14” – The Art of Transmutation and Regulating Your Vibratory Frequency
The symbolic interpretation of the Tarot card 14 - Temperance by Dr. Linda Gadbois...
Our First Birth – How We Become a Product of Our Conditioning
This process is very important to understand in order to heal psychologically and in order to intentionally evolve our soul to higher levels of conscious empowerment by stepping into our true identity as higher creative beings. What we refer to as both our mind and soul is 3-fold in...
Self-Mastery: Learning How to Not be Affected by Others
Many of us spend our whole life a slave to the attitude, behaviors, and opinions of other people. We’re in a constant form of reaction from one moment to the next, beings jerked around like a puppet on strings, often crushed by a rude comment. If someone is hateful...
Learning How to Work with the Subtle Body
Working with what we refer to as the subtle body in an intelligent and effective way can be difficult in the most basic sense, because, like the mind that produces it, it’s invisible to the physical senses and operates according to complementary laws. The most fundamental universal law that...
Understanding the Nature of Different Dimensions and How to Mentally Move into Them
What we refer to as parallel dimensions are interlaced dimensions that are polar opposites of each other. Sound and light, for example, are frequencies that are complementary in nature, and sound as vibration serves to organize light into living forms as a perceivable reality. Vibration has both a pattern...
Humility, Shedding the False Ego, and the True Path of Liberation
There always seems to be a strange kind of reality around ideas that exist as a form of paradox that breeds constant illusions as misunderstandings produced through incorrect interpretations. What’s commonly referred to as ‘shedding our ego’, or experiences that come as the ‘death’ of the ego, can seem...
Realizing your True Self and Transcending the False Ego of Your Past
One of the most fundamental spiritual errors we make in life is in believing that we are the personality of our body and conditioning. As a human soul born into an animal body, we acquire the physical characteristics and ancestral memory that’s inherent in our genes. Our genetic makeup...
Learning how to Understand the Illusory Nature of Reality
Definition of reality: a thing that’s actually experienced or seen as a physical existence: A state or quality that exists or has substance. The idea of reality is one that has eluded many throughout history because we’ve been taught to think of it as a solid, fixed, objective, and...
“12” – The Hanged Man of the Tarot
The Initiate, the Great Work, and the True Meaning of Self-Sacrifice In the occult sciences all single numbers (0-9) represent laws, while all composite numbers represent formulas as processes and the laws that need to be skillfully utilized in order to do them. Numbers provide us with mathematical formulas...
“11” – Universal Justice, the Law of Cause and Effect, and the Nature of Karma
In occult sciences the number 11 represents the principle of universal justice as the equilibrium of complementary opposites to establish balance and harmony. It’s symbolic of what’s commonly called karma as the absolute law of cause and consequence, also referred to traditionally as the golden rule. Its purpose is...