Becoming More Self-Aware
The most basic process for becoming more self-aware is to learn how to be present in your body and aware of your immediate environment. Your body is your vehicle (medium) for attaining awareness of yourself and for creating how you interact with the world around you as a means...
The Dual Nature of Existence and the Universal Law of Polarity
A popular spiritual theme being taught in the world today, usually professed by those who lack a fundamental understanding of the scientific nature of reality, is that what we perceive as being dual in nature, formed as a composition or greater pattern comprised of what appears to be “separate...
How to Work with Your Subtle Body as Your Mind in Order to Transform Your Reality
Many who have been tutored in the energetic arts have been taught that what we refer to as our subtle body serves as a form of blueprint and etheric double for constructing and sustaining our physical body, but don’t know for sure how to work with this idea in...
How Our Mind Forms Reality Out of Our Thoughts
As we think, we simultaneously tune ourselves to the frequency of our thoughts as they exist in the atmosphere around us. In the general sense, thoughts formed as pictures are symbolic in nature and vibrate at a particular frequency that sets up and establishes a form of “gravitational field”...
My Experience and What I Learned about the True Nature of the Soul from doing Past Life Regressions
I was born into this life a natural skeptic and never took anything at face value. From as far back as I can remember, whenever I encountered a religious, spiritual, or psychic idea of any kind, whether it was in church or at a neighbor’s house who did astrology...
Realizing Your True Self and Embodying Your Power to Consciously Create Yourself
The process of personal transformation (Alchemy) as a form of spiritual regeneration comes as a process that has two basic stages. The first stage is what’s often referred to as our psychological healing, where we shed our false ego built through our formative conditioning, and the second comes by...
Symbols are Living Entities on the Inner Planes that Produce Corresponding Realities in the Outer World
If we hold a symbol of some kind in our mind and concentrate on it in a single-minded fashion, while also setting an intention to penetrate its deepest secrets, our attention serves to activate it, causing it to come alive and start unfolding as a kind of evolutionary flow...
The Right Understanding of the Subtle Body and how to Work with the Chakra System of the Etheric Double
The most common way the subtle body is represented in the West is through the chakra system where it’s viewed as a chain of vertical energy centers that are aligned along the spine and divided into separate compartments as different aspects of our self and how those aspects are...
“17” – Interpreting the Star Key of the Tarot
Hope, and Rebuilding After the Destruction of Illusion In the Hermetic Arcane of the Tarot, the archetypal idea of the star, which is Key 17, follows the the Lightning Struck Tower (Key 16) which represents the destruction of illusion (Key 15) and is what prompts the the dark night...
The Art of Interpreting Symbolic Imagery Designed to Communicate Higher Knowledge
Interpreting symbolic imagery is an art-form that only comes from an in-depth knowledge of the principles and cultural icons being illustrated. I wanted to use this famous Egyptian/Sumerian hieroglyph as the means of demonstrating how to translate symbolic imagery because it portrays a very basic principle and I have...