Tag: mental state

The Dual Nature of Existence and the Universal Law of Polarity

A popular spiritual theme being taught in the world today, usually professed by those who lack a fundamental understanding of the scientific nature of reality, is that what we perceive as being dual in nature, formed as a composition or greater pattern comprised of what appears to be “separate...

Acquiring Higher Knowledge: Condition, State, and Quality of Consciousness

We now know that the consciousness associated with the brain that serves to operate it isn’t produced by the physical organ itself, but the brain (all material bodies) merely act as a receiver and transducer for consciousness which exists in its potential form in the atmosphere around us, also...

Vibration, Mental Projection, and Creating New Versions of Reality

 The Vibratory Frequency of the Mind Exists as a Paradigm that Shapes our Experience of Reality The state of mind that we exist in as a form of mood, determines our attitude, perspective, and the emotional theme we use as a filtering system in forming our fundamental perceptions, experiences,...

Consciousness, Perception, and the Nature of Experience

When we look at the true powers of the mind and what’s actually happening in terms of our ordinary experiences, we can see the mysterious forces at work all around us and being used, often without our awareness by us. What we call perception is directed consciousness that enters...

Our Vibratory Frequency is our Soul’s Essence

The term vibratory frequency is used a lot to describe ideas around ascension or spiritual awakening, without really explaining what it means or how to actually alter your vibratory frequency as an intentional act or form of self-development. In order to be able to work with anything in a...

Learning to Relax: The Art of Managing Your Emotional State

One of the first things we need to realize when working to change conditioned tendencies and habits of any kind, is that we don’t have to stop something, but rather begin doing something else. So to say things like stop stressing out, quit worrying, or just relax, don’t mean...

Vibratory Frequency as Our Soul’s Essence

The term vibratory frequency is used a lot to describe ideas around ascension or spiritual awakening, without really explaining what it means or how to actually alter your vibratory frequency as an intentional act or form of self-development. In order to be able to work with anything in a...
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