Subtle Energy and the Energetic Nature of the Mind

 Our body has an energetic structure as well as a physical one. This energetic structure is often referred to as the subtle body or etheric body that’s a form of double our twin to the physical body. Energy can move into and through matter, and is not formed like matter as a solid and fixed structure, but rather as a field of energy that’s always vibrating and morphing and changing form based on a constant exchange of energy with everything around it. Subtle energy is comprised of light, as everything is, and so contains within it the properties of light that exist as an octave that’s a range of vibration as its frequency. A light body as the internal aspects of light, contain the full colors of the spectrum as its vibratory structure. Each color within the spectrum vibrates at a slightly different rate and undergoes a specialized mode of consciousness as an aspect of an overall vibratory patterning or frequency. The subtle body, like light itself, is invisible to the physical senses, and has an innate structure of seven colors as seven aspects that make up a whole. These subtle energy centers exist in the body as chakras that form the energy processing centers of the body as the mind or soul of the body.

The subtle energy centers of the body act as conductors, filtering energies so they can combine through resonance. The convergence of these energy fields along a central axis forms a chakra. These chakras are vortexes of moving and spinning energy, which exist in relationship to the endocrine glands, which produce and secret hormones into the blood stream of the body, which alters our state and controls our bodily functions. Hormones are regulatory chemicals that regulate our physical state to match our mental or energetic state. Our physical condition is always produced as the direct equivalent of our mental and emotional condition.

This subtle energy system of the body is the mind or soul of the body. The mind interacts with energy all around it through a natural metabolic and digestive process, and directly acts on the body to stimulate and regulate its biological functions as an expression or correlation of the minds energetic state. Our energetic state is the combination of feelings picked up around us, emotions as the bodily chemistry produced by the feelings, and the thoughts that form the internal reality as imagining that projects the inner state outward, through the mind’s field which extends quite some distance from the body, superimposing it over the outer reality as our perceptual lens, that determines what we see and interact with, and what we don’t.

human torus - mental field

The chakras of the body process and filter energy through resonance, which draws in and mingles with what’s of the same nature as it is, while rejecting and repelling what’s not. We can only fully absorb into our system what is similar in nature to us, or what is within our same vibratory frequency as being of a like-mind. This can also be thought as only absorbing into our mind what can be perceived, explained, and understood using our mental paradigm. Through this fundamental process of resonance as a form of filtering mechanism, energies are sorted out according to their type and class as a category, sphere of consciousness, or kingdom. This filtering system acts to separate the gross energies as our animalistic primal instincts, from the refined energies as our spiritualized moral aspects.

The chakra system of the body is the internal structure of our subtle energy body as the mind itself, or soul that inhabits the body, and bonds to it through energetic sympathy. Because of this reason, the chakra system provides us with the process necessary to undergo healing through psychological development that promotes spiritual growth. All healing comes by bringing the mind and body into harmony through psychological health and conscious awareness of our true nature and our soul’s relationship to the body. It gives us a charted course for working directly with our minds ability to control and regulate the natural biological processes of the body by managing our state-of-mind and fostering in a deliberate manner our moral development. By understanding the intimate relationship of energy with matter, of our higher moral capacities and our lower primal nature, we can transform our self by working with our own energy system, feeling state, and active imagination.

Energy body and etheric blueprint

 The mind has the ability to direct energy into form by how and what we thinks about, coupled with strong emotions. Emotion is the chemistry of thought produced through imagined realities. As we think and form images in our mind, we stimulate our body to produce hormones of emotion, and vice versa. The emotions we’re stimulated with from outside sources, also act to control what we focus on and think about as the type of realities associated to the emotions. Thought and emotion are different aspects of the same reality, and are always complementary to each other, as one producing the other. Once acts to stimulate, awaken and give life to the other. Our emotional state always directly reflects the chemistry and biological functioning of the body in direct and immediate relationship with our thoughts and mental state. This is a scientific law, and is always true.

All transformation which involves healing by recognizing our own tendencies, habits, beliefs, and habitual emotional states, comes only through self-realization, knowledge and awareness about our true nature, and our ability to begin using our mind in a conscious and deliberate fashion to intentionally create ourselves. It’s through active use of our own mind, and our ability to choose what qualities we want to develop as a state, and our willingness to give up our current identity in favor of a more desirable one, that we can not only transform the patterning of our mind as our paradigm or interactive model, but in doing so, change our perception, how we interpret events to create our experience of them, and literally transform our physical condition to match our mental condition.

Astral body and self-reflecting

It’s no mystery to the medical world that all healing usually requires a behavioral change as a lifestyle modification, or by working directly with a person’s belief system and identity. All healing in fact, comes only by way of self-healing. We can change how we’re using our mind to direct our behavior and form our experience of reality, and how we identify with our own self-created experiences. We can only change the body, or transform an existing condition, through identifying and working with its emotional and psychological component. Healing our mind is the same as healing our energy, which heals the body to the exact equivalent.

Our attitude and the perception it forms creates how we act, and what kind of activities we engage in, that directly affect our health. The emotional states we dwell in and live out of come as the result of chemistry and regulation of our endocrine system, and what type of thoughts we engage in consistently. Our emotional states tend to run and control us, both in terms of how we think and form internal representations, and how we behave as a result, or what activities we consistently participate in. Thought, which creates a pattern as a reality, fueled by emotion as propulsion, produces all of our behavior and activities. To change one, you change the others simultaneously. They always exist in an intimate relationship with each other as being different components of the same vibration. The mental aspect is causal in nature, and can be used to produce or change the emotions we experience in response to our thoughts, and how we’re being, and what we’re doing as a result.

The body, as the vehicle for expression, can be (is being) operated by the mind which inhabits and animates it. Our mind shapes energy into realities by how we think and imagine, and the body brings our thoughts into physical manifestation as the outer expression of our inner thoughts. We first form inner realities through thinking, that alters the vibration of the body as an emotional response or equivalent to our thoughts that manifest our physical condition as our health, personality and identity, and our way of being in the world by the story we wrap ourselves around and act to naturally tell as the reality produced by our vibratory frequency.

 Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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