Spiritual Guidance, the Higher Capacity of Intuition, and Moral Sovereignty
As a student and teacher of Spiritual Sciences I have encountered numerous attitudes and methods around the idea of intuition and what it means to receive guidance from higher, spiritual beings of some kind. I’ve seen many confuse intuition with psychic abilities, which they often boast about with a fair amount of pride, or present as being a “gift” that’s designed to lure people in with a sense of mystery and intrigue, and still others who appear to be working with what they present as being a team of spiritual guides as spiritual masters who are available to assist them in making decisions for their life and walking their spiritual path in the best way possible. I won’t attempt to speak about these type of ideas and approach to interacting with the spiritual world, due to the fact that I’ve never been prone to this way of thinking nor have I found it meaningful or useful in the personal sense, and in all my experiences I have never found this to be true. In this article I’m only going to speak about what I know from experience and working intuitively with the higher spiritual faculties of our mind and soul in relation with a higher state of being that we’re always in a form of intimate conversation with inwardly, and which resides “above” (parallel to) this one in a fundamental state of polarity with the material world, which it ultimately serves to project, regulate, and govern from within.
One of the primary laws that form the very foundation for all thought and perception, is that we are sovereign beings fully responsible for creating our own life experiences through active use of the higher capacities of realization, choice, and will. The number one rule that operates faithfully throughout every single aspect of the cosmos, is that no being of a higher nature will ever violate choice and will of the individual, and never guides by ‘telling you what to do’ and making decisions for you. It guides instead by forming new awareness and realizations that provide the basis for seeing new possibilities that lay the foundation for making better decisions. While the lower plane of animal consciousness encourages and often works out of instinct and the herd mentality of the group mind, where we’re taught or told what to do, higher states of being work to foster individuality and require us to exercise our ability to think for ourselves.
As higher, intelligent beings, we’re never, ever expected or led to ‘obey’ commands of any kind that are given to us, but rather develop our selfhood from an independent state and develop our ability to govern and regulate ourselves. If we’re connecting with some power or entity that seems to exist outside of us, and we act as the vehicle for their will to utilize in creating, then we become regulated and governed by them. We remain slaves or school children who are instructed and led along by a master. We become the creation of someone else rather than the creator of our self. We become dependent on someone or something else to tell us what to do, and we cultivate a mental and moral dependency on it. We exist as a lower being on a plane where we’re detached from our own power and ability to self-create. When we look to some outside force to inform us or make decisions for us, we lack responsibility for our own creations and fail to exercise our higher capacities of self-realization, choice, and willpower.
True spiritual guidance only comes when we connect intimately with our self on a higher plane. It doesn’t come as a board meeting where we discuss ideas to form a conclusion about something, or as a means of receiving instructions on what decisions to make and what to believe and therefore do, it comes by becoming one in mind and spirit with God as your higher self. As we become one in mind with our guardian spirit, we form a unified mental circuit as a stream of consciousness where we literally begin looking through the same eyes. When we connect intimately with our higher source it flows into us as a heightened awareness around things. It never tells us what to do in the direct sense or attempts to make our decisions for us; it merely enhances our awareness around the deeper nature of things that bring new insights and realizations that serve to equip us in being able to make more educated decisions for ourselves. It guides, so to speak, by teaching us how to think more deeply about things, where we form new insights that increase our options as new possibilities.

Higher powers never require us to form a subservient relationship with them; they teach us instead how to exercise our divine powers in being able to create our own life with a sense of responsibility. This is one of the main deceptions people have to overcome in being able to step into and fully embrace as the means of learning how to exercise their higher capacities of cognition and rational thinking. If something appears in your mind as instructing you on what to do or talking to you in a way that scares you into making a particular decision or plays to embellish and strengthen your insecurities and psychological issues, then it’s a form of self-delusion as a fantasy that intimately plants the seed for fanaticism. Due to the fact that we all share the same unconscious group mind, thoughts and feelings are also being transmitted telepathically through the atmosphere and can enter into the inner conversation you’re always in the process of having with yourself that sways you in one direction or another. Likewise, psychic impressions as memories of various forms exist in the astral light of the Earth’s atmosphere, and can be accessed and “read” as a metaphorical picture or mental impression that some refer to as “receiving information” or being “downloaded” with information that seems foreign to them.
Your true higher self never works on your frailties to persuade, convince, or somehow entice you with a decision or specific possibility, but works instead to only increase your awareness around whatever it is you’re wondering or asking about in the silence of your private thoughts. As you pray and ask for guidance around something pay close attention to what proceeds out of it as a synchronized series of events that serve to increase your awareness around related ideas allowing you to form new realizations that provide you with the basis for making more calculated decisions. It always acts by removing the “veil of illusion” that’s obscuring the truth and hindering your ability to see clearly. Your higher source gives you thoughts and notions around things that require you to follow-up and investigate them. As you follow your intuition around something, which usually comes as a form of notion or thought that comes to you out of nowhere, a greater idea begins unfolding through a series of interrelated correspondences and analogies. We’re given clues about something that forms a kind of ‘treasure hunt’ where one clue fully investigated unveils several other clues which require further investigation, and we’re led along a path of self-realization.
Just as the higher powers never violate your ability to choose your destiny and decide which path you take, you’re never allowed to violate other peoples ability to do the same thing. This means you should never try and control someone by imposing your ideas on them, or making their decisions for them, releasing them from responsibility for their own life, because you won’t be assisted from a higher level and will ultimately end up struggling while lost in your own delusion around things. In order to create in a meaningful way you have to always work by ways of universal laws of the Soul and Will. If you attempt to influence another persons destiny by trying to make their decisions for them or convince them on what they should do, you remain locked into a delusion of your own making, and you only act to hinder and weaken the other person spiritually, while incurring karma around your actions.
On the higher planes of being we are a creator and not the one being created by another. In order to advance our soul we have to exercise sovereignty as our natural way of being and thinking. We have to master our own mind and learn how to create in an intelligent and harmonious manner. We have to cultivate selfhood as a permanent union with our higher mind (Self) and never look outside ourselves or to another to give us the answers we seek. The master / slave relationship or need to depend on someone else is the tendency of a lower being that hasn’t realized their true identity and, as a result, lacks any true individuality and the ability to be self-sustaining. All guidance comes through you as increased awareness that expands your consciousness through being in direct contact with a higher source and provides you with the realizations you need in order to make new decisions about things. It nearly always involves a teacher / pupil or parent / child relationship where you’re being shown things you didn’t realize before, and it serves to expand your awareness as a result.

While many people associate intuition with psychic abilities, the most basic form of intuition, which we all have, comes in our ability to correlate all aspects of life and reality as being interconnected and a part of a greater whole. Intuition is the complementary aspect that counterbalances analysis. As our rational mind abstracts a part out of a whole in order to discover its secrets, usually by making it into a whole itself as somehow independent of the whole it played an active part in, intuition connects all seemingly independent parts back into a cohesive whole. Rather than breaking things apart and viewing them as separate, it forms a natural chain-of-association that connects all correlated ideas as correspondences of each other. It’s a holistic way of perceiving all of life as a unified whole or holo-movement. Change any aspect of a whole, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, and the whole is adjusted accordingly through a ripple effect. Calculated decisions come as the result of carefully inspecting a whole system as it operates in unison, and determining what change will work to readjust the whole system so that it functions in a new and more beneficial way.
Intuition is the faculty of the mind that’s always tuned into the invisible energy that permeates, holds together, and animates material objects with specific personality traits as qualities. It ‘sees into’ material forms and connects directly with the soul inhabiting and expressing through and ‘as’ that form. It recognizes the character as qualities of consciousness being housed and hidden within the outer appearance of the form. Instead of perception being based on the outer appearance of things, it’s based on the inner feeling of things. When we tune into the energy and essence of an object or being we come into direct contact with the consciousness animating it as its soul (personal consciousness). We see it ‘as it is’ rather than as it appears outwardly.
Intuition is the highest form of intelligence not only due to its power to bring us into direct contact with the source and root cause of things, but also due to the fact that it operates according to the Law of Correspondences and Analogy. This process comes anytime we’re looking at an idea and we naturally form an immediate chain-of-association to that same idea being orchestrated through other material systems of the same nature. What we call laws are not about the material objects themselves that make up a system, they’re the energy expressing through numerous material forms as the same frequency, pattern and process, and quality of consciousness that expresses as an infinite number of variations.

Material objects themselves have no consciousness and life of their own and only possess what they act to draw in and serve as a vehicle for through resonance. Vibration has a pattern (set of instructions) and self-assembling mechanism (life-force) inherent in it that shapes light into the biological form that corresponds with the overall frequency being expressed as the environment it becomes a part of. The form something takes on always determines how it functions through a natural set of behaviors. Consciousness is the organizing principle that produces material form as movement between complementary poles of the same thing. It forms a ghost-like image as the bio-luminescence produced as an emanation, and magnetizes it with life-force as a personality that plays a harmonious part in the greater whole it’s born into.
We can always discern the unknown aspect of any system by how it exists in relationship with the larger whole (parent pattern) that’s it plays a direct role in as a co-creation. We can know if something is true or not by how it relates harmoniously to all other aspects of the same system. Truth and harmony are synonyms. When we use intuition as a primary means of perceiving things, we see everything in its spiritual form as it plays out and is connected to every other aspect of the same overall idea. It doesn’t come through how we think about things, but as a direct experience that forms ideas in our imagination as an internal vision that rises and plays out spontaneously through its own volition.

Intuition – Clairvoyance, Premonition, and Attaining Higher Knowledge
The Secret behind Understanding how Spiritual Guidance Works

We actively reshape things to be like us by how we interpret them to give them meaning and what it is we compare and relate it to as a means of reshaping it. To develop intuition to a high level we have to cultivate a neutral and passive mind while tuning into the inner nature of things and allow a movie to rise and play out within us in a free-flowing manner without needing to control it in some way. As we interpret something to give it meaning, we reshape it to resemble us. All meaning is personal in nature and doesn’t exist separate from us. Reality in itself has no meaning. The most fundamental way we create as a personification that result in a basic form of illusion, comes through our natural tendency to make things mean something by how we interpret them.
When contemplating an idea this is one of the best ways we have for knowing what’s true and what’s not, and what’s normally referred to as common sense. If an idea goes against everything else that we know to be true, or violates fundamental universal laws, then we know it to be false or a misconception. When we have to work to intentionally shape something into an idea instead of letting it rise naturally then unfold in our mind as a dynamic chain-of-association, we know that we’re the one who actually creating it to match our beliefs and preconceived notions about it. We have to teach ourselves to perceive everything in an objective and rational manner in order to see things as they actually exist without making them mean something.

The material and spiritual plane exists in polarity with each other as a mirror (reverse) image of each other. On the lower plane, where the soul experiences itself within an animal body driven by primal passions and instinct while in an unconscious and automated state, we create our self and our experiences of life through a form of chronic and habitual emotional reactions, and by replaying (constantly thinking about) memories that were painful or traumatic in some way. As a child we’re shaped initially by outside forces as our formative conditioning and remain in that primarily unconscious state throughout our adult life. As we’re trained to create ourselves unconsciously through a constant reaction and anxiety driven negotiation with others, we become a product of our environment and fail to recognize who we really are in terms of our higher soul. On the higher plane of the human soul and spirit, we are the creator and the only one doing the creating. We have to cultivate our higher powers in truly becoming a sovereign, responsible, and self-determined being that thinks for ourselves and make all decisions for our life in a conscious and well-thought out manner.
The material world of Nature is operated through instinct that comes as automatic behaviors conducted without thought or the need to make a decision, and functions as a cohesive part of a group of some kind. We exist in a lower form of consciousness that operates without awareness through a herd mentality. We’re always looking for ideas on what to think or do from others who we imagine know better than we do. We attain what we imagine to be higher knowledge from the opinion of others that we adopt as our own. We accept and believe whatever it is that we’re taught, usually without ever questioning it because we don’t doubt or question what we perceive as real. While operating from an unconscious state we can easily fall prey to those claiming to ‘know for us’ or who act as psychic channels for higher knowledge by lending their will to some unknown source, and forfeit our rational mind in favor of engaging in fantasy and sensationalism instead that simply plays on our vulnerabilities and exploits our lack of true self-awareness.
While locked into a lower mentality of our animal body we’re always looking for someone or something else to tell us what to feel, think, believe, and do, instead of engaging in a form of personal study of true higher knowledge as laws and principles that provide us with instruction on how to use our own mental faculties. All spiritual or higher knowledge only comes to us through an understanding of universal principles and the realizations that come through our ability to apply them in real-life situations as the means of creating. We can only become conscious creators when we learn how to operate our own mind and connect intuitively with our higher self and source. When we remain in constant union with our higher intelligence, we connect with our true power as our Will, and what it is that not only oversees but also organizes, orchestrates, and coordinates all events within the lower, material world. It’s only through our own internal realizations that we connect directly to the truth of things and provide ourselves with the opportunity to intentionally exercise our higher capacities for self-creation.

The lower plane fosters and works out of the group mind, the higher plane promotes and works exclusively out of individuality as a sovereign and self-contained being. It requires us to educate ourselves with higher ideals and skillfully employ universal laws in operating our own mind as the means of creating ourselves and our experience of reality (which are the same thing). The lower plane of manifestation is being created and maintained by our Self on a higher parallel plane. They’re an extension, projection, and continuation of the same idea on different scales and levels.
As we look to others to tell us what to see, think, and do, we reside fully in an unconscious state of being created by others. As long as we maintain this mentality, we’ll never be able to ascend to the higher planes of being the creator of our reality. As long as we render ourselves subject to the opinions and ideas of the group mind we remain a servant to them. As long as we engage in educating ourselves with what is in fact the opinion of others or a personal interpretation of the laws themselves, we keep ourselves in a position of not knowing who we really are in the higher sense of the idea, and never act to develop our higher capacities as an individual.
Knowledge doesn’t come by trying to decide who has the best or most realistic ideas about something, but by studying universal laws and learning how to apply them in the practical sense until they become natural and intuitive. It comes by connecting and becoming one with our true spiritual power as our higher self and allowing it to become our consciousness. As we allow a higher intelligence to come through us we begin experiencing our self in a much more aware and expanded state. We have to practice pacifying our lower, habitual mind in order to actively draw down and embody the consciousness we’re apart of on the higher plane of individuality. All true knowledge is knowledge of the self which is only attained through the self.
All guidance and intelligence only comes to us through direct experience that birth realizations and promote our ability to make more calculated and precise decisions. As we think and develop ideas in our imagination by defining them with sensory details, we simultaneously communicate those ideas to our higher Will as a form of request for that type of experience. All thought and feelings, whether conscious and deliberate or unconscious and habitual, are a form of prayer where we’re literally using one aspect of our mind to direct and program another aspect in what to create. Anytime we’re feeling confused around an idea and uncertain of what’s true or not, and we ask for guidance around it, we begin forming notions around things that are designed to lead us on a path of self-discovery. When we penetrate and explore different ideas that stand out for some reason or we feel compelled towards, a whole new idea begins unfolding that reveals hidden secrets. We’re provided with a glimpse into our true nature and the power of our mind that brings us into contact with our ability to exercise our higher capacities as a sovereign being.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Mentor

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About The Author
Dr. Linda Gadbois
Linda is a scholar in Esoteric Sciences and holds a doctorate in Spiritual Sciences, and a BS in Clinical Hypnotherapy, along with numerous specialty certifications in various healing modalities. She's a certified Health and Success Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and Board Certified in Regression Therapy. She's professional writer, artist, educator and Mentor, and offers a wide variety of Mentoring and Consulting Services, along with professional training programs. Her specialties include Personal Transformation, Self-Mastery, Spiritual Sciences, Transpersonal Psychology, and Integrative Mind-Body Medicine. For more info visit our Personal and Professional Services pages in the top menu bar of this site, or email us at: [email protected]