Self-Mastery by Controlling Your Emotions – Working with the Motivating Force of the Material Plane

The most basic form of self-mastery comes in learning how to control and consciously generate your own emotions. In order to fully understand emotions and their intimate connection to experience, we have to look at life from the multidimensional level of interpenetrating planes of existence that are all interacting to form a coordinated movement as what we experience as reality. Our material reality is formed of three basic levels: the mental, emotional, and physical, with a four-fold nature – mood, thought, emotions, and actions – which combines to form an idea as a living reality. Our reality is created in a cohesive manner out of our feelings and thoughts which are always connected to and congruent with our emotions, which together create our mental paradigm as an interlaced series of ideas generated out of a central idea, which acts more like a theme. The theme of life we form as our mind-set and attitude forms our life story as the type of story we’re always in the process of telling by how we perceive and interpret things to give them meaning and how we experience them through what we tell ourselves about them and how we behave in relationship to our own imaginings.

 We’re always in the process of remaking others in our image and with the same qualities and character that we ourselves are comprised of by perceiving them through our mental paradigm. We are always looking through our paradigm as our perceptual lens, and reorganize everything to be understood, explained, and described using our paradigm to interpret it as a means of creating our experience of it. While we can say that reality itself is objective and neutral, non-personalized and universal in nature, or as existing primarily without actual meaning, how we experience it turns it into a personification as a subjective reality. We are subject to, and controlled and determined by, our own experience of reality. We’re subject to our own creation as our perception that’s a fundamental illusion that ultimately becomes delusional because we live out of it as if it’s true, and create in error as a result.

inner eye of the etheric body

Within the natural realm where experience comes as a bodily sensation, emotion is the common denominator and the means of transmitting information across space and time. We receive information as emotions from other people and all sentient beings. Emotions form a language based on direct experience. It doesn’t communicate through specific thoughts, but rather by stimulating the same emotions in us, which determine what we think based on what we associate to the emotion, and how we relate the feelings to memories of various sorts. The emotions being communicated don’t make us think the specific thoughts of the individual putting them off, but causes us to think the same type of thoughts. While the thoughts associated to the emotion may be different from one individual to another, they act to express the emotions as a thought-process or memory that becomes the template for producing a behavioral dynamic as an outward expression.

 Emotions are very compulsive, and create an inner activity that produces immediate, automatic, and reactive behaviors. Emotional charges of any kind produce an instant and equivalent reaction that renders us unconscious as we’re doing it. We don’t think about how we’re feeling and what we’re doing, we just act in an outburst or instant reaction, and serve to amplify and increase the emotion by becoming the channel for it. We allow the emotion to come through us, acting it out as an unconscious behavior, which causes a direct effect. Our emotional reactions, like any action, are creative in nature, and draw immediate as well as long-term consequences. They create a powerful experience that’s impacting, often to the point of being somewhat traumatizing, for both ourselves and others who are at the butt of our behaviors. Whatever we allow to “come through us” we act as the channel for, that simultaneously shapes us and forms the basis for our life experiences as an accumulative affect that plays out over extended periods of time. This is a basic form of karma.

portal between dimensions

Emotions are a natural part of the instinctual field of the Earth, and are designed to work through the subconscious mind, which is the level of the mind we share with the animal kingdom, that serves to prompt automatic behaviors. This is a bit of a challenge with humans, who have the ability to think and make-up things by imagining them, and who begin thinking in response to emotions, creating whole imagined realities out of the emotions they’re experiencing. Fear is designed to prevent action or move us away from danger of some sort, which is what it does to animals, who as soon as the danger passes no longer feel the fear. With humans, when we feel fear, we begin thinking fearful thoughts and running imaginary scenarios through our mind as situations that intensify or give us more of the same type of fear. Even when the fear as an actual danger is past, we have trouble shaking the feeling, and continue thinking about and imagining fearful thoughts. When we feel emotional pain of some sort, we build whole imagined realities out of our pain, and keep experiencing it over and over by running those thoughts through our mind, conditioning ourselves to it as a common way of thinking and feeling that keeps us in a constant state of pain.

 Whatever emotion we’re experiencing and indulging in, we’re also radiating and acting to stimulate that same emotion in everyone and everything around us. By stimulating it, we call it forth in them, creating an equivalent emotional state in both, out of which we enter into relationship with them through the shared emotion and it becomes the basis for our interaction, which amplifies and increases it by expressing it to create a joint reality. The joint reality created acts to strengthen the emotional state in both people, and they draw unto themselves the experiences it creates, which shapes who they are as people. Our experiences, created out of an unconscious emotional state become the memory of our soul, which reforms it to those types of realities, tuning it to them as a vibratory frequency, where it continues to create (express) out of the illusions they form.

 Emotions are readily felt as a distinct feeling sensation in the body just by being in near proximity of someone exuding the emotions. Those who live out of strong emotions that are always controlling them somehow, impose a strong and distinct influence on everyone around them, by activating in them the same emotions. The language of the body and subconscious mind is emotional in nature and provides us with information about our environment that adjusts our inner state to match that of the outer state preparing us to deal with whatever it is we need to deal with. The fundamental law that governs evolution as a developmental process is a constant exchange of information as qualities and levels of consciousness with our environment. We take in and assimilate the energy and essence that surrounds us, adjusting us to the same molecular state as our surroundings preparing us for what’s coming and what we need to do to interact and survive in it. The mind exists in a basic state of anticipation and readiness. It’s always receiving information as a form of communication with everything around us by how we’re being stimulated emotionally, and how we’re acting to stimulate others through the emotions that are motivating our behaviors and how we’re perceiving our situation through the filter of our emotions.

Dyad and womb of creation

Once we understand this, we can realize that emotions aren’t our enemy, as some believe, but rather our greatest tool for communicating below the level of awareness. By bringing our emotions under control, and being able to perceive them from an objective perspective as information about whoever is projecting them by expressing through them, we can recognize the reality those people live out of and communicate through. By seeing and sensing what their mental model is and how they create their realities by the emotions they allow to operate through them, we can learn how to effectively communicate with them through the language of their emotions using their model as the premise for illustrating it in a way they’ll easily understand. By being able to look at emotions from an objective, neutral perspective, by not letting them take hold in us and submerge us in the delusion that acts as the vehicle for transmission, we can see them as revealing information about the person transmitting them.

 We can develop the ability to use emotions to communicate by realizing their powerful ability to produce actions. We can learn to step into emotional states, and express through them knowing that we’re penetrating peoples mind through the emotion which enters them without their awareness of what’s happening, where they readily take on the necessary state to automatically accept and act on the ideas attached to them. Emotions are the field that transmits information, the carrier wave that injects that idea as a suggestion into their subconscious mind, where it takes hold and begins developing by how they think about. How they think about it, and how they develop the idea into a personal reality, is based on the emotion attached to it. The emotion shapes the idea to be a reality that expresses the emotion and gives us more of the same feeling. Emotions exist in direct relationship to thoughts, and together shape an idea into an inner reality that then becomes the basis for an outer reality by how they project it and act on the idea through the behaviors they employ in response to it.

 Emotions are the motivating forces of the material world, and are either controlling us without our awareness, or we can learn how to control them. By bringing natural forces under control, we can use them as tools for creating, by intentionally and deliberately using them to influence the minds of others, by operating through their subconscious mind. We can use emotions to deliver suggestions that operate at the subliminal level, and work through the same principles that govern hypnosis and the larger idea of brain-washing the masses. Any content delivered through a strong emotion enters the mind without resistance, takes hold, and begin commanding their will by controlling their thoughts. We don’t need to act on them by giving them further instruction through suggestions on how to develop the idea, we simply need to make sure we’ve connected it to the proper emotion by how we deliver it. The emotion connected to the idea will determine how they think about it, what they reference and associate to it, that will form it as an analogy or variation as a personalization, while still holding true to expressing the idea as the reality inherent in the emotion as an experience.

concentration and inner work

The mind has the ability to control and utilize the Elemental forces of Nature, of the natural world, that are primarily what we experience as emotions that contain whole realities in them as a self-organizing quality that shapes reality by how we perceive it. We see though our emotions, and only see what matches our emotions, and can be shaped into the story our emotions tell as living realities. These natural forces also have the ability to control the mind of the soul by determining how we use our creative capacity of thought, which shapes the Astral Light into conceptualized realities in the imagination, that become the perceptual lens that we look through and use to create our experiences by how we interpret the outer reality to tell the same story.

 Thought and emotion are always connected and synchronized, one is impregnated with the other, it’s purely a question of orientation – are our thoughts commanding our emotions, or are our emotions commanding our thoughts? The plane of thought and emotion are parallel and operate by reverse laws on their individualized planes. On the upper universal plane of pure ideas as the potential (whole ideas) that forms thought, thought is active and emotions are passive. Thought invokes emotion in response to it. On the lower plane of emotion, thoughts are passive and emotions are active. Emotions control and determine how we think and what we think about. On the material plane thought is nearly always a response to emotion. By gaining the ability to take conscious control of this process, and orientate ourselves to the higher plane of thoughts and ideas, we can control and regulate our emotional states by employing intentional thoughts that automatically invoke in us their emotional equivalent. By stepping into an idea and allowing the emotions associated to it take affect, we can see the emotional state that’s the natural equivalent of the thought. We can then know what types of emotions are naturally attached to certain types of thoughts, and we obtain “formulas†for transferring ideas through emotional expressions.

 Thought itself, which is usually formed out of memory of some sort, differs with every person, but emotions are universal and something we all share in common. While our thoughts and ideas may not invoke the same emotional response in others, because thoughts are individual based largely on personal memories, emotions are thematic and act to produce imagined realities as the type of memories associated to that emotion. This thematic quality of emotions gives them a universal appeal because it determines the type of thoughts we think, and what type of realities we imagine based on the memories associated to the emotion. Our experiences are a combination of thought and emotion that form a unified reality as a unified outward expression. Because we come into this world in a primarily subconscious state, which forms our programming as memories that are largely emotionally based, where we experience an emotion in a life situation that we then form into a story as the expression of the emotion that makes it mean something, associating that type of idea to the emotion, which forms the memory as apart of a larger reference system.

Anytime thereafter that same emotion is stimulated in us, we associate it to the same type of idea as the memory which produces a thought-process that tells the same type of story about what’s happening and becomes the basis for re-creating it by acting it out as an experience of reality. So while they may have a different memory attached to the emotion, it still creates the reality inherent in that emotion that’s consistent to the theme of the emotion. If the emotion being communicated through is sad and causes them to feel sad, they’ll recall the memories in which they felt sad, and use those memories to recreate a similar experience. They’ll think sad thoughts and see around them only what matches that feeling and can be used to tell the same type of story. Likewise, a feeling of enthusiasm and excitement causes them to access whatever ideas and memories that were created out of a state of excitement, and they think the same type of thoughts applying them to the present.

embracing the cosmos

So the real communication, the one that’s universal in nature, is the emotional content of the communication, which comes through how we’re communicating it with our whole being; our physiology, gestures, tone of voice, facial expressions, timing and emphasis, and so on. The emotional content is the actual transference of information as associated ideas, that, while it allows for individual association of thoughts, it always organizes thoughts into the same theme of the emotion, and what thoughts they imagine in response to the emotion, will still act to express the emotion as a personification of a universal theme. What’s individualized on the higher realm of pure thought is universal on the lower realm of emotion. And what’s universal or shared in common on the emotional plane, is individualized on the higher realm of thought. Again, the universal and individual operating as opposites that are complementary, as active and passive elements of the same thing.

 So the first step in self-mastery is learning how to control our emotional reactions, and in doing so, become aware of what memories you have associated with those emotions, and what internal realities they serve to activate in you as your unconscious and automatic reaction, where the emotion controls you, and you’re being controlled by others and your environment. First by refraining from reacting to emotional triggers, while turning your awareness inward and becoming aware of what’s happening inside of you and what memories you begin thinking about (as a theme) because of the emotion being activated that becomes the basis for a pattern of automatic behavior as an unconscious reaction.

By practicing self-reflection you can begin becoming aware of the true nature of emotions, and how they keep you living out of the past as automated behaviors that keep producing the same type of realities that produce the same type of consequences. Through this awareness you can realize how emotions act to engage and control you. By becoming self-aware you can begin realizing that the emotional states of others only affect you if you let them. If you remain unaware of the nature of emotional charges as the projection or transmission of electrical currents being put off by others, and how you act to naturally receive them and become infected with them then you continue to create your life experiences without direct awareness of what’s happening. You can begin to realize how the emotions and realities being projected by others are an expression of their paradigm and have nothing to do with you, unless of course, you let it by taking it on as your own and cooperate in acting it out with them.

electric neurons

Through this awareness you can begin neutralizing emotions, while still maintaining an awareness of them, and be able to receive and discern the information about others they communicate, without letting them take hold and begin controlling you. Once you reach this state of being able to view and interpret emotions from an objective, non-personal perspective, whole new worlds open up and self-control becomes something that’s easy to do. And even when you get momentarily caught up in an emotional reaction being projected at you, you can catch your self midstream, and back out of it by diffusing it, and begin taking back control of our own thoughts and actions. Through this practice alone you can regain your ability to create in a more deliberate and intentional way, creating with a sense of purpose in what you do with an awareness of the consequences it renders and the series of events it sets into motion as a result.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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