Principle of Vibration – How Vibration becomes Reality

While many of us have seen how vibration as sound creates geometric patterns in elements like water and sand, many don’t fully realize how something as seemingly complex as reality is created by way of the very same vibratory frequencies. One way to understand this is by understanding the difference between a vibration and a frequency, or “range of vibrationâ€. As well as the fundamental principle that governs the behavior of energy as resonance, sympathetic induction, and coherence. While vibration forms distinct patterns in the elements of the physical plane of material substances, it also forms patterns on the plane of light as photons, which we experience as the ghost-like substance that shapes ideas into images and living realities in our imagination, which is the formative and reality generating aspect of the mind. Vibration forms any matter or surreal substance into patterns as shapes, ideas, or objects. A cluster of vibrations or interlaced sequence of vibratory frequencies creates an array of images and interrelated ideas as a cohesive and greater reality of a multitude of patterns.

Vibration is the very foundation as the primordial energy of consciousness that permeates and creates on all levels of existence simultaneously as a dynamic series of interrelated correspondences and analogies. A frequency as a range of vibration clusters together similar vibrations that form a class, kind, type, or species, as the nature of the form that emerges as the expression or offspring of the vibration. Frequencies form a classification as a family or kind, that all share the same basic group of characteristics and a similar personality or behaviors. Form always determines function, and anything with similar physical characteristics or properties also function and behave in a similar fashion. All laws and principles in general are classified and represented by form as a geometric shape that gives it attributes and properties in certain measurement and proportion that naturally produce specific behaviors, functions, or operations. So the behavior and nature of someone reveals their vibratory frequency.

electric neurons

In all of Nature and the Cosmos as we know it, nothing is at rest, everything moves, everything vibrates. The differing manifestations of matter, which in its most primary form is photons as light or essence, is energy, mind, and spirit, all of which result from varying rates of vibration. The scale ranging from pure spirit and the subtlest energy down to the densest material object is vibrating at a specific rate (speed). The greater it’s vibratory rate the higher its position on the scale from high (invisible or translucent) to low (solid) manifestation. Spirit and matter are different degrees or extremes of the same thing. Matter itself does not contain consciousness or energy outside of what it draws into it from its environment through the invisible space around it. The subtle energy as consciousness is what either organizes or changes matter forming a unified body through a form of coagulation, or activates a growth process that manufactures matter as a regenerative process.

While lower life forms vibrate at a specific rate based on their kingdom, species, or kind, humans have a higher capacity of consciousness as creativity and can tune themselves to vibratory frequencies by how they use their minds to draw into them vibration as qualities of consciousness through their power of will and imagination and their ability to willfully direct their attention and form intentional thoughts as imagined ideas. The mind has the ability to direct and influence matter through its ability to shape astral light into thought forms that introduce a specific vibration that modifies the overall system as a correlation of corresponding vibrations of the same kind of reality. Our mental state is how we act to modify our physical state. Our mental state produces realities as the pattern or idea inherent in the state as a frequency.

mental frequency

The differences between various manifestations are due to varying rate and mode of vibration. Vibration is created by the movement between poles of opposites, where spirit is at one end and matter is at the other. Between these two poles are millions and millions of different rates and modes of vibration. All energy and matter are but modes of vibration and the mind is likewise, a field of energy as a mode of vibration or “state†that shapes and effects matter with that same vibration and quality of consciousness. While the rate of vibration may be seen as the form matter takes on, the “mode†imbues it with a form of personality. The mind is a form of subtle energy that’s formed from the Ether, which is what we call the universal mind in which all vibration exists in a state of pure potential (ideas not yet formed), and can be drawn on by any material form through the mind which inhabits that form, that’s of the same vibratory frequency through resonant induction.

A potential idea is a seed for a possible reality that’s drawn into the individual mind which naturally acts to modify the vibration of the idea by adapting it to the model of the mind, while simultaneously influencing the matter of the body, which is always a direct correspondence to the mind or soul that inhabits and animates it. As these vibrations of pure potential, not yet brought into form are introduced into the human mind, they’re shaped into concepts as imagined forms and possible realities. Every vibration as a pattern is an objective idea that provides the seed for producing a reality based on how its shaped in the mind of the individual conceiving it, and though it’s shaped into a unique variation of that idea, it holds true to that idea as one of millions of possibilities for creating that idea as a living reality that can be experienced in sensory terms.

The hexad

The pattern as a self-organizing structure inherent in the vibration, while forming geometric patterns when sound vibration is used, in its silent form, when received by the higher intelligence of the human mind, it forms light-essence into a pattern as an idea for creating a reality as a personal creation. It shapes the vibration as an idea into a light form as an internal representation of an outer material reality, or phenomena. How it’s shaped or grown in the individual mind is based on the current frequency of that mind, which also has a distinct personality to it, and determines how it’s reformed as a unique variation. So while we all have the ability to tune into and draw into us ideas from this unified field of mass or universal consciousness, we’re only capable of drawing into us what’s of the same frequency or within close range of our frequency, and reshape it to match or correspond to our overall frequency as a theme, that personalizes it.

We can also intentionally use our mind to tune into a certain frequency by how we think and what type of ideas we focus on and contemplate, and use to form internal realities by how we imagine them. This energy which exists in polarity of positive and negative aspects as degrees between two extremes of the same quality, can be used to tune us to a higher frequency by consistently focusing on and thinking about positive, constructive, and beneficial ideas, that build up our frequency, increasing our vibration and what we’re able to conceive of and draw into us as a channel for the expression of the reality inherent in the vibration. As we increase our thoughts to a positive higher vibration, until they become natural and normal, or what we think about in a routine sense, we move ourselves along an invisible scale from lower to higher vibrations increasing our frequency and what we’re capable of acting as the channel for bringing into the world as a corresponding reality.

astral light

The way a vibration becomes a reality as the pattern or formative force inherent in it, is through the faculty of the imagination as the three-dimensional thoughts that birth the pattern by shaping astral light into a thought-form. Our imagined thoughts are also the natural means for tuning ourselves to a higher vibration by directing our attention and purposely contemplating certain ideas as our general thoughts while simultaneously removing our attention from other types of thinking and imagining that are either petty and meaningless, or outright destructible and harmful, either to ourselves or to others. Our will is our thinking. Whatever we think about we will by bringing into form, first through the thoughts themselves by imagining them, and forming internal dialogue around them, then by speaking and communicating through them, while forming a belief around them. Anything we can imagine as real is also believable.

Key Points:
• Vibration is a pattern that’s created through a self-organizing field that forms and holds matter into place as the pattern inherent in the vibration.
• Vibration as a pattern forms a series of correspondences based on the plane it manifests on.
• A physical vibration produced by sound, structures elements into geometric shapes that form composite images as a frequency or cluster of vibrations.
• Vibration on the mental plane comes as an idea that shapes a living reality in the imagination of the person conceiving it.
• The imagination converts mental energy as objective universal ideas into possible realities by shaping the essence of matter as light into possible realities as an inner experience.
• These light-forms of the imagination provide a template for creating a corresponding reality by driving the behavior of the person imagining it who acts as the channel or vehicle for that vibration to become an actual physical manifestation.
• Vibration forms a state of mind which produces spontaneous thoughts and emotions that have potential realities inherent in them.
• We act as a receptor for whatever vibrations-thoughts-emotions that is of the same nature or frequency as our overall vibration through resonance.
• We can tell what our frequency is at any given moment by how we feel, what mood we’re in, and what we think about as a general rule, and we can also tune ourselves to a higher frequency by controlling and directing our attention into specific ideas that are of a beneficial nature in a constant and consistent manner.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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