The Pentagram and the Law of Regeneration – The Quintessence, Golden Ratio of Phi, and the Holographic Nature of the Universe

The Pentagram is a geometric symbol formed as a five-pointed star contained within a circle (Monad), and typically represents what’s called the 5th element of the ether, which can also be thought of as the primary element of the “mind and soul” that precedes all material manifestations. It represents the power of the mind in being able to shape and utilize the 4 elements of the material world as a means of creating, and as the base element or etheric model which we then continue to develop to a higher, and more refined state of self-perfection, forming what’s called the Quintessence. The fifth Element represents the fluidic substance of the Etheric body which can be thought of as a holographic model that encompasses and organizes the 4 Elements of the material realm – fire (electrified plasma), air (gaseous), water (liquid), and earth (solid) – into a living form. It symbolizes mind-over-matter in the sense that the mind, which is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, permeates, and encompasses the body (commonly called the aura), has a self-organizing mechanism inherent in it that serves to organize matter into a biological form through a process of self-replication and regeneration of a single cell. The initial cell contains all the information necessary for constructing the entire body along with a holographic blueprint that tells it where to spatially locate within the body. The original cell not only regenerates itself billions of times, each time reconfiguring the base genetic information to form a specialized function in the greater whole, but also seems to “act on itself” to assemble itself into a living biological organism.

The greater whole is comprised of the sum of its parts, and each part contains the information and image of the whole within it. In this sense, the outer world as a greater whole is produced (assembled) as a projection of the information contained within a single part, and the inner world as the part, contains the etheric blueprint for assembling the outer world into a corresponding image as a reflection of itself on a greater level. The whole is formed by taking the same group of information contained within the part, and reconfiguring it to form a unique variation of the same basic idea (pattern) on a larger and more inclusive level. What we perceive as an outer reality is formed as a projection of our own mental paradigm, formed on the inner planes of our mind. This same idea can also be understood by realizing that as we shape an idea in our mind, bringing it alive with sensation, we cause it to “vibrate” on the inner planes, forming a thematic frequency, and that frequency serves to order and organize the light of the outer world into a corresponding metaphorical pattern that reflects back to us our own mental creation. This principle is known as the holographic principle, and is represented by the pentagram because when drawn properly, the inner part of the star forms a smaller star or pentad that’s upside down in relation to the larger, outer pentad.

Pentad - pentagram - the holographic law of regeneration

This same idea also represents the fundamental law of polarity, which is symbolized by the Triad or triangle, where two opposing aspects (two points that are on the same level) of the same thing are reconciled in forming a third element (single point of the apex) as a unified whole. All movement, which is the basis for vibration and what acts to shape an idea into a 3-dimensional form, is based on the interaction of polar opposites. Each single element, represented by the points on the star, are formed as a triad, and is what forms the infrastructure of the whole shape, where the inner and outer are mirror images of each other on a smaller and larger scale at the same time. What we call the “4 elements”, are really 2 elements, fire and water, which combine to produce the third element of air, and air forms the finer atmosphere (etheric body) of what becomes a solid form (physical body). This same principle operates through DNA to produce a biological being by taking two strands (male and female) or sequences of genetic information (memory) and combining them to form a third sequence as the blueprint for producing a new variation (offspring) as a unique configuration. This forms the basis for what’s called the “Three in One law”, where a single entity is comprised of three aspects that each play a different role and function in creating and maintaining a greater whole. Any single being has a dual nature, formed as electric and magnetic forces that act as a form of switching mechanism for turning on some information, while turning off other information, forming a new configuration that expresses in new and original ways. As we interact with the world around us we’re constantly shaping it into a mirror image of ourselves based on what stands out and is used to form our experience, and what goes unnoticed, and is therefore left out. What we refer to as our etheric blueprint can be thought of as being equivalent to our mental paradigm, which is comprised of memory that’s synthesized into a single model or archetypal matrix. Our mental model forms the etheric blueprint we use for organizing, growing, and regenerating ourselves throughout our lifetime.

The Fibonacci Sequence of the Golden Ratio

All growth and regeneration takes place through a natural process symbolized by what’s called the Fibonacci Sequence of the Golden Ratio. These principles represent the natural processes used as a means of growing ourselves through a fundamental process of adaptation and modification. We act initially to produce new experiences by perceiving the outer world through our paradigm, reshaping it into a new variation of an ongoing theme, and then we integrate the experience back into the mental model that birthed it as memory, where it acts to evolve it based on any new information acquired. We grow ourselves systematically throughout our life by producing new experiences of a common theme that are accumulated and built up over time as memory of ourselves attained through our own mental projections. This process demonstrates the harmony and beauty inherent in the relationship between the part and the whole, between our inner self and our outer world, which are formed as a mirror image of each other. Symmetry (duality) and harmony (resonance) are an essential part of all natural phenomena. The Fibonacci Sequence is where you take any two numbers and add them together to create a new number as their sum total, then add the last one in relationship to the total, to get a new total, and so on. Example: 0 + 1 =1; 1 + 1 = 2; 1 + 2 = 3; 2 + 3 = 5; 3 + 5 = 8; 5 + 8 = 13; 8 + 13 = 21; 13 + 21 = 34;  and so on. Once you develop a whole sequence, the relationship as the ratio between the last and the second to last, comes out close to Phi, which is represented by the number 1.618. This can be understood in the practical sense by realizing that the most recent past, combined with the present as a modification, combine to form the basis for the future. We grow through life by first producing new variations of our life theme (archetypal makeup), and then by integrating them back into our model as a means of evolving ourselves to a new level of expression.

Phi - Golden Ratio

Five represents the Phi relationship through halving and doubling, demonstrated by the relationship of 2 + 3 = 5. The relationship between the 2 and 3 is one of symmetry, because if you take the 2 and divide it into equal parts of 1, then add the part (1) to the whole (2), you get 3. Three is formed as one and a half of two. All growth and development throughout the natural world comes about through a symmetrical process of halving and doubling (self-replicating as the means of growing), represented by the Golden Ratio, and the mathematical relationship of Phi. You don’t want to think of Phi as a number, per se, but as the relationship that exists between the parts and the whole, both of which exist in harmony with each other on different scales, levels, and magnitudes at the same time. All parts exist in a harmonious ratio to each other as halves and doubles. The cellular structure of a living organism, for example, grows through a generative process of a single cell dividing itself in half (self-replicating) to produce a twin or double, and then continues to grow through a process of doubling and multiplying. One cell divides to become 2 cells, and then doubles to become 4, and doubles again to become 8, and again to become 16, then 32, 64, 128, and so on.

Symbolic Significance of the Star

The star has always been the symbol of excellence, power, and authority. It’s used in rating systems, military ranking, fame as stardom, excellence as superstars, and conveys a deep seated association with excellence, brilliance, and superiority. In many spiritual traditions it was the symbol used to ward off evil. An upright star with the single tip triangle at the top center, with the other four at angles below it, represents the soul’s ability to master the 4 Elements of material existence which require it to resist evil. The Pentagram reversed, with the 4 Elements above the single tip triangle at the bottom, represents the material elements controlling and using the mind to create. The devil (lived spelt backwards) is an archetype that evolved out of the mythological god called Pan. Pan is typically portrayed as being part human and part animal, usually depicted as having two horns (divided mind), red hair (passionate), a human torso with goats body from the waist down (sexual organs), with hooves and a tail, and represented the lustful fertility of nature inherent in “animal instincts” and the process mating and regeneration. When this energy is allowed to run freely without exercising restraint born out of good judgment, it’s known to induce an intense feelings of panic (anxiety) or pandemonium (disorder and confusion), that was commonly thought of as having inner demons or being possessed by evil spirits. Not so much in the sense of what we normally think of as being demonic, and therefor evil, but more as raw animal-like qualities that eventually take control of our mind and will, producing equivalently deranged emotions, perverted thoughts, and immoral behaviors, which act to degrade the soul by becoming more animal-like in nature. A reversed pentagram can also represent the divine soul’s descent into an animal body, where it becomes corrupted with perverted qualities commonly associated with primal instincts and behaviors driven by negative emotions.

Inverted pentagram

The symbol of the Pentad (created by connecting the outer tips of the star together with straight lines), represents a doorway that leads to parallel dimensions of the astral (star) plane. This is the symbol used to represent a “stargate” that leads to higher dimensions of consciousness which we can only pass through while inhabiting an animal body by raising our own mental vibration through a process of self-purification. As we develop our ability to control our own lower nature governed by animal passions (4 elements of the material world), a form of rebirth takes place as a form of spiritual ascension. The Pentad corresponds to the throat chakra of the subtle body, where thoughts are formed into word-pictures that are resonated on the inner planes, calling forth a corresponding outer reality. Words that are formed into sensationalized pictures in our imagination, fill us with a desire to experience them (heart chakra), which acts to generate an emotion in response to it (solar plexus), which becomes the motivating force for how we express it (arousal – sexual chakra), in producing an outer experience of it (root chakra). As we speak, we systematically call forth the reality of our thoughts. The throat chakra acts as the gateway between the higher world of pure mind and thought, and the material world of sensation and experience. Once we form a clear understanding of how it is we call forth and determine our own life experiences, we can begin using the power of imagination to shape and direct the natural forces of the material plane and gain control over our own lower nature. This is the basis for learning how to master our own mind and body in the pursuit of personal excellence.

Dreaming into Being - the chakras of the subtle body

All regeneration comes from a “seed” that contains a pattern that grows by producing more of the same pattern on many different scales and levels, called fractal patterns. These self-replicating fractal patterns multiply through a process of growth and development where a part reproduces to form a new whole. We not only reproduce physically by bearing children with the same appearance and character as we have, but also emotionally, psychologically, and perceptually, as a product and outgrowth of our mental paradigm. Our model of the world, as a dynamic pattern of interwoven memories, meaning, beliefs, values, preferences, tendencies, temperament, and so on, systematically produce our inner and outer reality as fractals of each other. Our mental model is a metaphorical pattern that forms every aspect of our inner and outer reality as being comprised of the same idea, formed on a smaller and larger scale at the same time. When we draw a star, the center of the star forms another Pentad and a smaller scale that’s a reversed (polarized), mirror image. The shape of the Pentad or pentagon is formed by connecting all of the outer points of the star with straight lines. The same shape is produced inwardly at the center, where another star can be drawn upside down, producing another Pentagram on an even smaller scale. This represents the holographic effect of the outer and inner being formed from the same pattern at different scales and interwoven levels as parallel planes that blend together in forming a larger cohesive dimension.

Fractal patterns

The spiritual, invisible realm of pure subtle (scalar) energy, forms the electromagnetic field of the etheric body as a hologram (highly organized field of information), which acts as a spatial blueprint for organizing and forming both the physical body and outer reality of the body, as the same entity formed on multiple levels and interlaced dimensions at the same time. This idea is represented by the 5th element of the etheric body, produced by coalescing the 4 elements of the material plane into a single entity as an outer body of light that serves as a vehicle for acquiring experiences of itself as an entire reality. Likewise, the inner reality of our thoughts and visions form the perceptual lens we look through to see the same archetypal idea playing out around us as a greater theme that provides us with the basis for attaining experiences of ourselves through our own mental projection. Our mental model serves as a vibratory frequency and etheric template that’s mentally superimposed over the outer environment and used to (re)form it to be a correspondence of our inner reality, shaped as a more inclusive and complex pattern that sets the stage necessary for acquiring experiences of ourselves through our own mental projection. What we perceive as a greater reality is formed through a dynamic layering of holographic fractal patterns formed on multiple levels and scales simultaneously in forming what we experience as a single reality.

Phi symbolizes the symmetrical process of regeneration which is achieved by a single entity dividing itself into two equal parts as a means of multiplying and forming the same metaphorical pattern on multiple scales and levels at the same time, all of which are proportionately of the same ratio. While Phi is usually thought of as a number (1.618), it can be more accurately thought of as a relationship a single entity forms with different aspects of itself that manifest in different ways and on different levels in forming a single reality. Every aspect that makes up our outer reality is reflecting back to us an inner aspect of our character and psychological makeup. It represents the relationship formed between the part and the whole, as a proportionately smaller version, and the whole with a part, all of which are of the same nature, characteristics, and type (classification). Phi represents the ideal as the Golden Ratio, where different sequences become more exact at different scales. It represents an ideal (excellence) as a core value. A value that becomes a self-replicating rhythm, like mirrors facing each other, where the image becomes smaller and smaller each time it’s reflected. You don’t have to be able to see or know the whole in order to understand it, because the part resembles the whole, and operates by the same values and principles.

Pentagram - five elements

The Quintessence is a term used to describe a state of perfection formed as an “ideal”, achieved through a consistent process of regenerating yourself to a higher and more refined level of consciousness. This process of spiritual regeneration is undertaken through the principles represented by the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio of Phi, as a natural process of growth and development that’s self-administered and self-regulated. We work with our etheric body (mental model), which forms the vibratory frequency that replicates itself on different scales to produce what we experience as an outer reality, and our “self” as an intrinsic part of that reality, to transform it by consistently producing new types of experience. As we integrate new experiences of ourselves we upgrade and evolve the memory of ourselves that form our mental model. Our inner model acts to project the outer world as a reflection of itself on a larger and more inclusive scale, which is then absorbed as the means of “knowing ourselves” through our own creation, and molded back into the model that birthed it, evolving it according to any new variations formed. The outer is always acting on the inner to grow and concentrate it, and the inner forms the seed that produces the outer as continuous reflection. They exist in exact proportion to each other as the same idea being coordinated and played out on different scales at the same time. Our subtle body is an electromagnetic field formed as a hologram that vibrates at a particular frequency, and serves as a spatial blueprint for growing and developing the physical body as a 3-D biological form, through a consistent process of cellular regeneration. The cell contains the information of the whole as genetic composition, which is comprised of two complementary aspects that combine to form a new matrix of information by matching 3 out of 4 codons in each sequence. Each part is produced by forming different combinations of the same information, based on what’s turned on and what’s turned off, to form a sequence that performs a specialized role and function in the operation of a greater whole.

The pentagram represents the Hermetic axiom of “the higher and lower, and inner and outer as being comprised of the same thing”, and the etheric body as the seed or core the forms the outer reality as a hologram. Our inner nature, formed out of a formula of qualities and characteristics, forms the informational basis for producing our outer world of experience. The inner and outer are formed as extensions of each other, formed on different scales and magnitudes at the same time. What we perceive as existing outside of us, is a direct metaphorical reflection of what exists inside of us, and forms the basis necessary for “experiencing ourselves” through our own mental projection. As above, so below, as within, so without, in the miraculous workings of the One thing. The Pentagram represents our creative power to act as an authority in our own life, to develop ourselves into an ideal that simultaneously changes the outer reality and how we experience ourselves within and as a fundamental part of that reality. All of which we are created through the dynamic relationship of the mind (spirit) with the 4 Elements of the material world, which are formed and exist as a part of the same vibratory model as a frequency.

Dr. Linda Gadbois   

Transpersonal Psychologist, Mind-Body Health Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher

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