Multiple Personality Disorder – The Soul’s Ability to Create the Body and Reality
While we can look at the placebo effect all day long as a means of attempting to understand the minds ability to shape reality or regulate the chemistry and function of its own body, the true impact of this idea comes through what we call Multiple Personality Disorder, or when two or more personalities appear to be inhabiting the same body. Just as potential is latent in the normal or average person, and though not actively expressing can be used by making it active to modify or transform the basic personality of the body, multiple personalities exist within the same body and move in and out of active dominance as a shift in state, that employs an entirely different personality that completely alters not only the energy of the body as its demeanor, taking on entirely different ways of being, but also transforms the actual condition and function of the body they share. What we call the personality can also be thought of as an aspect of the mind called the subconscious mind, which is the consciousness of the body, or the soul. The mind and soul are synonymous. So whenever we’re talking about personality, we’re also talking about the mind as the consciousness that actually expresses physically as the personality of the body.
Different personalities have entirely different minds and correspondences as different names, memories, personal history, identity, race, nationality, gender, sexual preference, and health conditions, which include illness, disease, disabilities, and cancers. In rare cases, some personalities can even be of a different species, such as an animal or alien life-form. The number of personalities can range from two to several. One of the most remarkable things about multiple personalities in terms of the personality’s ability to shape-shift or form the body, which of course can be measured and physically observed, is that one personality can have severe type one diabetes (for example), and the others don’t. This doesn’t mean it just acts like or pretends it has diabetes, but rather that diabetes actually exists as the condition of the body, and is self-evident and physically measured through testing. Yet they only have the disease in one of their personalities, where it’s fully manifest, and not at all in the other(s).

The same goes for any number of conditions, including cancer which can be in an advanced stage. This change in the physical condition of the body takes place just as instantly as the shift in personalities do, and when they move back into another personality (it becomes outwardly present and dominant), the condition disappears completely, and their entire health changes just as abruptly. This shift in state as moving between personalities, can take place in a matter of a few seconds, not hours or days. And so the entire physical state of the body, changes just as instantly as the correlation to what we call the personality, which can also be thought of as the soul, because the soul is what manifests as the personality and regulates the molecular structure and function of the body. It’s the mind or soul that actually organizes and forms the body and gives it the life that it has as a conscious being.
This shows us that the personality isn’t something that’s just created through the genetic composition of the bodies DNA or ancestral memory, but it’s acquired by way of or as an expression of the soul that inhabits it. And while we can clearly say that the soul attracts into the physical body that’s complementary to it (of the same frequency and nature), and is therefore ideally suited for the soul as its vehicle for expression, and that its genetic memory and physical characteristics correlate with the soul, we can also see that the personality and state of the body is a product of the mind-soul that serves to organize its molecular structure, stimulate and regulate biological processes, animate with natural behaviors, and ultimately expresses through it. We can conclude that the physical condition of the body (the one it takes on) is determined by the soul as what we commonly think of as karma. What we call karma is the memory of the soul that forms the mental paradigm of the mind. We can see (directly observe) that illness and disease are produced by the soul as a natural form of karma that systematically shapes the body to produce whatever condition and situation the souls mental paradigm naturally forms, as a means of setting the stage necessary for learning and growing through life experience, which only comes through altering and transforming the mind that’s responsible for creating it.

The mind which is the instrument of the soul, is what organizes the biology of the body, and determines its state (vibratory frequency), how it functions, and what type of reality it produces and lives out of, all of which is its own creation. We are at once the creator of our life, the one experiencing our creation, and the witness of our life experiences, which becomes the memories of our soul as its vibratory structure, or mental paradigm. We are always acting on ourselves as the means of creating the experiences that serve to shape us by how we identify with our own self-created experiences. The only difference is each part of the whole process is created and conducted by different aspects of the same mind, which are largely unaware of each other and how they operate together to form the same cohesive and coherent reality as a spirit, mind, and body.
The subconscious mind completely forms and operates the body while forming our basic perceptions and emotional states, without any awareness by the conscious mind of what’s happening or why. The conscious mind is the thinking, talking mind that forms our outer awareness as our waking state, which remains completely unaware of the creative ability of its own subconscious mind which is what’s producing the reality that it then uses to create its experience out of by how it interprets it to tell a story about it. As the conscious mind tells a story about the outer reality created by its own subconscious mind, it then forms an association with and gets its sense of itself through that experience. The conscious mind is unaware of what the subconscious mind is doing and thinks that it’s in charge of creating its reality through choice and will, and imagines that reality is separate from itself, and something that’s happening to it, independently of it, and therefore beyond its control. It has no idea that the world out there is a mirror image or direct reflection of the world in here, as hidden or unknown aspects of itself that are being projected outward and superimposed on everyone and everything else.

This observable fact as a reality, like any strange occurrence that can’t be explained using conventional models, has been largely ignored by the scientific community and psychologists, or has been completely altered by trying to explain it through paradigms that can’t explain it. One of the natural tendencies of the mind is to alter reality by simply perceiving it through its own mental paradigm as a means of attempting to understand (make sense out of and explain) what’s not understandable using its paradigm. What exists outside of our paradigm, we literally can’t comprehend, even though we can observe it. And by trying to explain it using our paradigm, we change it completely and make out to be something entirely different (like us). Our beliefs about what’s real and what’s not, or what’s possible or impossible form the parameters of our mind as self-imposed limitations that prevent us from being able to comprehend and step into whole new aspects of reality. Instead, we become invested in reducing all levels to neatly fit within our ideas about it. Because of this human tendency, Multiple Personalities has been either completely ignored by the scientific community, thrown out as being a fluke or pseudo-science (what we now label everything we can’t explain), or reclassified with terminology (Dissociative Identity Disorder) that reforms it into an acceptable hypothesis that can be explained away through the conventional mindset.
What we now call Multiple Personality Disorder, or what they’ve relabeled and now call Dissociative Identity Disorder (because the identity is an outgrowth of the personality), is what has historically been called possession. The idea of being possessed simply referring to having multiple spirits or entities possessing the same body. Because this was a strange and mysterious phenomenon, it was considered demonic or somehow evil in nature, and the clergy was called on to perform exorcisms, which was the process used to pull out and remove the foreign spirit from the body, resuming whatever they considered their real personality. But if we simply remove the need to explain what’s happening and simply observe it from more of a factual perspective (that defies explanation), we can clearly see that invisible forces as the mind and soul manifest in the body as its personality, and systematically changes the entire nature of the body using the same biological substance and structure causing it to appear different. The soul as the mind and some mysterious invisible force is what gives the body its condition and nature, and forms the vehicle for the soul that then creates and expresses through it.
Integrative Health Consultant and Spiritual Mentor