Mastering Your Will to Accomplish Goals – Thought, Desire, Imagination, and Action

Harmony and Alignment is the Key to Creating”

Many times we set goals for ourselves as a means of self-development, lifestyle change, or improving our life conditions, where we start off with a feeling of determination and will power, only to have it fade, weaken, and give up relatively early in the process. We don’t seem to have the ability to stick with something long enough to accomplish it, or we start doubting it, wavering, and changing our mind as soon as it becomes difficult. Then we can feel disappointed in ourselves, let down, and realize weaknesses of various sorts that become discouraging, often preventing us from trying again. We simply give into the feeling of being unable to create and be empowered in our own lives, and live a mundane and unfulfilling existence, or succumb to the very things we have a relentless desire or moral need to overcome. The more we try and fail the more discouraged we become, until at some point, we quit trying.

The main reason we think we’re making decisions for ourselves that we can’t willfully complete or produce, is because we fail to align all aspects of ourselves to the same goal. In order for us to manifest a new behavior, character trait, or reality of any kind, requires the alignment of the conscious (the one making the decision) with the subconscious (the one that produces it as a reality) mind. This alignment of the two material minds is synonymous with aligning the two hemispheres of the brain, because the mind operates the brain, and the entire system through the brain. The conscious mind is the aspect of the mind that possesses the ability to choose as a change of some sort, and is the intellectual talking and dialoguing mind, while the subconscious is the emotional, feeling and experiential aspect of the mind. Thought and emotion are always in-sync, and whatever emotion is married to the thought, becomes the formative motive for shaping the thought as a material manifestation.

Goals, and what seems like choices we make that are never fulfilled, is usually because the wrong emotion is associated to the thought as a reality. The subconscious only motivation is self-preservation and maintaining the status quo through habitual states. It’s habitual (automatic) in nature and operates out of memory as established patterns. In order to manifest something new or to change a habit, we have to work directly with the subconscious mind by programming it with the reality of the desired goal, while convincing it of how it will benefit in emotional terms.

Polarized aspects of the brain and mind

Emotion is produced basically in two ways, one is as a response to our own thoughts, or from a charge we absorb that’s being projected from others or from our environment. Emotions are the primary energy of the astral plane, which can be equated to the atmosphere around us (of the Earth) that acts as an energetic medium that not only connects us to everyone else, but also serves as the means of transmitting emotional charges as a basic form of communication as vibratory states. Emotions of the physical plane are absorbed into the body, stimulating the chakra system (energy matrix of the astral body) that in turn stimulates our endocrine glands, which produce hormones that are of the same frequency (nature) as the stimulation, and alters our body chemistry and state to match or be the equivalent of it. This is how, from an evolutionary perspective, we stay in-tuned too and at the same energetic vibration of the environment in which we live, interact, and survive.

Anytime there’s a conflict of interest between the two minds, they act to sabotage and counteract each other. We have not only to bring the conscious and subconscious minds into harmony with each other, but also match the inner vision of the goal with our life conditions, circumstances, and associations. You don’t ever want to set yourself up so that in order to achieve the goal you have to constantly resist something that’s conflicting, or expose yourself constantly to what prevents it or steadily moves you away from it. All goals need to be of a personal nature and can’t require somebody else to achieve. The only real goals in life are those that pertain to developing yourself in some way through use of your creative power to choose and willfully produce desired experiences of reality that give you a certain type of feeling. Feelings are the language of the soul, and the desired result of all material goals.

The only way we create in life is by operating according to law, not by working against law. Law states that’s the feminine and masculine must always be in alignment and harmonious in order to pro-create or produce a material reality as its expression or offspring. We have to associate the proper emotion to our thought as an experience of the reality we wish to create, and then match the outer environment and what we connect and associate with, with the desired inner reality. We have to associate with whatever and whomever is of the same mind-set and reality as that which we wish to create. When we connect and associate with what’s of the same nature as our desired creation, it’s supported, strengthened, and amplified. When we continue to exist in relation with what’s not of the same nature (frequency), that contradicts or undermines it, we’re constantly tempted, filled with self-doubt, feel weakened and ultimately lose our focus.

third eye as the faculty of imagination

Whatever we associate with we become like. Like always produces more of what’s like itself. This is the Law of Vibration. We only resonate (serve to vibrate and bring into an active state) with shared qualities and characteristics of that which we exist in relationship with. If our desired goal for manifesting change is not a natural part of the relationships we form with others and our life circumstances, nothing is serving to activate or vibrate us with that same idea as qualities and characteristics, and instead is constantly activating contradictory ideas in us. To manifest ourselves and reality, we have to create a completely harmonious and synchronized process.

As we make goals for desired change, we need to check those goals with all areas of our life to make sure they’re compatible and can be harmoniously integrated, producing beneficial effects in all areas of our life. If a desired change in one area contradicts another, or will cause problems in another area, they act to counterbalance each other, and a form of debate takes place as a negotiation and internal conflict. Anytime we’re experiencing internal conflict around an idea it acts to sabotage and contradict it. So any goal as a desired manifestation should be thought out in terms of how it’ll affect relationships, lifestyle, spiritual practices, health, economics, career, and so on. The idea has to be integrated into your life in a congruent and beneficial manner, or you’ll have to decide if the goal is more important to achieve than what you’ll have to give up or let go of in order to accomplish it.

There has to be a clear realization of the reality of what you’re achieving in terms of your entire life, and only when there’s congruence and continuity should you continue. Sometimes the goal simply needs to be modified to accommodate other areas in an agreeable way. All internal conflict has to be resolved around the goal, and all areas brought into alignment in terms of how achieving the goal will affect them. The benefits that will come through achieving the goal have to be well defined and infused with positive emotions that will make it very compelling and desirable. The most natural form of willpower lies in our desire for something and our ability to imagine it as an actual experience.

mental construct of astral light

Once a life ecology check has been made, and all internal conflict resolved, the goal has to be concentrated on and formed in the imagination as an actual experience of the reality it implies. It has to be formed in sensory terms – what are you seeing, hearing, feeling, touching, smelling and tasting, and what are you telling yourself about it that makes it mean something – and you have to play it out as a scenario that’s exactly as you want it, while associating very positive and compelling (magnetic) emotions to it. You have to form it as an internal representation that’s up close, in full vivid color, imbued with strong sensations, and create your experience of it as being very fulfilling and satisfying, and really tune into the feeling it gives you. All goals are ultimately to acquire a feeling of some kind, and the feeling will act as your barometer and navigation system. The feeling of an experience is its vibration.

Imagine the desired reality in as many different scenario’s and circumstances as possible, developing each one until you get it just like you want it. Then, when you’ve perfected it, play it over and over, enhancing the sensory experience and emotion it brings, while telling yourself a story about it that infuses it with meaning. As we form internal dialogue around it while imaging it in vivid terms, feeling it deeply as an actual experience, we seat it into the subconscious mind as a form of virtual memory. This memory as a sensory reality forms a vibratory frequency as a pattern that the subconscious uses to produce the emotional state (body chemistry) and behavior (actions) necessary, while connecting to that same idea as a frequency in the environment around us, magnetizing us to it.

The subconscious acts to connect us with the reality of our thoughts in everyone and everything around us, while also producing all the behavior and actions necessary for initiating, interacting, and causing it. The subconscious mind produces all of our natural behaviors out of various forms of memory. To manifest an idea as a new habit, behavior, way of being, or experience of reality, the goal must be created as a form of memory, that’s very emotionally compelling. Positive emotions attract and move into, while negative emotions repel and move away from. The subconscious is motivated by emotions associated with pleasure and pain. The feelings and emotions associated to an idea, determine whether or not we are unconsciously (without direct awareness) moving into and towards our dreams, or away from and avoiding our dreams. Anytime we’re feeling apprehension, fear, anxiety, dread, loss, sacrifice, or pain around an idea, even one we say we want, we are actually acting on ourselves to prevent it. The subconscious mind always moves towards pleasure and away from pain. To move naturally into an idea you have to associate pleasure (positive feelings) with it, and hold it in positive regard.

Mental substrata - shattered mind

If we set a goal that represents loss of any kind, especially if what we’re losing is valuable to us, or brings pain and grief of any kind, we have to come to terms with it, and decide to give it up in favor of the goal. Otherwise, again, they’ll act to contradict and sabotage each other. What tends to manifest and become naturally established is what exists in a harmonious fashion with both the conscious and subconscious, with the subconscious typically dominating the conscious mind. If it comes down to feelings and emotions contrasting thought, emotions nearly always win, not only because of the strong motive quality, but also because behavior is emotionally driven and are what connect us to everything else in the material plane of our natural environment.

The conscious mind has the ability to direct and program the subconscious mind through choice and will, but only if it knows how to work intuitively with the subconscious, and convert ideas into emotional realities as vibratory states. We have to speak to the subconscious in its own language, as experiences with full sensory enhancement that naturally elicits positive emotions in response to it. Every idea is developed and actualized based on the emotion associated with it. Emotion comes as the result of experience, and is what shapes the experience through the thoughts produced as the story we tell ourselves about it that interprets it to mean something. An idea as an emotional experience and internal dialogue (interpretation as a story) forms a memory. Memory is the language of the subconscious, and is what it uses to create our experience of both the inner and outer world as a correspondence to each other.

The way to form a goal as a manifestation of a new form of reality, is to decide on the change you desire to bring about, make sure that it only requires you to achieve, run an ecology check with all other areas of your life to ensure its congruent, modifying it as necessary to ensure it will produce desired results. Then imagine it as if it’s already real, forming an internal representation of it as up close, in vivid color with strong sensations (feelings), and in a way that makes it emotionally pleasurable and compelling. Then developing the idea until you get it just the way you want it in terms of how it makes you feel, then replay that idea over and over in your imagination, seating it in your subconscious as an actual memory. Once established and utilized by the subconscious as a memory, it provides a template as a pattern for creating it as an outer reality or experience of reality. All realities are created using the elements available in the immediate environment, and though it may not look like you thought it would or come about tin the way you thought it would, you’ll know it by the feeling it gives you. The feeling is the key to recognition.

Mental projection of a well-formed idea

As we think and feel, we tune ourselves to the vibration of that reality, and we begin resonating with it in everything around us.  We naturally connect and form a gravitational field with that same reality as a type of experience in our outer environment. The memory as an internal representation provides a kind of road map as a steady chain of association that provides action steps. We begin noticing things through a form of coincidence, where things stand out that connects us to it, drawing it to us and us to it, as a form of synchronicity. Whatever memories we associate ourselves with, we experience in our outer reality. This is the creative power of the mind that we’re using all the time without realizing it. We create our experience of reality based on our memories. Memories are formed from how we interpret the emotional events of our life that we then continue to think about and replay over and over, creating more of the same type of experiences. Anytime we think about something, we’re conditioning ourselves with those thoughts, and creating more of the same type of experiences. All emotional thought is a form of request to the Universe that says, give me more of this.

To create the future, create it as a preview of what’s to come. Our memories of the past create more of the same type of experiences in the present, which becomes the basis for the future. Our subconscious programming becomes our reality. By learning how to program our own mind with desired experiences, we learn how to literally manifest our reality at will, and shape ourselves by way of those realities. Our ability to choose (intentionally create) and the will (desire and imagination) is our souls ability to create reality and itself by way of that reality. It’s our mind that produces our experience of reality. As we think, feel, and imagine . . . . we become, and we reside in that world!

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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