How We Create Ourselves through Our Life Experiences

Once we gain a fundamental understanding of how consciousness as an energetic flow works, we can acquire the self-awareness necessary to create in a much more meaningful way. The principle represented in Sacred Geometry by the Monad is the toroidal energy system that operates within the material world as an electromagnetic field that functions through the principle of metabolism and assimilation. There’s no such thing as universal principles that only operate on some levels, or within a certain set of circumstances or species. This is a universal law, which means it’s a fundamental part and function of every single living system from the subatomic world to the cosmic world. Once we understand this ‘parental law’ of invisible, intelligent forces, called spirit, soul, and mind, we have the keys necessary for consciously participating in our own creation from a semi-conscious and self-aware state.

The first perception we need to fully embrace and realize by conceptualizing it as a working model is the fact that we are energetic beings in the most basic sense. Our soul and mind is completely invisible and not material in nature, and is what organizes and designs the material world as the means of creating our self as a material being. The mind and soul is fundamentally the same thing, and perform different functions in creating a unified experience of itself, not just as a body and specific personality, but also the reality of the self that provides the basis for experiencing itself. The relationship between the mind and soul correspond to the relationship between the self-conscious and subconscious aspects of the mind, and the right and left hemispheres of the brain. They form different functions in creating and animating the same thing.

the Monad - toroidal field of the mind

Polarity is also a universal (fundamental) principle that operates synergistically on all levels of both the created world and the world of unformed potential, and is necessary in order to create. This polar relationship as complementary opposites of the same thing is demonstrated on every level of both the created and potential realm. The upper planes of reality, commonly referred to as spiritual, heaven, and God, are creators, and the lower plane of the material reality is the created. When we step into our true identity as divine spiritual beings we move from perceiving ourselves as a product of others and our life circumstances to being the one that’s doing the creating and always in the process of creating our self by how we utilize the conscious energy system of our mind guided by the sovereignty of our higher soul.

Our mind (Monad) is represented as an invisible center that expands and radiates out quite some distance from the center to produce a sphere (circle). The mind is often referred to as a sphere of consciousness that’s the essence of our soul as our character. Our soul is comprised of essence as memory that we formed from all of our life experiences. The Soul is actually self-creating, self-perpetuating, and self-sustaining as a higher divine being. Our body and the life of our body is the result of our own creation that we design and inhabit as a way of creating experiences of ourselves that we use to acquire and build-up certain types of memory as the expression of certain character traits. Whatever qualities and characteristics we choose to embody and become, determines what we create through the perception it forms and the behaviors that naturally ensue from it.

Our character forms all of our activities and behaviors and determines what type of things we naturally resonate with and engage in as our deeds. As we maintain a certain state of mind as our normal and consistent way of being, we’re constantly acting to generate and produce the corresponding reality of our state through our perception and how we think about things, while unconsciously employing the behaviors that cause it. Our state-of-mind as our mood ‘is’ our vibratory frequency and has a pattern inherent in it along with a life-force energy that acts as an ordering mechanism, making it causal in nature. As we act to cause a certain type of event or activity to take place based on how we interact with everything around us energetically, producing a corresponding (like) effect of the same kind, and we then absorb the effect we created as our experience and shape it into a memory of our self and the way life is.

A double torus - electromagnetic field of the body

As we absorb and integrate our experience as an effect that we caused, it then becomes causal and produces our internal model as an equivalent effect. What we perceive as complementary opposites is actually formed out of extreme aspects of the same thing which, at some point, transform into each other. The electrical force that projects outward while still maintaining the magnetic aspect in a latent state, then undergoes a shift in state, and turns in a cyclical movement and becomes magnetic, returning to the center that it initially rose out of. All energy, which is the same thing as consciousness, appears to be dual or polar in nature, when it’s actually a single power that moves between two poles or boundaries as a range of vibration that forms a frequency. An easy way to understand this is to look at the extremes of hot and cold, which are really different degrees as temperatures of the same thing. By changing the temperature of a substance it both expands and dissipates becoming more subtle or it contracts and concentrates becoming dense and solid. Though we perceive electromagnetism as two different forces that produce different effects, it’s actually the same force in different states that perform different functions in organizing and constructing of the same thing. 

In order to truly grasp this concept we have to step fully into our identity and role as the creator of our life, rather than seeing ourselves as being created by life. We can’t get caught up in the content of what’s taking place and why, and instead step back and observe the actual process that’s taking place as an energetic expression and flow of consciousness. We’re not the content itself that makes up our reality, but the soul that’s producing a reality out of the content. We are the causal force in our own life creating experiences of our self as the means of knowing our self. We can only gain knowledge through experience. Anytime we use universal principles to form imaginary concepts, we gain a practical understanding of what’s actually operating just below the surface of outer appearances. The outer world of appearances is what’s commonly referred to as an illusion because it’s different for everyone perceiving them. We have a prevalent tendency to get caught up in the illusion of things and completely miss what’s really going on and what it is we’re doing from the subliminal energetic level of our mind.

This is the same thing we have a tendency to do when we meditate and we get caught up in the habitual thoughts themselves instead of recognizing the mind that’s giving rise to the thoughts and turning them into an imaginary reality. We usually get caught up in the nature of the interaction as a means of justifying our own actions in reaction to another, instead of realizing the actual process taking place. Anyone who has a tendency to be reactive is locked into the illusion of identifying with their lower nature as being created by others, instead of seeing themselves as the one who is creating themselves through the events of their life. However we position ourselves in our own life forms the basis for all of our decisions, whether they’re made unconsciously in an automated fashion or with full awareness in a deliberate and intentional manner.

etheric body - monad of the mind
Visualizing the Law of the Monad

The Monad is represented by a dot (invisible center) within a circle, in the same way it would be drawn using a compass. This geometric structure represents the idea that the outer circle is produced as the expansion and emanation of the center. The center is what we can think of as the self as the soul and personality housed within the body as the mind that produces its own reality as an expression that creates an experience of itself as a whole outer reality. The sphere represents reality as a dimension created by the soul through the matrix of the mind. What’s commonly referred to as the fall of man from a higher plane to the lower plane of formation, comes by moving into the plane of knowledge. We can only know anything (including ourselves) through experience. All knowledge is only acquired (integrated into our existing paradigm to update it) through direct experience that brings deeper realizations. We are all creative beings acquiring knowledge of ourselves through our ability to create our own experiences of our self.

Picture yourself as your mind which is a field of subtle energy that’s not only anchored to your body as it’s center or core, but also exists quite some distance away from you out into your environment. This is what’s called a torus, which is a living sphere of organized memory that’s subtle and electromagnetic in nature. It moves and circulates as a self-sustaining system that vibrates at a certain frequency. It’s electrical (masculine) properties expand and project outward quite some distance away from your body and then folds back on itself, contracting in a cyclical movement, and is drawn back into your body where it circulates around the axis of the subtle body and spinal column, as an alternating current, before being projected and transmitted outward again. The mind, which is represented by the element of ‘air’ as the atmosphere, breathes and circulates energy as a means of feeding, sustaining, and transforming itself.

As the electrical energy of our vibration moves out and away from us and into our immediate environment, it acts to stimulate and awaken and bring out in an active state whatever is of the same nature (frequency) as we are. As it activates corresponding energy as qualities and traits by causing them to vibrate (resonate), they actively express to create a joint experience of the reality produced by the shared qualities. We then draw the energy back in and absorb it as our experience and integrate it into our center (paradigm) as ‘memory of our self’. As we create the reality of our consciousness by vibrating it, we gain a sense of ourselves through it, and identify with our own experiences, creating our self by way of them. Whatever energy we cultivate and put out as the means of creating our experiences, we draw back in and become in essence. This is represented by the golden rule which states do unto others what you would have them do unto you, because whatever it is you’re doing you’re actually doing to yourself. There’s really only one of us doing the actual creating.

energy system of the astral body
Creating with Conscious Awareness

The Monad is considered the parent principle out of which all others systematically arise as a form of growth and development. Our state of mind is comprised of the qualities that make up our character and form our energetic frequency. The Law of Vibration, like the mind and soul which gives rise to it, is also 3-fold in nature as working principles that perform different functions in producing and maintaining the same thing. These principles are resonance, sympathetic induction, and coherence. We activate qualities in everything else by resonating with them, and entering into them becoming one with them energetically as the same quality, and begin vibrating in harmony with them by forming a joint reality as a co-creation formed out of the same character as shared qualities.

By subliminally entering into the energy field of another and influencing their vibration to match ours, we form a shared experience by cooperatively expressing the same qualities, and we form a new variation (specialized pattern) as a unique expression of the same kind. We then simultaneously draw the experience created back into our mind where it’s integrated and assimilated to update and modify our current memory, diversifying and expanding our range of expression to include it. We build ourselves through our own creations and what type of qualities we build into strengths (habits) as accumulated memory. Whatever qualities we embody as our mood is the ones we’re selecting and using to create ourselves with. We create ourselves through others and our various life circumstances and situations. Whatever state as an attitude and set of correlated behaviors we employ on a consistent basis, we develop as a natural part of our character, and it becomes an energetic part of our soul’s constitution. Our soul as our character is eternal in nature and is what transcends the personality of the body at death while forming the basis of our next life as a continuation within a new personality, set of relationships, and life conditions.

Once we understand this principle in practical terms we’re given the means for developing our self in a very deliberate way. Whatever qualities we strengthen and utilize in creating our life shapes our character as memories of our self-soul. Our character is determines how we think, feel, perceive, emote, and behave, and what type of life experiences we create as a result. Our life is created as the emanation of our character. While we’re all initially shaped by our conditioning to be a certain way (re-establish the preexisting condition as karma), we can take over our own creation as adults by deciding who we want to be and acquiring the skills for developing our own character by working with our own mental and emotional state. By cultivating the proper state of mind in a consistent fashion, we determine what qualities and traits we bring out in others and use as the means for creating our reality. This is why embodying certain qualities and ways of being are the central focus of all spiritual development and self-mastery. Our spiritual path as our life’s journey is how we shape ourselves consciously by stepping into our true identity as a divine being of a higher moral intelligence.

diamond body
The Spiritual Path of Reverence

By embodying a feeling of reverence as our normal mental state (vibration), we look through the eyes of reverence, and connect with, and see in everything else only what warrants reverence. We have to embody and become one with whatever quality as a state of mind we want to use as the means of creating ourselves with through our perception of that same quality in everything else. Whatever we perceive in another we act to bring out in them. When we cultivate an attitude of only looking for and seeing what fills us with feelings of adoration, admiration, respect, and honor, we act as a catalyst for bringing those qualities out in everyone else while developing them in ourselves through the interaction that takes place.

As we create a reality as the expression of those qualities, we experience ourselves through those same qualities, while increasing and amplifying them, and we draw the experience back into our self where it’s integrated to alter our vibration as a memory of our self. By actively choosing which qualities and character traits to embody and use as the means of expressing through, we produce, multiply, accumulate, and buildup memories of that kind. We only transform ourselves through a process of accumulating memories that counteract and counterbalance other ones. Accumulated memories not only transform us internally, but also change how we act and live, and the type of story we tell with our life by how we conduct ourselves and the nature of our relationships.

All patterns are comprised of attributes and qualities that form characteristics which determine the form something takes on and how it functions and behaves as a result. By intentionally embodying the qualities we want to use in order to shape our character, we become the vessel for those qualities to express and create in the world. If we consistently maintain a feeling of inadequacy and inferiority, then we unknowingly display the feeling and behaviors that bring out those same feelings in everyone else, and we give our life-force to propagating more and more of the same feelings and eventually strengthen them into our life theme. If we’re judgmental and criticizing, then we act as a protagonist for bringing out in everyone else whatever there is to criticize, and we not only strengthen those traits in them, but in ourselves as well. Cause always produces an effect of an equal or greater nature. Cause is our energy flowing out into the world and onto others to produce an effect in them of the same kind, and we draw the effect as an experience back into us where we internalize and process it by harmoniously integrating it to form our soul’s essence.

We all have the ability to determine and regulate our own state of mind and develop our character in a deliberate and precise manner. All we have to do is decide to stay awake and aware in the present moment while recognizing what our mood and attitude is like, then deciding what we want it to be as the means of creating our life experiences in that moment. Once we consciously choose and intentionally embody the quality we desire to have more of, we act to regulate our own vibratory frequency.

gateway to higher worlds

As we maintain an awareness of our mood throughout the day, we can make whatever adjustments we need to whenever we realize we’ve lost our focus, become reactive or caught up in habitual thoughts, get distracted with meaningless things, and we can become the captain of our own ship. We can cultivate skill in becoming self-directed and self-determined. As we walk through life with a certain attitude and frame of mind we can notice how we affect people and influence situations, and how it is that we can act to shift their mood to match ours, and what type of interaction we produce as a result. We can become the leader in any situation we’re a part of, instead of being led through the mood of others and what seems like the random events of our life.   

As we produce an experience, we can become aware of how it makes us feel about ourselves, and how our life changes as a result. Embodying new qualities and ways of being may feel awkward at first, like anything that we’re not used to does, but the more we practice being that way the easier it gets and the more natural it becomes. If we practice regulating our state of mind consistently for a three to six week period, it becomes natural and we begin doing it in an automatic fashion. Once a quality and character trait becomes a natural part of our being, we no longer have to try or apply effort and discipline in order to maintain it. Once we’ve successfully integrated one quality to shape our character in an intentional manner, we can choose another one and continue to develop ourselves in whatever way we desire and become the type of person we admire and hold in high esteem.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Personal Development Coach and Spiritual Mentor

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