Archetypes – “Universal Themes that Form Individual Expression”

Once we fully understand the nature of what we call archetypes we can immediately understand how powerful they are as creative tools. An archetype is what we call an original universal pattern or model from which things of the same kind are copied or fashioned – a kind of prototype for a basic idea. They contain inherent unconscious patterns that form a whole series of interconnected correspondences as feelings that stimulate thoughts of the same nature, that stimulate corresponding emotions, which form images in the imagination, that form movie-like scenarios as thematic story-lines, etc. Archetypes are vibratory frequencies as qualities that are universally present in individual psyches as formulas. Archetypes are qualities of consciousness that form human characteristics as a personality and identity hat lends themselves to telling certain types of stories. They are what make us the “kind of person” we naturally are.

Anytime we talk about vibrations or vibratory frequencies, these can be thought of or equated to attributes and qualities that form inherent characteristics that have natural behaviors and ways of being inherent in them. Qualities form our basic personality as character traits, which gives birth to our identity, out of which like behavior is a natural by-product. In psychology we say that it is impossible for someone to act/behave outside of their identity. That we can only “do” what we can “see ourselves doing”. This is because all action requires a mental concept as a pattern or behavioral strategy in order to be acted out. Our identity is our self-concept, our sense of ourselves that is shaped as a correspondence to our personality. Our personality is formed through the relationship our soul forms with our body, and while our body is naturally imbued with complementary characteristics that are ideally suited to our soul, our soul is comprised of a cluster of archetypes that exist as vibratory frequencies that are a form of harmonic composure. Our character forms our identity which naturally acts out a whole (overall) pattern that is comprised of a series of fractal (smaller yet similar) patterns as an expression of the qualities the soul is embodying at any given moment.

Our archetypal soul resides in our mind and heart

Archetypes shape the tendencies that govern and ultimately determine behavior in terms of types and themes that are played out as a story-line or ongoing living drama. The Zodiac, in its original form, was laid out as constellations (specialized formula’s) that identified archetypes that governed periods of time as determined by the constellations as heavenly bodies (as above, so below). The twelve months of a year serves as a mini-model of the great cycle represented in the Mayan calendar that tracks ages of evolution with distinct personalities. Not only does the processional equinox for the change of seasons fall on the 20th -22nd of each month, so does the transition from one star-sign to another.

Each month represents one sign, and a whole cycle is 12 signs comprised of seven planetary influences. The archetype that governs each sign creates tendencies of a certain nature within the individual as lived out under certain conditions and circumstances as they exist in relationship to everything else. While we tend to only look at the archetype of our birth month, the fact of the matter is, we have a combination of all traits in a dynamic formula of degrees and potentiates (variations) that correspond to houses as different areas of our life where these traits will be expressed and bear the greatest influence. We are not comprised of one or two archetypes, but rather form a unique pattern as a dynamic combination of several archetypes.

So archetypes that govern the grand cycles of time indicate the unconscious patterns that will not only influence individuals, but will also form larger themes as community and cultural tendencies that will be acted out within that same time frame also. We are born into certain times and locations because the greater pattern serves perfectly to produce the smaller patterns of the same nature or likeness. Individual Karma is being served through family karma, which is being served through community, being served through cultural . . . being served through planetary . . . and even universally. Reality consists of a series of smaller patterns of the same nature nested within larger patterns. The larger patterns of society which are subtle in nature, serve to condition the smaller individual patterns born into them.

Our archetypal nature is geometric in design

This is why we say you are doing exactly what you are meant to do – that your life is the perfect enactment that is first allowing you to recognize your inner experience, identify repetitious patterns, and make new decisions that will reestablish the natural balance, producing inner harmony with your external experience. Any area of your life in which you are experiencing inner turmoil, is showing you an area of karmic significance in which you have the ability to make new decisions, or intentionally interject opposing qualities by embodying them that serve to alter the vibration by equalizing and remixing it, transforming it into its complimentary expression. Archetypes, like all living forces, exist in polarity of opposites that are complimentary in Nature, meaning they’re opposite roles in the same dynamic and serve to stimulate each other. If an archetypal quality is being expressed negatively, the way to heal it is to intentionally express the positive aspects, which will shift the vibration from an extreme back into an equilibrated and more balanced state. Anytime we go to extremes, we create an imbalance. All healing is correcting an imbalance and restoring harmony to the organic living system.

By way of the holographic effect, we know that the way to heal a group or community is done the same way we heal ourselves. The microcosm is a correspondence to the macrocosm. We heal the world, the same way we heal ourselves. By discovering the secrets to self-healing . . . . we simultaneously discover the secrets to global healing. We never have to look outside ourselves for answers. Everything we need . . . is within us waiting to be discovered and tapped into and utilized for our own creation. Our own mind-body system is a symbolic correspondence to the Universe. They are both constructed and operated via the same Universal laws. The part contains the whole, and the whole is comprised of the parts.

Archetypes are Universal patterns that create the channel for personal expression of a universal theme as a unique variation based on how it’s reinterpreted through the individual paradigm to form a new variation as a personal reality. The Tarot, a divine art, offers a rich education in the symbolic nature of archetypes as a full system of correspondences that lay out both positive and negative expressions of the same qualities. In this lies the most profound secrets to self-development, healing and restoring your soul back to a natural state of equilibrium and Harmony. The secret to healing is an in-depth understanding of the law of Sympathies, and our ability to apply them in a precise and deliberate manner to transform how our system is currently expressing, to form a new expression.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

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Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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