Understanding the Nature of Different Dimensions and How to Mentally Move into Them

What we refer to as parallel dimensions are interlaced dimensions that are polar opposites of each other. Sound and light, for example, are frequencies that are complementary in nature, and sound as vibration serves to organize light into living forms as a perceivable reality. Vibration has both a pattern and self-organizing mechanism inherent in it. What we perceive with our physical senses as a solid reality is actually comprised of light as essence that’s organized and held in place as a dynamic mental construct. Our material reality is formed out of a very small portion of an even larger reality, and is known as the visible part of the light spectrum. The aspects of the light spectrum just beyond our ability to perceive with our physical senses can still be known intuitively as feelings (sensations) that form mental impressions in the imagination that connect us with the unknown (inner) aspects of the known (outer) world. The inner and outer constructs of the mind exist as parallel planes that are complementary to each other, and work together to form an even greater unified whole.

Our material senses only perceives a very small part of what coexists all around us on a much greater scale that’s mostly invisible to us. What we’re capable of perceiving through our physical senses are a minute part of what’s actually there as what we call the ether or astral plane of the universal mind (unified field of information). The term astral light of course refers to star light which is invisible in essence until it’s reflected off of dust particles of some kind. It exists in a primary state as plasma, which can be charged or electrified (infused with a pattern) through mental intention and organized into a living form that resembles a grey, ghost-like shape, as an astral body that acts as a host for consciousness to embody as a means of creating and self-expressing.

inner balance

What’s referred to as the astral plane in esoteric sciences is the star (sun) light that produces the atmosphere of the Earth as a visible, holographic reality based on what’s absorbed and utilized to produce a mental construct, and what’s reflected and therefore left out of the equation. This process of energetic absorption and repulsion of cosmic frequencies is formed by the relationship that’s formed between the earth’s astral body (soul) as an electromagnetic frequency or light spectrum and the cosmic or universal soul of latent potential, and is only a fraction of what’s possible at the universal level. The Earth, like all heavenly bodies, is a living entity that vibrates at a certain frequency and is what determines what astral potencies it acts to naturally absorb (resonate with), metabolize (integrate), and assimilate (harmonize) as the means of producing a light-matrix that emanates or gives rise to the sensory reality we perceive as Nature. All matter is light (photons) that’s shaped by the mind as thought-forms. Reality only exists through our mental perception of it.

All planets vibrate at different frequencies as attributes and qualities that form a broader spectrum that’s imbued with different characteristics of a much larger spectrum. Anything that exists outside of our mental frequency can’t be conceived of from within the frequency of the Earth and the senses formed out of the material bodies of the Earth. In a like manner, our solar system exists as a unified system of harmonic resonance that make up multiple dimensions, only some of which are perceivable by us, that are interwoven psychically to form an even greater conscious entity or solar soul, that gives rise to and governs all life within our solar system. These parallel, complementary planes, now known in quantum physics as String Theory, can be navigated psychically using what’s referred to as our higher senses as a natural form of intuition or an inner voice that forms a mental vision (thought). When we utilize our mind to develop our higher capacities (spiritual senses) we can engage in soul awareness of the dimensions that underlie and transcend this one as parallel and complementary to it.

Our inner voice that comes to us telepathically as our own voice being used by a higher authority, simultaneously forms an inner vision of whatever the voice is saying. Words spoken, whether silently as our thoughts or outwardly as speech, act to organize essence into the inner reality of the words. As we think we simultaneously create the reality of our thoughts in our mind. All will to create lies in the faculty of the imagination, which turns words into reality as the meaning of the words. This comes as a completely natural and automatic process that can be consciously cultivated in a purposeful manner through self-realization. Not the self of the body, but the true self of the higher soul. The body merely acts in an automatic fashion to form the reality its being given to form by the soul commanding and directing it.

The subtle body - "Dreaming into Being" by Linda Gadbois
The Light Body of the Soul is our Interstellar Vehicle

What’s commonly referred to as the Merkabah (chariot of light), represented by interlaced triangles (minds) of the Hexad (6) is the means of inter-dimensional travel between parallel planes. Inter-dimensional travel is performed by willfully tuning yourself to the dimension you wish to move into as a mental frequency. The symbol of a chariot, driven by a master (soul) who commands the animal pulling it, represents the human will and the vehicle of the mind. The triangle or pyramid represents the mind and the reality (mind) it naturally projects into by becoming one with it in essence (vibration). The interlaced triangles are oriented in opposite directions of each other as complementary opposites of the same mind. This indicates that as we either raise our vibration or lower it, we systematically tune into and become a part of the reality produced by that frequency, and we tune our mind by working with the complementary aspects of our own mind.

Inter-dimensional travel is undertaken with the faculty of the mind-soul, and is not possible with a material vehicle or technology of this dimension produced out of the material substances of the Earth. Anything produced out of the material body of the Earth carries its frequency and can only be used to travel within that same frequency or material plane. The dimension of time and space is an aspect of the material plane where travel comes by moving from one location in space to another, which can require an absorbent amount of time. Higher dimensions of pure light don’t involve the interlaced dimension of time and space and movement within the unified field of the cosmic mind is achieved naturally through thought and intention. The lower dimensions of unconsciousness take us deeper into the lower vibrations of the material world where we inflict pain and suffering on ourselves through our own thoughts and actions without any direct awareness of what we’re doing and how it is we’re doing it. As long as we remain unconscious of our true nature as beings of a higher nature who possess the ability to create using our mind, we remain locked into the darkness of our own making.

Stargate to alternate dimensions

Whichever way we choose to go as a form of inter-dimensional travel from one plane to another is determined solely by us and how we use our mind as our galactic vehicle. No one has the power to think our thoughts for us or control our behavior. This is something only we do for and to ourselves. We’re always choosing what to think and how to behave based on our thoughts. When we’re conditioned to the slave mentality of the material plane and enticed into its vulgarity, violence, and mindlessness, we act on ourselves to confine us to a prison of our own making. We use our will and our ability to choose what we focus on, think about and actively engage in to self-administer our own pain and suffering. The idea of achieving immortality while in a physical body is a death sentence to the soul. The modern idea of merging human consciousness with technology allows the soul and will of individual sovereignty to be controlled and utilized by the will of others, and removes all possibility of transcending to higher planes of consciousness.

What we refer to as higher planes of consciousness, where we assume our true identity as divine creative beings, is one of sovereignty and individuality and comes as our innate ability to create ourselves through deliberate and calculated use of choice and will. It comes as our ability to think for ourselves, regulate our body and emotions, and make clear decisions about what we focus on, give our attention and life energy to, dwell in continuously, and will to create as a result. Whatever we connect with in mind and soul, we become like in spirit. Whatever we allow into our mind and take hold, we give life to through and “as” us. As we become one with something, we become the same in nature and we bond ourselves to it energetically and act to cooperatively participate in co-creating as a joint-reality.

Ascending the inner planes of the mind
The Science of Transcendence

We transcend the material plane by first developing our intuition as our ability to see the internal and underlying nature of things, and by connecting with our higher-self that’s of a divine nature, and giving our full undivided attention to imagining the reality that comes as inner guidance from our higher source. We cultivate ourselves to embody virtues through active use of our will to overcome weaknesses and transform our character accordingly. We learn how to consistently tune into the plane of peace and harmony that’s universal in nature, where we realize fully that we are the creator of our own reality. We quit identifying with the personality of our conditioning, and begin identifying instead with our higher-self and divinity. It’s our responsibility as sovereign beings to choose and actively create ourselves and our reality to be of the plane we wish to traverse to and exist in as a natural part of the harmonious whole of that plane.

If we actively participate in pain and suffering that results from a selfish attitude that’s greedy and power hungry, then we condemn ourselves to ultimate forms of self-destruction where we repeat unconscious cycles of cause and effect where lifetime after lifetime we suffer the consequences of our preceding actions and lifetimes. If however, we wake up from our unconscious state and realize the true nature of things and the workings of universal laws, we can actively use the laws of the higher planes to transform ourselves while still in the lower planes. We can realize that our body and material existence is not who we are as a soul, but serves merely as a vehicle to create within the material world by providing us with the physical apparatus necessary to actively create as a part of the reality of this plane. By realizing the true creative ability of our soul and our mind as the vehicle of our soul, we can tune ourselves mentally and emotionally to the reality of a higher plane and transcend this dimension when we shed and depart from the body.

The Process of Soul-Ascension

The transmigration of the soul is a gradual process of moving between parallel planes of a larger spectrum, represented by the 7 heavenly spheres, the 7 steps to heaven, and the 7 energy centers of the subtle body. This process of transcendence follows the same principles of the musical scale of sound and the color spectrum of light as a progression that builds upon itself until it peaks as an octave that crosses over a threshold where the entire progression as an accumulation moves into the next higher octave where it becomes the lowest note of the next higher scale. The number 7 is represented by a chariot that’s driven by a priest-king and pulled by 2 sphinx’s or horses that are of an opposite and complementary nature, and symbolizes active use of the will to direct the forces of the material plane by working with the complementary aspects of the mind (subconscious and self-conscious).

It’s only by progressing to the highest level of this plane as harmonizing the 7 interlaced aspects of ourselves that we come within range of the next higher frequency range and can be spontaneously drawn into it through resonance. We have to use our will as the master of our body and passions to actively tune ourselves to a higher vibration of a virtuous, selfless and universal nature while still fully submerged within this plane in order to transcend it in mind and spirit. Developing our soul to a higher level of being is the only way out, because it’s what’s acting to create the reality that it exists in and uses to create itself out of as an essential part of its own creation. The material world as we know it (perceive it) is a mental construct of the universal mind being played out harmoniously on several different levels and scales at the same time. Our perception of reality is formed by how our individual mind (soul) enters into relationship with the collective unconscious of the world mind and creates a joint-experience of a shared-reality while in a predominately unconscious state.  

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Mind-Body Health Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher

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