Morality and Higher Planes of Consciousness – How We Receive Higher Knowledge
The spiritual perspective of personal growth and development is based out of morality, rather than physical accomplishments and worldly achievements. Naturally, many who live out of a separatist mentality want to separate intellectual (mind) and feeling (heart), posing them against each other as one being more desirable or worthy than the other, yet as we move away from purely material ideas and towards spiritual ones, we move back into the mindset of unity. What we refer to as morality exists on a higher plane of consciousness that includes the entire lower plane of the body and brain states, and acts as the power capable of controlling the lower planes, and in doing so, is able to utilize them as a means of expressing in the world in an intentional and meaningful way without being coerced or corrupted by it.
Many have been taught that morality is based on idea of what’s right and wrong, good and bad, and rules that we use to guide and direct our conduct, which holds a form of partial truth in the sense that it pertains to and works within the lower planes only, where rules are laid down as a form of obeying, in place of laws which require understanding and practical application. In order to use Universal Laws as a means of directing our own conduct requires more of an in-depth knowledge and ability through reasoning, choice, and will to employ that knowledge in a deliberate manner to direct our own behavior and create in a higher and purer way by working according to those laws. In the true and ultimate sense our moral development is our ability to rise above and separate ourselves from all the passions, emotions, and desires that govern the material plane, where they no longer control us and utilize us as the means to express in the world through the illusions they create.
To achieve a high, well-developed level of morality, is to detach and dissociate from the material world in terms of identifying with it and getting our sense of self from it. It’s mastering the ability to prevent the emotions being projected by others and being transmitted through the atmosphere from entering into and affecting you. It’s to gain an awareness and realization around your own emotional states, the ones you’ve taken on and used to shape your identity through expressing the reality they imply, and prevent them from rising in you and saturating your mind, and as a result, controlling your thoughts and perceptions. It’s about acquiring the presence of mind where you’re not influenced or controlled as the means to an end by any of the magnetic forces as passions that operate freely and abundantly within the material (astral) plane.

Possessing high morality is to be in the world, but not of it. It’s to gain a full awareness of how the astral forces of the magnetic plane operate in and around you, while maintaining a steadfast awareness that’s not moved or influenced by them. It’s the ability to exercise full use over your will at all times, and never allow someone or something else to take control of it. It’s the ability to stand in the presence of intense emotions that magnetically appeal to your passions in some way (pleasure, power, greed, wanting, needing, etc.), to witness or be in the presence of activities that normally engage you unconsciously, and not only be able to resist them (temptation), but not even allowing them to produce an effect in you. Resisting isn’t hard when you no longer feel passionate about something. When you no longer feel a desire for something, or somehow need the experience it offers to fulfill some longing or void inside of you in order to be alright, you step into a higher form of consciousness that’s able instead to use the magnetic fluids and Elements of the material plane (emotions and passions) in a willful manner to create in an intentional and deliberate way.
The way to ascend the laws governing one plane is to rise to the plane directly above it and operate by way of its laws, which exist in polarity to the lower plane and act to determine and govern it. What this means is that we can’t work within the divine planes through the same laws that govern the lower plane that’s created and controlled by entirely different forces. The material plane is the plane of the subconscious mind, governed by and through which instinct operates through passions, emotions, and unconscious impulses of some sort that produce automatic behaviors that don’t require thought, decisions, or will to act out. When the human soul, which is divine in nature, comes into the lower planes of mineral, plant, and animal consciousness, possessing higher capacities of the mind as the ability to think in an individual manner, evaluate situations in order to make calculated decisions, and the will to intentionally and deliberately act out those decisions, and it becomes subject to the magnetic forces of the astral plane (Earths atmosphere) through its coupling and bonding with an animal-body, which renders it largely unconscious and driven by compulsions of one form or another, self-awareness and choices become primary keys to freeing itself from the lower rungs, and acting as a powerful creator by utilizing its will to command and direct the magnetic forces of the material plane instead.
As a general rule, we can’t control whatever is acting to control us. If we can’t resist the desire, the craving and addiction, the insatiable need for something we don’t have, then we are controlled by and become subject to it. So it’s not about whether or not to engage in activities based on man-made rules about them that have been laid for us to follow in order to be considered good and righteous people. It’s about stepping outside of the concept of both good and bad, right and wrong, should and shouldn’t, and not be compelled by the passions and emotional states of either one, and in doing so, lose all passion (to or away from) for the ideas that govern our material body as a member of the animal kingdom born out of a form of training as blind acceptance of other peoples ideas for you. It’s not being swayed one way or the other by concepts of complementary opposites necessary to define yourself where you begin defining yourself instead as being separate, apart from, and unaffected by them. Through this form of self-awareness comes the ability to consciously work through them to create an influence in the mind of those still living primarily out of their unconscious nature, and able to direct them towards a form of awakening to their real nature as a result.

All of what has been labeled sin is merely an error in thinking and misuse of our ability to choose and act based on our own thoughts about things. As we think, we create the reality of our thoughts, first inwardly as what forms our perceptual lens and tunes us to the vibration of that reality, which then resonates and forms a gravitational field with that same type of reality all around us. As we think and imagine we connect ourselves to the outer equivalent of our thoughts. We keep ourselves tuned to the frequency of our thoughts, where we act as a tuner and receiver to draw in and internally express more of the same type of thoughts. We determine what we (our body) acts as a channel and vehicle for based on how we calibrate ourselves through repetitive thoughts that become habitual as our formative conditioning.
We all have the ability to break patterns as unconscious tendencies, wake up to what we’re really actually doing out of a primarily unconscious state, and begin intentionally acquiring spiritual knowledge that aids us and provides the basis for our awakening through awareness of who we are and what’s actually going on, so we can learn to use our divine, higher capacity of thought, choice, and free will to intentionally begin disconnecting from our habitual patterns and perceptual dynamics, and intentionally begin contemplating other ideas and concepts that change the way we think and perceive, and therefore change how we perceive ourselves and what we naturally form a connection with in others and the outside world. By thinking and feeling in new ways, we begin tuning into those ideas all around us, and they multiply and grow in dominance to the point where they take on a life of their own, and a literal shift in consciousness takes place that moves us to a higher level of self-awareness and creativity.
Our moral development is more about our character and the type of person we become through our own ability to make decisions for ourselves as to what we engage in and become a part of (like) and what we don’t. It’s something that we are fully responsible for as awake and conscious beings that have the ability to self-create by way of our own mind and hand. It’s detaching from the constant emotional states of our body that drive us through the illusions they create, and keep us in bondage of an unconscious existence as being controlled and determined by them. By disassociating from our material existence and residing instead fully within our divine nature, we are no longer compelled by passions and physical urges, and as a result, are not affected by them.
Once we fully gain the ability to direct our own mind and consciousness, and not let others or passionate states take control of us and command our will, we step into our true nature as powerful creators of our self and our reality and begin exercising our ability to impose a powerful influence on others and collective unconscious of the world which is still governed by emotions of some form. By relinquishing all passions, desires, and material needs as a way of creating ourselves through the illusion they provide, we no longer harbor the need to control others through agendas of some sort, and lose the need to acquire material possessions and play significant roles in the grand illusion of society, and we step more into a universal identity that’s of an entirely different plane all together that’s not affected or determined by this one.
All of our choices and actions become based on our identity as a superior being that has no needs to somehow strive to fulfill through material means, and we begin working in the world by mastering our ability to work by way of the forces that control it to the benefit of humanity as a whole of which we are no longer invested outside of its potential for ascension to higher planes of consciousness. When we act as a neutral force in the world we acquire the ability to willfully influence it by directing it along a course that serves the greater good of all involved in terms of their souls evolution. When we begin working agenda free in every situation, we become a force for good in the world that acts always for the benefit of the whole. Higher consciousness is a unified state that perceives the world around it as one and the same, and realizes that one small action creates a rippling effect that multiplies as it propagates through space and time, effecting and modifying the entire astral plane of information.

To achieve higher morality is to have total control over your physical nature and be able to always make good decisions that take everyone involved into consideration. It’s to achieve a state that lacks physical desire and primal needs, and all agendas and manipulative schemes as a result. It’s to embody a selfless state that always puts itself in service of others because it has no needs to be fulfilled by others and circumstances. It’s the ability to walk into any relationship or situation, not looking to get, but instead only to give because you’ve learned how to draw your source of power from a purely internal means. By maintaining a neutral and unbiased state, we act to neutralize and bring it back into an balanced state of harmony the emotional forces all around us that are actively expressing by unconsciously controlling the will of others. Neutrality acts to temper the active forces in any situation because it doesn’t take them on and act to amplify them, and can direct them through the simple fact that we’re not controlled by them.
When we achieve a state of high morality we maintain principles in a steadfast manner and make conscious decisions for ourselves and our life that set high standards for ourselves. A standard in this case is a level of consciousness where a certain quality of consciousness is being played out and expressed that creates a certain type of reality as an ideal (of a higher order) consistently. It never falters from this standard because it can’t be degraded by lower forces that fail to produce and effect in it. A person of high morality is a person that represents higher standards as a code of conduct that they consistently live out of. Not as a set of rules that they hold themselves to or impose on themselves to control temptations from degrading ideas, but as a state of mind and internal nature (character) that’s literally incapable of moving outside of that level of consciousness in order to create in a lower manner, and is therefore immune to contamination and corruption.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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