Understanding Universal Laws and How to Use Them

 Many of us have been taught to view everything as being separate and independent of everything else. We tend to take a single aspect of a living and fully functioning system, break it down into individual parts, and then study and make a whole out of what in reality exists as one part and function of a whole system. Universal Laws, which are commonly described as the 7 Hermetic Principles of ancient wisdom, is actually 10 Principles, numbered 0 through 9, where the first one is 3-fold in nature, or 3 laws (aspects) which together form One primary law, out of which the other 7 emerge systematically through a form of growth and development. The primary or parental law contains all the other ones in seed form.

In this sense, the One primary Law contains the full potential of the other 7 in a latent state, and each one, as it becomes active and begins expressing is the culmination or outgrowth of all that preceded it and served to form the necessary foundation for it to actively come into existence, while also containing the latent potential of all the other laws that will proceed out of it. Each Law is nested within and is an integral part of all others. So no matter how you view it, they represent a whole system where each stage is either in an active or passive mode. Laws can also be thought of as a form of seed that contains within it all the information for its growth and development in a passive and potential state. As it begins growing, bringing its latent potential into and active and outwardly expressive state, it unfolds through systematic stages of development that ultimately form a full mature idea as an entity, life form, and reality.

Laws don’t indicate something specific as the elements of the material reality they form, but rather the natural forces that serve to shape, animate and give life to material reality. So laws aren’t a thing or a material form of some sort, but rather the invisible operations that concentrate, organize, and hold matter together, creating the appearance of form. All matter as atoms, are a cluster of particles that form a system that’s organized and held together in an active state by what appears to be invisible space that’s actually a force that produces tension as an electromagnetic field. The material form itself is not the law, but rather the intelligence that shaping, governing, and operating it. In this way, all material forms are shaped and operated by conscious and intelligent forces called Universal Laws. The Laws themselves are unformed and not of the material realm, but are what concentrates and coagulates light (photons) into essence (charged plasma) that becomes the basis for all life-forms. It’s the invisible force that charges or electrifies particles to the same vibration as a means of organizing them into a coherent system, and spontaneously growing a whole material body through a process of regeneration and differentiation. So Laws pertain to the invisible, subtle realm that underlies and forms the infrastructure that sustains and operates the material realm. Laws are what form the energetic matrix out of which the material world naturally arises and exists as its outward expression.

The Enead

The first three laws form the primary Law, also known as the Parental Law or Law of the Mind (Monad), which systematically gives birth to all laws that issue forth from it as the mental activity that forms the material world by organizing it into biological living systems. The Original Law is the One that exists as dual in Nature, forming the Divine Paradox as the interaction or activity produced by the feminine and masculine aspects that form extremes of the same idea. The One exists in a unified state on a higher, purely invisible plane that’s parallel to the material plane, and as it descend into the lower plane of form, separates from Itself forming aspects that directly oppose each other as both an inner and outer, upper and lower, self as another, all of which provide the means for creating Itself through an experience of itself. This is the great paradox of the upper forming the lower to be of the same nature and likeness as the upper, and governed by the same Laws as the upper. The Universal Mind that forms the basis for the Individual mind, not as the same thing or material form, but as being of the same nature and possessing the same creative abilities to generate its own reality as the greater Universal Mind. The same Laws play out consistently on every level and scale of existence as the underlying Causal forces of the material world, which arise out of the mind as an imagined reality.

The mind, being 3-fold in nature, exists on three levels simultaneously and operates through two parallel dimensions that exist in polarity to each other. The higher dimension, never being able to merge into the lower (polar opposites both attract and repel), is bridged by a medium that’s both of the higher and the lower, called the soul, which becomes the means through which a connection is established and communication as a two-way flow of energy between the Universal Mind and the Individual mind. The entire lower plane exists within the Higher plane as its creation formed and maintained in the imagination. Just as there are three levels of the Universal Mind, there are three levels of the individual mind, out of which reality and the self is formed, as the Higher Mind, the subconscious mind, and the self-conscious mind. All aspects of the mind exist within the preceding one and emerge out of it as a birthing process or as its natural offspring. All form is shaped through combinations as feminine and masculine aspects that together, form a unique version.

Contemplating the Hidden Wisdom encoded within Spiritual Sciences - by Dr. Linda Gadbois

The Mind as the primary or Primordial Law, creates three levels of reality simultaneously. It creates the entire material reality of the natural world, the immediate or subjective reality of the individual within the natural world, and the inner reality of the self as the experience of itself within the world. All realities are nested within each other and are interdependent, relying on each other as the basis for their existence. The first Law, formed by three aspects that span multiple dimensions, all of which exist as a correspondence to each other, form a correlating vibration on each level. The second law is the Law of Correspondence (the bridge), the third is the Law of Vibration, the fourth the Law of Polarity, the fifth the Law of Rhythm and Cycles, the sixth the Law of Cause and Effect, and the seventh the Law of Gender. All of which emerge one from the other in a synchronized fashion, forming the foundation as a stage of growth and function necessary for the next one to issue forth from it.

The mind creates vibration (movement) as thought (idea), that forms into two opposite poles (+/-) that are extremes of the same idea, forming polarity, and creates (constructs the idea as a reality) through the activity formed as movement between poles in a rhythmic, cyclical, self-perpetuating flow. This movement between opposite aspects of the same idea produces both an inner reality and an outer one that are polar opposites of each other. Polarities are complementary, which means they act on each other to stimulate each other into an active state of expression. One acts to stimulate the other into an active state as a causal force that creates a corresponding effect in the other, a stimulus that produces a like response, or an action that causes an equal or greater reaction. These polar opposites are the feminine and masculine aspects of the same thing, which come into an active state through an interaction which serves to awaken latent aspects in each other that they both share in common. Through a process of cause and effect that transpires through a rhythmic, self-perpetuating flow, an outer sensory reality is formed as a correspondence or outer reflection of the inner activity formed through thoughts and feelings.

So what we refer to as the Primordial Principles of Hermetic Sciences or Universal Laws, describe activity as a relationship and interaction between natural forces that result in a holographic dream that we call life as a material reality. The term material, as it’s being used here, is referring to light (photons) as starlight (charged plasma) organized into patterns by vibration that forms both the inner and outer expression of the same idea as a cohesive and coherent reality. All reality is the offspring of the mind that’s producing it. These Laws don’t describe the reality itself, but rather the nature of the mind producing it, and the creative process as an operation that it uses to produce it. These laws act as an instruction manual for learning how to operate our own mind and create our reality in an intentional and deliberate way by learning how to change our vibration by working with polarity. We create our life experiences, and thus ourselves, by how we use our mind to form the expression of our vibratory frequency and keep ourselves tuned to that same vibration, repeatedly and consistently creating the same type reality as the perpetual motion of cause and effect. We form the thoughts of our vibration, connect to that same vibration in everything else, and form the reality of our thoughts as an experience of them. By learning how to change our vibration as our thoughts and feelings, which produce our behaviors and perception of reality, we change how we experience ourselves and how life appears to us.

The Astral Plane of the psyche

The mind, no matter what scale it exists on, is the producer of both the inner and outer realities as correspondences to each other. We are attracted to our polar opposite in everything outside of us. We are stimulated by our polar opposite which activates that quality in us and brings it out, developing it through the relationship as an interaction with ourselves (same frequency) in another. We can work directly on ourselves to develop certain characteristics by who we enter into and maintain relationships with. Whoever we associate with, we become like. So the most natural form of self-development as changing our vibratory frequency comes by either intentionally embodying qualities that counteract the opposite quality of the same idea, and by consciously choosing our relationships for the qualities they bring out in us, and who and how we become by way of them.

All transformation and self-creation comes by working with laws, instead of contradicting or working against them. The value of understanding Laws is that they empower us with the tools and instruction for developing ourselves to a higher vibration that produces a correlating outer reality, and moves us systematically into the consistent world of that reality. Our vibratory frequency as an oscillation between complementary realms is what produces the outer expression as a direct reflection of the inner realm. As we move up the scale to a higher vibration by purifying our character of destructive traits and qualities, we experience ourselves in new and creative ways, and produce the outer dream that’s nurturing and life-sustaining, and we pull ourselves up out of the rubble and ruins of a dying society and into a pristine paradise, all of which are of our own making.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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