The Significance of a “Model” (System of Beliefs) in Creating Reality

Time and time again I see Coaches and Consultants who offer their services almost like an elaborate goal setting session – or ongoing session – who walk-in and give people ready made advice or a pre-designed program that offers the solution to their current problem. Yet as many of you have experienced even if you get off to a good start in an attempt to implement the program – it usually doesn’t take long for you to relapse, or for the program to fizzle. This is because you are in the situation you’re in – your life is the way it is – because of the models you are working out of. You have to have a paradigm that supports and represents the desired change- the type of situation, circumstances or conditions you’re are striving for – or you will never be able to create or maintain it.

In order to create something different than what you have currently created – you have start with the model called your identity – then move out into your model of the world. You must redesign your beliefs and your habitual emotions, repetitive attitude and behavioral patterns, and how you “see” things in order to create a new vision. Referencing failure in an attempt to produce success does not work. You will simply turn that “goal” which on the surface represents success – into a perfect reflection of the model you reference and associate it with – which creates the state of mind – gives meaning (feeling quality) to your goal – out of which you will perform. An impoverished model will consistently produce poverty.

Goal-setting, as it is commonly called, is more like taking a dream and breaking it down into the step-by-step process necessary to create it – it involves an elaborate, interactive system of supportive beliefs to pull it off. In order to create a model we can use the method of modeling. The true essence of “modeling” is if you don’t currently have a successful model to reference, to imitate or use as a template – if you currently do not know how to do what you want to do – find someone who has, study them, elicit their strategy and create a model out of their strategy – use that model as a reference to associate with your current situation, modifying it accordingly and use it for measuring, comparing and give your desired creation a similar meaning – which will create the pathways necessary for success.

Pay attention to your own thoughts and what you say about your situation to others. We have to realize and appreciate the power of the spoken word – realize the importance of the language you use which calls forth that same idea in the mind of others. How you talk about yourself, your feelings, your situation, your outlook, how you talk to others – the attitude out of which you communicate – not only perfectly expresses your “true models” but it literally calls forth that model into a living, observable, breathing reality. “It became flesh, and walked amongst us,” is referring to the imaginary thoughts created out of a belief as a self-created illusion that is mistaken for true reality. In order to create in a conscious and intentional manner, think only about the desired outcome and what feelings, emotions, and behaviors would be being employed while having the experience of it.

mental circuitry creates reality

As human Beings we are gifted with the natural ability through the use of our mind to “create reality.” We create out of our beliefs “about” things. These beliefs exist in relationship to each other and form belief systems. These systems perfectly support, justify and validate each other – producing a reality that can not only exist like it’s own eco-system, but also attracts to it people of a like mind, who will interact appropriately to co-create that same reality. It then appears so real to us, we use it as evidence to convince ourselves and others that it is real, true and factual. We then feel as though we are subject to our own creations and we don’t perceive our selves as having any real control or power over our situation, when in fact, we are the ones that created it.

Models are templates that act as blueprints for creating corresponding realities. These realities consistently and repetitively form patterns which become our “life story”. We were not born into sin, technically speaking, and God did not make a mistake, we are in fact masters of creation, and perfectly create realities out of our beliefs. These realities form illusions that we superimpose over our current situation using them to create a personal version by the story we tell about them that make them mean something. The meaning we give things forms how we experience them and how we influence them through our behaviors and the nature of our relationship and interaction with them. This is the incredible power of your mind.

In order to produce change in your life, in your relationships, in your circumstances, you MUST do the work it takes to re-design the person whose model is creating it – YOU! You cannot re-design the organization without first redesigning the people creating it. Any attempts to produce change that does not involve transforming identity, beliefs and paradigms will not result in success. If you are able to briefly encounter a form of success – perhaps because someone else, such as a consultant has enough control or frequency to create out of their model – you will not be able to maintain it.

The power of Leadership within an organization is someone who has a superior model to operate out of (one that references success as a means of representing the goals and identity of the organization) and can communicate that model in such a way that it literally “teaches” that model to the people who will be in charge of actually producing it. They do so by creating a compelling future and inspire people towards it. In order to actually do this they must have their model so intact that they consistently act out of it at all times and use it as a filter for decision making and monitoring the progress or direction of the organizational flow. This is the only way that their influence, repetitive suggestion and emotional expression consistently move people in a common direction without creating contradiction.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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