Sexual Union – The Spiritual Law of Divine Union
“The Principle of Energetic Fusion”
To fully understand the true moral reality around sexual union, we can’t look at it from the man-made concepts of right and wrong, good or bad, but view it instead from the primary level of the energetic (spiritual) interaction taking place, and what it implies or reveals as a result. From an energetic perspective, every soul exists as a form of tincture, in which their mind-field is infused with a certain formula of qualities stimulated through their environment that form their overall character, which naturally expresses through their natural behavior, forming corresponding realities as the experience inherent within those realities. This is referred to traditionally as morality. The essential nature of the soul and what type of experiences it creates through natural behavior that’s consistent with a certain type of story.
Whenever we exist in near proximity with another soul (electromagnetic energy field), a natural exchange of energy (consciousness) takes place through a form of magnetic breathing, and we not only sense the quality of their soul-consciousness, but we also absorb their essence into us, and through a process of equilibrium that acts like a chemical reaction, which modifies both vibratory frequencies (consciousness) to take on the qualities of each other, while projecting and putting off our souls vibration at the same time. We’re always exchanging energy as consciousness with our environment through the same principle as breathing which digests, assimilates (what’s of the same frequency) and eliminates (what’s not of the same frequency) as a result. What we absorb that takes hold is based on being of the same vibratory range as our primary disposition, that forms energetic sympathy (enters into and effects) with us, modifying the vibration of both to form coherence as a kind of balanced union, and we literally become one with them in consciousness.
The most fundamental form of energetic sympathy is love. What we love we desire and seek union with. Sex, in its most primary form, is not only the ultimate expression of romantic love, but it’s the literal act of energetic fusion, where two souls, infusing each other, take on the same vibratory frequency, and become one as a shared morality – they become of the same nature and begin expressing and behaving accordingly. We not only acquire their qualities and traits unto us, modifying our character through the integration, we also take on and share their karma and overall destiny. Our character as our quality of consciousness or vibratory frequency, determines how we express what type of behavioral dynamics we take on and begin co-creating through, and what type of life we create through the story we tell as a result.
This is why historically marriage isn’t consummated until sexual union takes place, as the fusing together of their energy fields. It’s also why virgins were emphasized for any form of practice where pure consciousness was required that hadn’t been diluted or corrupted by the infusion of another consciousness that acted to alter their perceptual ability. When we engage in the sexual act, we enter into rapport with the person while experiencing a heightened sense of love as physical pleasure, which is the actual experience of blending energetically. The actual orgasm, or peak experience, is full infusion where all resistance subsides and fusion takes place as a loss of self-awareness. We explode into and expand instantly into the energy field of the other, and they into ours, in a moment of euphoria that lacks inhibition of any kind. A spontaneous free-flow takes place. In this moment, we are fully infused with the morality and energetically with a shared consciousness which serves to alter our character accordingly. We begin taking on the same fundamental perspectives, tendencies and behavioral dynamics. We begin a steady process of becoming more like them and they like us.
When this union is consciously undertaken only with someone of high moral character, that we respect, admire, adore and feel a deep sense of love for, whose blending serves our souls evolution by acquiring positive traits and behaviors, then it’s a sacrament. A profound evolutionary tool as a means of consciously evolving ourselves. But when we engage in the sexual act with people we don’t or barely know, those of poor moral character who possess behavioral dynamics we don’t want to be apart of, or who have fused unconsciously with many others of the same values and moral character, we corrupt ourselves with a dynamic matrix of unknown properties. We adhere to, align ourselves with, and take on the same characteristics, and begin engaging in the same dramas as behavioral patterns, often, without ever fully realizing what’s happening and why. Because subtle changes in our energy field are felt as feeling-moods that come over us, that are then developed by how we are being stimulated through relationships of various sorts, they take hold and begin manifesting gradually without our direct awareness of what we’re actually doing, and who we’re becoming as a result.
This is why many spiritual traditions abstain from sexual union, and instead encourage a loving union with God – as our higher Self, is to keep the soul pure and unadulterated. When marriage is encouraged, it’s undertaken with full, conscious awareness of the type of person we commit ourselves to, their fundamental character, quality and level of consciousness and how that will serve us, and us them, through a union of body and soul to become greater through blending and interacting. We evolve through an aspiration to a higher ideal that both are invested in and initiate and sustain through their everyday interactions. Making love is a state of mind as a basic form of communication that’s conveyed in our eyes, our body gestures, and in the affectionate delivery of words meant to induce positive emotions as a form of connection and provides a safe space for being realized and witnessed by someone who holds a mirror for us. Through intimacy and sexual intercourse that leads to an orgasm as the complete surrender of our ability to contain ourselves, we explode, let go, and fully merge into the spiritual energy of the other person and a permanent fusion takes place that alters our consciousness forever.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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About The Author
Dr. Linda Gadbois
Linda is a scholar in Esoteric Sciences and holds a doctorate in Spiritual Sciences, and a BS in Clinical Hypnotherapy, along with numerous specialty certifications in various healing modalities. She's a certified Health and Success Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and Board Certified in Regression Therapy. She's professional writer, artist, educator and Mentor, and offers a wide variety of Mentoring and Consulting Services, along with professional training programs. Her specialties include Personal Transformation, Self-Mastery, Spiritual Sciences, Transpersonal Psychology, and Integrative Mind-Body Medicine. For more info visit our Personal and Professional Services pages in the top menu bar of this site, or email us at: [email protected]