Human Will as Speech Directs the Forces of the Subconscious Mind
What we symbolically refer to as the serpent power in esoteric sciences is the Astral Light of the Formative planes that’s governed by the subconscious. It’s the universal principle as a subhuman force that builds everything from the inside out and is controlled and directed through mental means. Serpent...
Alchemy, Soul Purification, and the Laws for Ascending from One Dimension to Another
There are so many ideas being put out into the world right now regarding the idea of soul ascension, raising your vibratory frequency, and what it means to honestly create yourself. Naturally, all of these ideas are referring to the same basic idea as a fundamental change in state....
Understanding the Psychological Basis of our Spiritual Quest
One of the most fundamental truths that we need to honestly comprehend in order to learn how to consciously create our self and our life, is in realizing the true relationship between the mind and body. While there’s a fundamental misconception that the body somehow gives rise to the...
Learning to Discipline Your Emotions and Consciously Create your Experiences
One of the most prevalent ways we’re controlled by others and the events of our life are through our emotions. As we’re triggered by the emotions being expressed by another, we take on those same emotions, and react in an automatic and unconscious manner. Anytime we’re reacting, we’re literally...
Learning to Understand the Nature of Life, Death and the Soul
Death is still one of the greatest mysteries there are. Some people feel terrified at the mere thought of it because they have no idea what to expect, or what will actually happen and where they’ll go. Whatever we imagine death to be like is largely dependent on our...
The Secret to Understanding How Spiritual Guidance Works
The premise required for truly understanding how life works and how we successfully communicate with what we call the spiritual realm (which is really our self on a higher plane), is to start from the idea of unity rather than separation or dividing ideas up into separate parts that...
Practicing Spiritual Knowledge as a Means of Creating
There always seem to be a fundamental disconnect between attaining spiritual knowledge in theoretical form and actually knowing how to bring it into practice in your everyday life not only as the means of creating with it, but also as the means of actually learning it through experience. We...
Energy Medicine – Transmutation and the Law of Sympathies
All living beings exist at multiple levels simultaneously and have both a physical and energetic body. The energetic body, which is also referred to as the etheric double or vital body, is comprised of subtle energy and is what serves to transform a field of organized information (mind) into...
Seeing Challenges as Opportunities for Personal Growth
As a kid growing up, I was born into a very challenging life. My mom was a single mother with five kids, one of which was mentally retarded, my father was a severe alcoholic who became very abusive at times, and we were on welfare. We lived in a...
Developing a Moral Code of Conduct as the Practical Application of Universal Laws
One of the most profound practices that have been largely abandoned in our modern era is the practice of developing a moral code of conduct as standards that we hold ourselves to as the means for governing ourselves through all kinds of situations. While many have been taught to...