Self-Mastery: Metamorphosis, Self-Creation, and the Art of Becoming
The true meaning of what we call self-mastery is our ability to master our own nature and resume conscious control over our higher capacities for creating ourselves. The fact is we’re always in the process of creating ourselves in every moment based on what we enter into relationship with,...
Acquiring Higher Knowledge: Condition, State, and Quality of Consciousness
We now know that the consciousness associated with the brain that serves to operate it isn’t produced by the physical organ itself, but the brain (all material bodies) merely act as a receiver and transducer for consciousness which exists in its potential form in the atmosphere around us, also...
Mind-Body Medicine: Developing a More Effective Style of Practicing by Employing Psychological Skills
One of the most common mistakes we make when practicing medicine of any kind, is that we take a system that operates as a whole unit and we separate it into parts, and then proceed to treat only one part as if it’s independent of the system itself. We...
Self-Awareness and How We Become Who We Are – Realizing the Nature of Relationships and Exercising the Power of Choice to Self-Create
We’re all in the process of becoming in life through a constant interaction as an outer stimulus that causes an inner response of a like nature. From the time were born, we’re subject to a constant form of outer stimulation from others, our environment, and the conditions of our...
The Subconscious Mind as the Vehicle for the Cosmic Soul
The Secret to the Manifestation of Cosmic Will The aspect of the mind known as the subconscious mind is also what we can think of as our body consciousness and is symbolized in Esoteric Sciences by the Moon which acts as a “ship of the sky” that serves as...
The Threefold Nature of Our Mind & the Art of Self-Perfection
The True Nature of Choice, Imagination, and Higher Will One of the problems we have in realizing the true nature of not only our mind and selves, but of reality in general, is that we have a hard time not thinking in separative, dualistic terms, while trying to comprehend...