Compassion – The Nature of Perception, Judgment and Self-Realization
While many people perceive compassion as an act or something you do, true compassion is the result of a state of mind that you embody as a way of perceiving others from a non-judgmental perspective. It’s the primary way we come to understand others by understanding ourselves in them....
Archetypes as Laws and Principles that Provide Tools for Personal Transformation
In order to gain an understanding of how archetypes work in our psychological make-up, we have to start by defining what an archetype is. An archetype is what’s used in the most primary sense to illustrate or represent natural principles and laws. An archetype represents a kind of prototype,...
Alchemy and the Process of Initiation – Transformation and Growth Through Challenges and Ordeals
The ancient art known as Alchemy dealt with the idea of soul purification and self-creation through masterful use of the will. It works through Universal Laws that govern all of the material world as a primary form of mind-over-matter, or the minds ability to willfully direct the behaviors of...
The Shadow and the Ego – Self-Creation and the Art of Personal Transformation
The soul exists essentially as threefold in nature between multiple planes, and as dual in nature within the material plane. All of life as we know it is comprised of both masculine and feminine energy as an inner and outer aspect of the same mind or idea. This same...
Auto-Suggestion & Affirmations – The Secret to Programming Your Own Subconscious Mind
Auto-suggestion and affirmations are similar in the sense that they work out of the same principles and serve as a form of self-guided meditation and subliminal conditioning. Our Higher Soul is the part of us that operates both aspects of the conscious and subconscious mind as a means of...
The Nature of Projection, Judgment, and Emotional Reactions
The idea that whatever we see in others and have a strong reaction to is something that we also have in us, can be difficult to understand because of course we don’t see ourselves as being anything like them and may even despise them for being that way. We’re...
The Art of Self-Creation and the Power of an Ideal
In order to create something in a deliberate and intentional manner, we have to start by formulating an idea of what it is we’re creating and why. As with any creative process, we have to start with an idea as an ideal of what we’re aspiring towards that moves...
How Our Mind Creates Reality – The Nature of Perception and Experience
There has been so much confusion with the explosion of quantum physics and Mind Sciences as to the true nature of what we call reality. One of the most fundamental problems we have is people tend to think of the material world of matter and form as a fixed,...
Energetic Imprinting, Conditioning, and Dynamics – Liberating Your Soul from the Unconscious Tendencies that Bind You
Our soul is comprised of essence as memory that comes from the relationship it forms with the body, which resides in a predominately unconscious state, and how they work together to create experiences of reality. The subconscious mind of the body also runs off of memory which it uses...