Month: November 2017

Reincarnation and the Soul’s Journey through Time

The Holographic Nature of Reality and the Illusion of Time  During my education for my doctorate, of which my Bachelor of Science was in Clinical Hypnotherapy, I came face to face with exploring and embracing the idea of reincarnation of the soul. Though there was a part of me...

The Miracle of Love – “A Mother’s Intuition”

My son was born full term at 4 pounds 10 ounces in the early morning of November 8th after a four hour drive lying in the back seat of the car in labor, starring out at the sparkling night sky. During this drive I can remember seeing several shooting...

Hypnosis – How it Works, and Why it’s so Effective

The term hypnosis refers to a mental state commonly referred to as a trance, which is where the body is in a fully relaxed state while attention is fixated on an idea. The conscious, thinking by talking aspect of the mind, which is normally dominant in terms of awareness...

The Chakra System Provides Us with a Model for Using Our Mind to Heal Our Body

 The Chakra system of the subtle body gives us a model for creating from a dual perspective as the movement of energy that’s both descending as spirit into matter, and matter ascending back into spirit. The creative process works from both angles because it’s the continuous flow of the...
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