Relationship Dynamics – “Behavioral Patterns as Life Themes”
One of the difficulties we tend to have in fully comprehending our true ability to self-create through various dynamics that we act out in relationship with others, is that we have conscious and unconscious aspects of an experience, as well as a tendency to identify with every role in...
Personality, Identity, and Ego – Our Main Tools for Transformation
The personality, identity and ego have a tendency to be used intermittently, and their actual meaning can remain somewhat obscured or vague. This may be due to the fact that they emerge out of each other as a natural growth process of becoming. While our personality is related to...
The Struggle to Find Meaning and Purpose
As we go through life, we’re always building our life around what gives us a sense of purpose. This usually comes through a relationship of some form, either in the romantic sense, where we build a life together, or when we have children and a family that we love...
The Law of the Triad – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence
The world is a vast soup of energy that’s always stimulating and interacting with itself in others. Each entity or material body contains energy and is stimulating – emanating or putting off a charge – that’s being received by everything around it that contains the same type of charge...
Becoming more Conscious: Learning How to Listen to Your Body
As a society, we’ve been trained to dwell in a vast sea of distracted thoughts and engage in a random, scattered and often in-congruent form of thinking as a part of our daily communications with others. We live the greater part of our life without ever being truly present...
The Transformative Power of Relationships
As we move through life, we’re always in the process of exchanging consciousness with everything around us. Just as we breathe and take in the air around us, using the molecules attained from it to replenish depleted molecules in our body, and rebuild our body by incorporating them into...
What is the Mind?
There’s a tendency to refer to what we call the mind as being equivalent to the brain, or the heart, or some invisible undefined term that encompasses them both. If we look at the mind through the concept of Spiritual Sciences and the Quantum model of Subtle energy, we...