The Secret to Understanding How Spiritual Guidance Works

The premise required for truly understanding how life works and how we successfully communicate with what we call the spiritual realm (which is really our self on a higher plane), is to start from the idea of unity rather than separation or dividing ideas up into separate parts that appear independent of each other. All of life is unified and exists as a functional part of the same coherent reality as the mind. The mind is the unifying factor not only within the material world, but also what connects multiple planes that act together simultaneously to form what we experience as reality. The mind has what we can think of as three different aspects that perform different functions in creating the same coherent reality. The mind is masculine, feminine, and androgynous, which defines the principles of each aspect and how it operates utilizing active aspects to seed and impregnate the passive aspect in order to create on multiple levels all at once. The mind, like light itself, exists as both a material being (particle) and a reality or full Eco-system (field) simultaneously, in which the material being lives and experiences itself.

While many believe that what we call the self-conscious mind, which is the aspect of the mind that forms an awareness of itself by observing the outer world of our material existence, is the aspect of higher consciousness, it’s actually the masculine aspect of the subconscious mind, which is normally perceived as the feminine aspect. The subconscious mind of an individual is born into the body pregnant with the self-conscious (son) aspect which it then acts to birth systematically through a natural growth process. As our self-conscious mind begins coming into being as an awareness of ourselves that’s independent of our parents (adolescence), we begins forming our identity as the basis for creating ourselves as an individual instead of as an aspect of a group mind (family unit). This is the active component of the subconscious and is basically unconscious itself in terms of knowing its true identity as a higher, creative being. The self-conscious aspect is what fashions itself as its identity based on the relationship it forms with others and its material environment.

3 aspects of our mind and soul
Spiritual Guidance from our Higher Self

All spiritual guidance is actually self-guidance that takes place between multiple planes by utilizing the active component of the higher mind to seed the passive component which then produces it as a part of the outer environment, allowing the self-conscious mind to recognize it intuitively as the answer to a prayer or the means that will lead to the resolution of a wish. Our self, soul, or mind that exists on a higher parallel plane or dimension, acts on itself within the lower plane by giving the subconscious a suggestion as a metaphorical idea that it acts to give birth to as a material reality through its inherent connection with the subconscious mind (collective unconscious) of the entire human race and Nature. The self-conscious mind then acts to witness and become aware of it as a part of its normal experience. It not only shows up as signs, messages, coincidences, or beneficial connections of some kind, but also as feelings, mental impressions, notions, hunches, and intuition of various kinds designed to influence the decision making capacities of the self-aware mind. When we recognize the signs, messages, and feelings and choose to act on them in some way, a synchronistic chain of events takes place that serves to lead us into the reality of our wish or inquiry.

Within the material plane of Nature, all living beings receive their intelligence and knowledge as a species through the subconscious, unified plane of the collective unconscious in a spontaneous and automatic way. Even though most humans have been seriously disconnected from their natural instincts, we experience this same idea as knowledge that comes to us out of thin air (pops into our mind) as what we refer to as inspiration and intuition. When we pray and tune into our higher nature with a desire for creating, and we turn all of our attention inward, and converse with deep sincerity and reason, we’re actually using our subconscious as the means to communicate with our higher consciousness. We’re connecting the two active components with the passive feminine component that acts as a link between them (planes) and transmit a message to the aspect of ourselves (notice this is always plural) that exists above and outside of the lower plane (time and space). The active will of our Higher Mind not only acts to command and direct the subconscious by seeding it with an idea to be created, but also organizes the entire material plane as the unified field of instinct and intuition to cooperatively produce the reality of our request.

Mental substrata - tuning into the matrix

Our lower, self-conscious mind, which most mistakes for being our true self, not only is unaware of its true identity as a divine being, but is also run and controlled by the subconscious as its creative counterpart. This is self-evident by the fact that most, if not all of our normal thoughts are habitual in nature and run through our mind in a repetitive and redundant manner based solely on memory of some kind. Most peoples conscious thoughts and imagining is driven by and the product of their emotions, impulses, and passions. This idea is further exemplified by the realization that many, if not all of our thoughts came by way of what we’ve been taught, conditioned to believe, and by whatever we give our attention to through reading, watching, listening, and take in as entertainment of some kind.

In other words they come as the result of whatever we passively absorb and allowed to take hold in our mind and develop into a detailed reality by continuing to think about them. When we self-reflect and turn inward to observe our thoughts we usually find that they come as the dynamic replay of past memories, scenes from a movie, lyrics to songs, concepts imagined while reading, news reports, and conversations of some kind. We can notice that what we thought today is the same type of things we thought about yesterday, a week ago, last month, and so on. Most of what we think of as our own thoughts is actually slightly modified interpretations of thoughts and ideas that were given to us (unconsciously absorbed) by an outside source. As we think about them by imagining them as a reality and experience of some kind, we integrate them into our memory bank where they become a natural part of our mind and reality.

What we call true guidance, while it comes to us in a similar way via our subconscious in what seems like an automatic way, doesn’t come from an outside source as another, but from an inside source as an extension of ourselves. While guidance may come through something we read, see in a movie, end up in a conversation about, through a new connection, a sign or intuitive realization of some kind, it always comes as an intimate response to a specific inquiry or wondering. This is one of the ways we identify it as a direct response to a recent request. Whatever form the intuitive guidance comes in, only has meaning for us and not anyone else. There’s always an intimate feeling that allows us to realize it’s an actual response to an intention we’ve chosen and firmly set in our mind. Our Higher Self operates on the entire lower plane of the subconscious to organize it into specialized patterns based on the choices we make for creating as our very thoughts and feelings. What we think about is the most basic use of choice and free will that we employ without realizing that that’s what we’re doing.

Light of inner guidance

The other problem we can have without realizing it because we don’t really understand how intuition works when engaging in a deliberate manner, is that the subconscious is programmed or seeded with an idea for creating as a reality through a metaphor or symbolic idea, rather than a specific one. If we give it a specific one it treats it like a metaphor and uses it to create as a correspondence. This allows the basic idea of the wish to be created by whatever complementary elements are available within the immediate environment. All realities as guidance come about in a perfectly natural way. All ideas are universal in nature which allows for a dynamic adaptation to whatever conditions and circumstances exist to be utilized for creating the same type of idea as a modification.

The subconscious works out of specialized patterns that it uses energetically to organize material elements in near proximity of it into the same type of pattern through a cooperative effort. All of Nature is cooperative and congruent in nature and readily forms whatever pattern as a reality it’s given without argument or resisting. It works by way of law and only uses what will participate naturally due to being of the same nature (frequency). We often don’t recognize guidance as a response to a prayer when it comes because it doesn’t come in the same form we imagined it would, and so we discount it, write it off, or ignore it altogether. This is further exacerbated by the fact that guidance nearly always comes as steps to a greater process. We’re required to take action on every step in order to actively (cooperatively) participate in its co-creation which comes as a synchronized flow of events that form a kind of pathway. Often the reality of our request can’t naturally come through our current conditions, and so we have to change positions and create the right conditions in order for it to come naturally.

Because all things only come to us by way of our own choices and actions and our ability to recognize the significance of things and then choose to take action on them in order to produce them in a cooperative manner, many ask for things that they’re not truly willing to participate in creating, and instead expect it to be given to them through a single event or as if by magic or divine intervention. This fact is revealed by the saying that God only helps them who help themselves. All creation on the material plane only comes through our active participation in the guidance received from our self on a higher plane. All true guidance is a natural form of self-guidance being administered through multiple planes of existence simultaneously and comes as our own voice and intuitive awareness.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

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Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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