Love, Equilibrium, and the Power of the Imagination

The Law of the Hexad

Sacred Geometry represents universal laws that shape and govern multiple interlaced dimensions of the spirit (invisible forces), soul (formed consciousness), and matter (ethereal substance). Each geometric shape or configuration, like all symbolic imagery used in Spiritual Sciences, represents a relationship and requires each individual to interpret it in their own way, forming a unique variation, where every interpretation is different in some way based on the perspective and the knowledge of the person interpreting it. But because geometric shapes represent universal laws, which, are the scientific language of spirit, we can use universal models in order to form a working idea of the operations indicated in terms of application or utilizing the knowledge in the practical sense to create within the material world.

 Symbolic language of philosophical mathematics, which represent universal laws, are the cosmic language that requires intuition to discern accurately. Not intuition void of or in contrast to logic, as many think, but as a holistic way of perceiving that forms the foundation for logic as its most practical aspect. Sacred geometry demonstrates a series of interrelated relationships, with the most basic being that of the mind structuring matter, demonstrated by the invisible inner space, forming the relief of the outer material structure, whose outline repeats the inner shape as its outward overall shape. While spirit may be seen as taking the shape of it’s container as a neutral force with no desire or attachments of its own, organized into its initial form by entering the soul which directly inhabits the material body, giving it its nature which determines its behavior, in fact, the spirit is what structures the very container that it then inhabits and operates.

The Heptad, Hexagram, or Sexagram are different names given to the same basic six pointed star or shape, represented by the number 6, is comprised of six equal parts structured in a balanced manner, as all geometric shapes are. The properties of “6” can best be thought of as the culmination, much like a growth process, of 0 – 6, where laws spontaneously emerge from each other, in a synchronized fashion of unfolding, while still containing the potential of the laws that will naturally proceed out of it. 5 bring us into the idea of mind over matter as the basis for regeneration, as the minds ability to direct and shape the 4 elements of the natural world, which also possess psychic mind-like properties. Because laws emerge in pairs of opposites that are complementary aspects of the same idea and operation, 5 brings us into the idea of regeneration of the formed world represented by 4, and 6 gives us the process for doing it. The symbol of the Hexagram is made out of two interlaced triangles with different orientations, one pointing up, and the other one down, forming what’s traditionally called the star of David. The triangle represents the mind which has a triple or three-fold nature, as dual aspects of the One. The single or greater mind exists in dual and complementary aspects of itself. Each interrelated part of the whole performs different functions at different levels of consciousness, each of which is also three-fold in nature. The 3 in 1 law is the primary law of the mind or vibration represented by the triangle or pyramid. The pyramid, as a square base with four triangular sides, represents the material reality (4) that is formed out of the mind (3). It shows us that our experience of the outer material world is a direct reflection of our inner imaginary world as the structure and nature of our mind, which is our vehicle or perceptual lens for perceiving the outer world.

Merkabah - hexagram

While some interpret this to show the connection between the higher mind and the physical or lower mind, to be more precise, it demonstrates the relationship the soul forms with the lower-bodily mind, and the spirit of the higher Divine mind. For this reason, the Hexagram is the symbol that represents the soul of man. As human beings we have two souls or basic natures. The divine soul is the medium or vehicle that connects spirit as pure consciousness with the lower, material world. The 6 as interlacing triangles represents the principle of love and sexual union as resonance and sympathetic induction which is what binds the two spheres together to form a single whole. Love is the principle of resonance that forms a connection as a desire for itself in another, and seeks to unite with the object of its desire. What we love we desire and our desire is the gravitational force that pulls the soul into the body where they fuse together and operate as a single unit (form coherence). We can only love what we understand and relate to. We only truly understand something from the intimate perspective of being it.

The relationship indicated by the Heptad is that of lovers. The relationship of complementary opposites is the masculine and the feminine energies which unite by entering into each other, becoming as one, and operating as a single unit. In the creative sense of the mind, the Hexad represents the unification of the conscious and subconscious minds with the higher mind of our divine soul. As humans we have two souls which give us two natures, and two distinctly different conscious functions. This again, demonstrating the fundamental law of the One existing in polarity as two separate aspects that act to stimulate and complement each other to perform the necessary functions that blend two levels of reality into one. The inner with the outer, and the upper with the lower. As humans we are composite creatures, and have an animal-soul, and a divine soul. This is often depicted as the devil on one shoulder tempting us with vices, and an angel on the other shoulder encouraging virtues.


While our divine soul never fully incarnates in the material realm, it does produce, operate and sustain the dual and complementary aspects of the subconscious and self-conscious minds of our material existence. Our subconscious mind, which is both instinctual and passive in nature, meaning it doesn’t have a will of its own but receives suggestions as commands from an active source, gives birth to the conscious mind as the identity of the body, that has the power to create through choice and free will, and direct the lower instinctual nature in order to use it as a vehicle for self-creation to produce its own individuality. The conscious mind exists in an active-passive relationship with the subconscious mind. The subconscious, like the soul, is a medium between the higher conscious and the personal conscious, and acts as a passive receptor for the will of both. The subconscious is programmed through suggestion which it readily takes in, visualizes and imagines as an experience and uses in place of instinct as memory to produce natural behaviors that are creative in nature.

The higher conscious which communicates telepathically through vibration gives the subconscious suggestions through dreams that are living realities of emotional intensity that the subconscious perceives as actual experiences and uses in the same way it uses all memory, as a template for creating more of the same type of experiences while producing automatic behaviors. The self-conscious mind, which is our awake, active and thinking mind, has the ability to intentionally program the subconscious mind and willfully create by way of it, but only by entering into proper relationship with it, and giving it the programming information in the language of the subconscious as an actual experience. The conscious mind speaks to and directs the subconscious mind by giving it suggestion as an imagined experience. Because the imagination is used to create all experience, whether actual or made up, in order to form a memory which it also replays through the imagination as a means of continuing to use the memory to create more experiences of the same nature as the memory, the imagination is the vehicle through which we communicate through multiple dimensions and aspects of ourselves. We take an idea and shape it into a full sensory reality intensified by emotion, and telepathically communicate it to the subconscious mind as an actual experience of reality. The subconscious mind then readily takes it in as an actual experience and uses it in place of memory to superimpose it over our outer reality as a perceptual lens, which sees, interacts with, and recreates more of the same type of experiences.

electric neurons

Love and sexual union indicates the relationship the conscious mind needs to form with the subconscious mind, in order to use it as the means for creating our desired experiences and wishes. This relationship, as indicated in the form that represents it, works both ways, and if the conscious mind doesn’t know that it can direct the subconscious mind and use it as the means for creating chosen experience, then the subconscious mind directs and runs the conscious mind through emotional states that control our thinking and the imaginary scenarios we run through our mind. Love is magnetic and draws into itself what it loves. By loving ourselves, we embody the conscious state of love, and being love, we harmonize both aspects of ourselves to form a unified whole that bridges the inner with the outer, the subjective with the objective.

By loving ourselves, meaning existing in a loving state, we make decisions that are best for our whole being. Because of this, 6 represents health (body) and healing (mind) as achieving equilibrium as a harmonic balance between mind (conscious) and body (subconscious). Not as done to us or for us by an outside force or entity that intervenes on our behalf, but as we do unto ourselves. We work with our own subconscious mind through a loving attitude that comforts, persuades, and convinces. The most basic motive governing the subconscious, instinctual mind is self-preservation, so only by suggesting ideas that are pleasurable, health promoting, safe, and in present tense as an actual experience, do we elicit the cooperation in fulfilling our wishes, rather than instigating a fight or flight response that intentionally works against our intentional directives.


So the process of mind over matter comes by bringing the 3-aspects of the mind into a resonant balance that harmonizes them. All development comes through a response of the inner with the outer, as demonstrated in the Dyad of the Vesica Piscis. It’s the feminine natural response to the masculine which readily takes in his seed and creates life with it by fashioning it with her own body (matter) that brings ideas into actual form as the reality that allows the experience of them. When the subconscious and conscious act in unison and cooperate in creating a unified idea through a form of intercourse, motivated by love for each other, they produce offspring that’s a combination of both in a new and varied form. By introducing a seeded idea into the womb of the subconscious, shaping that idea into a living form in the imagination, provides it with the template necessary to regenerate more experiences of the same nature. The soul merges with the body and creates itself as the body. While the soul has the ability to direct the body consciousness through awareness, making conscious decisions, and willfully directing the actions of the body, it has to first realize its creative ability, and resist the temptation of the bodily mind, which is moved and determined by its emotions and passions, which tends to control the will of the conscious mind instead. This relationship and co-creative ability is a two-way street, meaning, it works both ways as indicated by the shape itself as triangles moving in different directions.

Through a process that virtually amounts to meditation and self-hypnosis, we have the ability to take control of our life and souls development, and direct our lower conscious mind by reprogramming it with virtual memories that it uses as the vibratory frequency for attraction, and the perceptual lens for seeing and creating more of the same type of experiences. The sixth chakra of the body, referred to as the third-eye, which governs the imagination as the unification of both hemispheres of the brain, which correspond to the subconscious (right hemisphere) and the conscious (left hemisphere) mind, provide the basis for conscious creation. A further correlation is made between the heart (subconscious) and the brain (conscious), as dual aspects of the same thing that bridge feeling with thought, that create an internal imagining as a sensory translation that forms what we experience as our outer reality, which is produced by our inner reality as the very structure and function of our mind.

vesica piscis - dyad

This idea of a dual aspect forming a series of unification’s is inherent in all of life as we know it. Whereas the Dyad demonstrates the relationship between the inner and the outer as an interaction of our inner consciousness with itself (same vibratory nature) in the external reality, the Hexad demonstrates our relationship between the upper and the lower as a complete submergence of consciousness into physical form. The soul fully inhabits the body and becomes one with it as a means of existing and creating within the material realm. The soul fully experiences itself as the body, and therefore has a tendency to mistake itself for the body. This relationship is so intimate that there’s no immediate sense of separation, and the lower body-consciousness of the animal soul, which is mortal and subject to dying, becomes the identity of the eternal and immortal soul of man, who not only unconsciously develops himself to be like an animal, unconscious and emotionally driven to habitual behaviors, but also experiences death of the body as annihilation of the self and soul. Through this fundamental state of mistaken identity and failure to develop the souls creative capacity within the body, it condemns itself to the darkness of ignorance through a fundamental lack of self-awareness.

 So the Hexad is providing us with the creative process for using our conscious mind to direct and reprogram our subconscious mind so it will cooperatively serve to regenerate experiences of a higher level of consciousness. We can use our imagination in a creative way to produce virtual memories that give the subconscious mind a creative template for connecting to that same vibration and quality of consciousness in our outer environment bringing it into our conscious awareness as a natural event. We can reprogram our subconscious mind to natural states and the natural behaviors that are a product of those states. We can give it the virtual memories to produce our perceptual lens that determine our everyday perceptions of reality. We can use the higher aspects of ourselves to reprogram and redirect the lower aspects which are responsible for producing our experience of our outer reality. We can cultivate the inner state as a quality of consciousness that will determine what we attract and naturally enter into relationship with in our outer environment.

 Through this formula we are provided with the creative process for unifying our minds and creating a life of beauty, joy, and harmony. We can resolve all inner conflict and the residual affect of our conditioning by reconditioning ourselves with memories of a desirable nature. We can control our development, not by manipulating the outer world of effects, but by altering our inner world of cause. Instead of being determined by others and our environment, we can draw on and form our sense of self from within and use it to impose a direct influence on others and our environment. We can take back full control of our own soul development through right use of our mind and bringing all aspects of ourselves into a harmonious agreement as a unified state.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Mind-Body Health Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher

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Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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