Initiation – Illuminating the Soul with Inner Light
What is referred to as an Initiate is someone in which their Higher Self has coalesced with the personality and incarnated within their body in a fully active and aware state. The Higher Self typically exists in a dormant state within the subconscious mind until it’s awakened and activated...
Self-Mastery: How to Master Your Emotions and the Delusions they Create
Very few things have a greater impact on our life and cause us to traverse the extremes of pain and joy more than emotions. Yet at the very same time, very few things are harder to truly manage and bring under the control of our will. This is because...
Humility – Dissolution of the False-Ego and Masterful Liberation of the Soul
What has historically been called the ego may be more correctly referred to as the false ego, because the term ego is synonymous with identity and is used in many spiritual texts interchangeably as meaning the same thing. Our identity is formed by whatever we associate with, and how...
Programming Our DNA – A Practical Interpretation of Scientific Observation and Data
The recent discovery made by science through the Genome Project was that the 90% of our DNA that was labeled junk DNA (which simply means they have no idea what it’s for) is actually a form of cosmic computer that acts as a receiver and transducer for energetic information,...
Self-Mastery: Metamorphosis, Self-Creation, and the Art of Becoming
The true meaning of what we call self-mastery is our ability to master our own nature and resume conscious control over our higher capacities for creating ourselves. The fact is we’re always in the process of creating ourselves in every moment based on what we enter into relationship with,...
Acquiring Higher Knowledge: Condition, State, and Quality of Consciousness
We now know that the consciousness associated with the brain that serves to operate it isn’t produced by the physical organ itself, but the brain (all material bodies) merely act as a receiver and transducer for consciousness which exists in its potential form in the atmosphere around us, also...
Self-Awareness and How We Become Who We Are – Realizing the Nature of Relationships and Exercising the Power of Choice to Self-Create
We’re all in the process of becoming in life through a constant interaction as an outer stimulus that causes an inner response of a like nature. From the time were born, we’re subject to a constant form of outer stimulation from others, our environment, and the conditions of our...
The Threefold Nature of Our Mind, the Art of Self-Perfection, and the True Nature of Choice, Imagination, and Higher Will
One of the problems we have in realizing the true nature of not only ourselves, but of reality in general, is that we have a hard time not thinking in separative, dualistic terms, while trying to comprehend a reality that’s the unification of multiple dimensions into a cohesive whole....
Mastering Your Own Mind – Will, Intuition, and Our Relationship with Our Higher Self
In order to learn how to master your own mind you have to form a working concept of it in practical terms. To do this we have to look at each aspect of the mind and how it functions as a dynamic part of the whole mind. What we...
The Relationship Between DNA, the Subconscious Mind, and the Subtle Body
The scientific formula for multiple levels of self-creation as a dynamic combination of the spirit, soul, mind, and body, currently being re-discovered by modern science, was laid out as a diagram illustrating the subtle bodies in Esoteric Sciences thousands of years ago. This map of the subtle bodies was...