The Power of Focus – How We Manifest Our Reality without Realizing It
The things that come most natural to us often go completely unrecognized because we do them without a direct awareness of what it is we’re doing and what it causes. What prevents people from understanding the power of their own mind usually comes because we don’t know how to...
How We Create Ourselves through Our Life Experiences
Once we gain a fundamental understanding of how consciousness as an energetic flow works, we can acquire the self-awareness necessary to create in a much more meaningful way. The principle represented in Sacred Geometry by the Monad is the toroidal energy system that operates within the material world as...
The Soul as the Subconscious Mind and the Holographic Nature of Reality
The mind exists in a unified state that’s intrinsically dual or polarized in nature. It exists in a paradoxical state as being both local, or located within a particular situation, and non-local, or residing outside of the same situation, at the same time. It resides simultaneously as both a...
Vibration as Patterns of Energy – Fractal Patterns and the Soul’s Personal Signature for Creating
Perception is Reality The nature of vibration is a sound frequency that shapes light into imagery and living ideas as potential scenarios. Vibration forms geometric patterns which structure the material world at the subatomic level. DNA, blood, and body tissue, for example, are formed out of pentagons and hexagons...