The Creative Power of the Imagination – Free Choice, Will, and the Nature of Memory
“The way to alter an outcome is to alter the pattern (memory) producing the outcome” In order to create by way of laws in a fully aware manner, we have to create a working concept of how the laws operate within the material realm that allows us to understand...
Auto-Suggestion & Affirmations – The Secret to Programming Your Own Subconscious Mind
Auto-suggestion and affirmations are similar in the sense that they work out of the same principles and serve as a form of self-guided meditation and subliminal conditioning. Our Higher Soul is the part of us that operates both aspects of the conscious and subconscious mind as a means of...
Creating a Vision for Your Life – Choice, Will, and the Power of the Imagination
While many of us may say or feel as if we have a vision for our life, it’s usually more of a vague story that we keep running through our mind about what we want to do or what we’d rather be doing instead of what we’re doing now,...