Understanding the Spiritual Power of Fear
Fear is one of the most powerful spiritual forces there are due to how it functions on the human psyche and within the mind-body relationship. While fear comes instinctively as the means of warning us of an actual danger and immediate threat, allowing us time to prepare or by...
“15” – The Archetype of the Devil: Overcoming Weaknesses, Material Attachments, and Transcending Illusion
In all forms of Esoteric Sciences ideas are communicated in the universal language of Archetypes, numbers, and symbols. We’re given a grand formula as a composite image or idea that must be intuitively interpreted in order for its hidden knowledge to be apprehended. All actual learning takes place through...
Neutralizing Demonic Forces that Render Us Unconscious – Passions, Emotions, and Creating in an Unconscious State
In order to understand how to work with negative forces in our life, which are commonly referred to as demonic forces, we have to move away from the Hollywood depiction of what demons and demonic forces are, and look at them more from the perspective of how we actually...