Tag: ether

The Subtle Plane of Astral Light and the Akashic Field of Memory

I’m not going to talk about or attempt to explain this idea in scientific terms or as a kind of living-technology, because it can only be accurately understood intuitively from the perspective of observing how it moves and functions on the inner planes of the mind as a direct...

Consciousness – “Mood, Memory, and Vibration”

“The Akasha Field and the Vibratory Nature of the Mind” The Akasha, which is called by many names – the Book of Life, Hall of Records, Quintessence, Akashic field, the Unified Field, Quantum Plenum, the Ether, and so on – is similar to the idea of a vast library...

The Mysteries of the Pineal Gland and the True Nature of the Imagination

The Pineal gland is a gland of the Endocrine system of the body, which is a series of ductless glands that produce a variety of hormones that are directly released in the bloodstream that produce emotional states and govern the regulatory aspects of maintaining all major systems of the...