“16” – The Lightning Struck Tower, Destruction of Illusion, and the Dark Night of the Soul
The major Arcane of the Tarot, also known as the Hermetic texts, is comprised of 22 Universal Archetypes that operate simultaneously on multiple planes through the creative process conducted through the utilization of the 10 primary Universal Laws that govern all material manifestation. The first 11 principles involve the...
Self-Mastery: Learning How to Not be Affected by Others
Many of us spend our whole life a slave to the attitude, behaviors, and opinions of other people. We’re in a constant form of reaction from one moment to the next, beings jerked around like a puppet on strings, often crushed by a rude comment. If someone is hateful...
The Healing Power of Witnessing – Detachment, Relinquishing Judgment, and Mirroring
As a general rule, it’s very hard for us to ever really see anybody as they truly are, because just the act of perceiving another influences and distorts what’s being observed and interpreted as a means of creating an experience of it. All perception results from the relationship as...
Forgiveness – Transforming Judgment, Detachment, and the Key to Liberation
The idea of forgiveness can be a somewhat slippery subject in terms of what it actually means and how to do it. Many can put on the facade of appearing to forgive on the outside while still harboring the feelings that led to the perceived need to forgive on...
Spiritual Practice: Emotional Cleansing & Surrendering Your Passions
Like so many spiritual ideas that actually lay the foundation for practice as the means of self-development, they tend to be misunderstood in the most fundamental way. This is also largely due to the fact that the spiritual and physical world exists in polarity of each other as a...