The Merkabah – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence as the Vehicle for Ascension
The idea of the Merkabah, which is typically represented by the interlaced triangles of the Hexad, or what some refer to as the Star of David, in scientific terms associates the idea with the laws that govern it and are necessary in order to perform what the idea suggests....
Spiritual Guidance – Birthing Our Higher Self within Our Lower Mind
The idea of spiritual guidance is a little bit different for everybody because it’s based on what we’ve been taught and accepted as true, what we’ve come to believe about ourselves and the nature of reality, and our own personal style which emerges naturally through practice. When we bring...
The Third Eye and the Spiritual Experience of Conscious Dreaming
The pineal gland and subtle organ of the third eye directly associated with it, are often symbolized as a form of internal gateway or portal to alternate dimensions, where we experience a form of inner vision, hallucination, or dream as a spiritual experience. Often when we talk about envisioning,...