Recognizing how You’re Programming Yourself to Create and Maintain the Life You’re Living
One of the things that makes it difficult to understand how our own mind works in creating our reality comes in the fact that we have two aspects that work harmoniously with each other at the subtle level. These two primary aspects of our mind, called the subconscious and...
The Nature of the Soul – The Kabbalah Tree of Life and the Process of Self-Creation
The Kabbalah Tree of Life provides us with a symbolic diagram for understanding the true nature of our soul and how we can consciously create ourselves through the understanding and utilization of universal laws. It’s created as a hierarchical structure of spheres of consciousness as states of mind (Monads)...
Fate, Astrology, and the Seven Archons of the Material Plane
The material realm of the Earth is governed primarily by the subconscious aspect of the mind, which is the aspects that governs all of Nature and the animal kingdom as the instinctual field of mass consciousness, or what some think of as the collective unconscious. This field of intelligent...