Mental, Emotional, and Physical Purification – The Prerequisite for Transcending to Higher Forms of Consciousness

The definition for the purification process is to remove toxins, pollutants, and contaminates, returning it to an original state of purity. It’s the process of making something spiritually or ceremonially clean. Free from anything that debases, pollutes, adulterates, degrades, or contaminates it. Clean of all foreign elements. In the spiritual sense it means freeing the soul from sin and guilt, which means errors in perception and actions, and doing things that you feel or know are wrong or bad somehow. It comes as a form of restoration of grace that redeems our soul and promotes our salvation. It’s removing from our mind and body anything that defiles, desecrates and makes us profane, that violates and corrupts, or that perverts and tarnishes us in some way. It’s cleansing ourselves of all forms of negativity that act to reduce us somehow in terms of our morality. It comes through our ability to resist temptation of physical pleasures and impulses that will cause us to acquire qualities that will digress us to a lower, animal-like nature.

The goal of undergoing the process of self-purification is to produce a state fit for a specific purpose that requires us to meet certain standards. The higher soul, which is non-material and eternal in nature, is unchangeable because it’s pure in nature and isn’t influenced or affected by material elements. It doesn’t blend or mix with anything of a different nature. The human soul and the body form a relationship as an amalgamation where they blend with each other and take on the same state, qualities, characteristics, and tendencies. By removing all of the negative influences that have served to mask our true nature and corrupt our consciousness with passions and desires that render us animal-like (unconscious), we return to our essential self as being ‘in this world but not of it’. We can free ourselves of all material passions and addictions and the illusions they create that keep us in a constant state of bondage as longing for meaningful experiences, craving physical pleasure, wanting material possessions, and suffering when our cravings aren’t met somehow.

In order to understand the true process of self-purification from a soul level, we have to look objectively at the nature of desire, lust, connection and the power of the magnetic forces of the material plane that we experience as emotion. Whatever we feel a connection to, we have a desire and longing for. We think about it naturally and on a regular bases, gravitate towards it by always seeking it out somehow, wondering about it, and dream about what it will be like when we unite with it, experience it and become one with it. All of which tunes us to the same vibration and magnetizes us to it. Whatever image or idea we hold in the mind as a mental impression that we develop into a vivid reality as a possible experience of it, we align ourselves with and alter our vibration to match it. This is the most basic law, the Law of Vibration as resonating with something that we unconsciously seek out and enter into as the experience of it from within it, that acts to modify our mind through the incorporation of it as a memory of some form, causing us to vibrate at the same frequency. We’re always calibrating ourselves vibrationally by what we think about and imagine as a reality, and what we actively participate in.

The dyad and womb of creation

Whatever we willingly become one with in mind and emotion (chemically), we become the same as in terms of frequency, and it becomes a part of our normal thoughts and what we associate with that keeps our body tuned to the emotional chemistry of the thought, which forms a gravitational field between the imaginary idea within us and that same idea outside of us. As we think and imagine, we feel and sense, and we provide our subconscious mind with a pattern as a virtual memory to use to not only produce our physical expression and behaviors to be of the same nature, but to draw and direct our attention to that same idea all around us. It becomes like a beacon of sorts that stands out when we naturally scan the environment by making it take on an enhanced quality that seems more vivid and intimate than other ideas that we don’t think about or entertain much. In this way, through the very nature of our thoughts and what we choose to let into our mind and entertain by contemplating and give our attention to on a regular basis, we align ourselves to that idea as a mental and emotional state, and it becomes a part of us as an inherent and regular part of our reality.

Once a compelling mental image or strong emotional event is allowed to penetrate and inhabit our mind, it can become a permanent thought as our ability to reference it in association with something else. It becomes a memory that populates our thoughts with more of the same type of thoughts. As we encounter other ideas of a similar nature, it pops into our mind and plays out as a means of creating our experience of the present based on how we associate it with the past. While there are many things we can’t help seeing, witnessing, or becoming a part of because they’re a natural part of our immediate and everyday reality, we can and do make constant conscious decisions as to what we intentionally or willingly engage in and give our concentrated attention to, and let into our mind, and allowing it to take hold by continuing to think about it. As we engage in the reality of the thought, forming it into an experience, we integrate it into our mind as a virtual memory that’s used just like a real memory to create us to be of the same nature, and it becomes a possibility for an actual experience. We tune ourselves to it through the very act of thinking about it as a sensory reality that we’re in the process of experiencing.

Creative imagination

Thought and emotion are always intimately connected as one produces and gives rise to the other and are of the same nature, because thought produces and idea as an imagined reality experienced in sensory terms as feeling sensations that produce emotion as the physical chemistry of that reality. Emotions, being of a material nature, produced by sensory stimulus that’s produced in response to thought, is the language of the material world that’s always being communicated through a natural form of energetic transmission that flows freely through the atmosphere (astral plane) in which our body acts as a receiver for. Just as thought provokes the emotion associated to the thought in the individual mind, emotion also provokes thought that produces the reality of the emotion in the imagination. Emotions exist as more of an archetypal theme designed to produce automatic, unconscious behaviors, and are what drive the instinctual plane of the animal kingdom, of which our body is a kin to.

All emotion serves to automatically produce certain types of reality by first altering the chemistry of our body through energetic stimulus that modifies our state of mind (energy field) accordingly through resonance, and utilizes our will by controlling our thoughts to produce the type of reality that serves to naturally express and produce more of the same emotion. So while the thoughts themselves as an imagined reality may vary from individual to individual, all being stimulated with the same emotion, the type of reality as a theme and the behavior it automatically produces will be the same (very similar). Emotions, when left unchecked, render us unconscious because they take control of our physiology and run our mind, controlling and determining how we perceive and behave, and what type of dynamics we naturally engage in.

We are literally being given our thoughts as mental impressions by other people that we communicate with, and various forms of media that bombard us with constant ideas as videos, movies, advertisements, propaganda, articles, sayings, pictures, music, and so on, much of which we readily engage in while in a passive state of non-resistance (being entertained by it), or through sensationalism of some form being used as an emotional hook by how it’s presented, that we feel magnetically drawn to, or have simply been trained to give our mind over to anything that’s out there vying for our attention. The whole quest of culture and society is to take control of our will by introducing information as sensationalized ideas that we willingly take in an incorporate into our mental paradigm and therefore act as a natural channel for it by participating in it in a fully cooperative manner. Anything that becomes a part of our everyday reality we accept as normal, build it into our experience in a way that makes sense to us, and fail almost completely to recognize as a program that we’re being given and systematically conditioned to.

consultation for Personal Transformation and soul evolution

Whatever we take in from our environment unsuspectingly and without careful analysis or discretion, or any form of actual awareness as to what it is, what it means, and how will affect us, conditions us as a primary form of hypnosis. We’re literally given our thoughts in a fully interpreted manner as the visual reality and how we’re supposed to feel about that reality. We’re told what that reality will mean in terms of benefiting from it if we accept it as a natural part of us and lend our will to participate in creating by becoming it in mind, emotion, and actions. We’re always becoming by what we combine ourselves with, associate with, and create ourselves by way of. As we think, imagine, feel, emote, and do, we sense ourselves as, and it shapes us by way of becoming the same as it.

To purify the mind and emotions is to become aware of this natural process and begin working by way of it in a conscious and intentional manner. This means to first become aware of your own habits, what you expose yourself to and participate in without full awareness of what you’re doing as more of a habit or addiction, what relationships you maintain and how they influence and affect you, and what environments and situations you place yourself in as a part of your daily routine. It comes through an awareness of how you’re acting on yourself to willingly condition yourself to a form of mass brainwashing as social entertainment and information delivered through media that all of society is unknowingly and eagerly participating in. It begins by choosing to wake up and become aware, then exercising your creative power to consciously choose and willingly act out those choices to begin directing and determining your own mind and behaviors.

The minute you choose to take back censorship of your own mind and body, no longer created by others and society, and immediate question arises, and that is ‘who am I?’ Who and how do I want to be? If I’m going to intentionally create myself and govern my own thoughts and emotions, what kind of thoughts and emotions do I want to have? It brings us face-to-face with the reality of who we are and the tremendous responsibility of consciously creating ourselves. Something many go their whole life without ever realizing. To choose to be conscious and fully aware in your everyday life as the initial step into the process of self-creation brings with it a great deal of responsibility and accountability, and can be very disruptive to your current life. Once we begin becoming fully conscious in what was previously unconscious processes that were forming us by the will of others, and we begin looking at habitual behaviors, routines, and activities that we engage in without direct awareness of what was actually happening, we can hit a moment of crisis that can seem overwhelming because we realize we’ve been living our entire life out of a conditioned state that lacked any actual form of self-awareness. We often don’t know where to begin because we see so many things that need to be changed that no longer engaging in them impulsively and sporadically would cause mayhem.

Our 3-fold nature

This is because the way we change behaviors and activities isn’t necessarily by addressing and working with the behaviors themselves, but rather by recognizing and working directly with the state of mind out of which they naturally arise as expressions and natural behaviors. All thought and emotion that form the basis and motivate our behavior arise naturally out of our state of mind as our paradigm, or attitude, beliefs, values, preferences, decisions, memories, and so on, as a form of by product. By changing our values and beliefs, we naturally change all of our behaviors that result from them. We have to change how we look at something and how we interpret it through a new awareness of it in order to change how we naturally exist in relationship with it and how we interact with it as a result. Once we change our perception of something, all behaviors that resulted from it change automatically. When we habitually engage in the activities that resulted from the old perception, we become very aware of it and it no longer captivates us, we can’t stay with it, or, it no longer seems interesting. Its magnetic quality subsides and dissipates, and we forget about it.

Once we choose to be aware in areas and ways we were previously unaware, or had a different awareness around, we can begin consciously choosing what we expose ourselves to and what we don’t. We can decide what activities to participate in and which ones not to. Which relationships we continue to maintain, and which ones we let go of. We can provide ourselves with new information of a desirable nature that will grow us in ways we want to be grown. We can begin participating in new kinds of activities that bring us new kinds of experiences that are more in alignment with who we are and what we stand for. We can disconnect from the mindless activities of society that’s asleep and being given their thoughts and emotions, and we can begin thinking for ourselves and engaging in a form of constant study that causes us to think in new ways, imagine new possibilities, and feel in ways that will foster our growth to a positive means.

Perhaps the most important thing that waking up within your own life and becoming aware brings about is becoming aware of your self. Who you are as a soul, and learning how to take responsibility for you own creation through intentional use of your ability to realize, think for yourself, decide, and act out your decisions creating your reality, experiences, and self by way of your ability to think in original ways. By being able to consciously direct ourselves out of our conditioned and habitual mindset, we can take back control of our own destiny and guide ourselves down a deliberate evolutionary path of self-discovery and self-creation.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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