Intuition – Inner Knowing and the Quest for Knowledge

Intuition is the Higher Faculty of the Mind that attains Knowledge through Self-Realization

Our intuition isn’t necessarily a skill or tool we use at will, although it can be, but comes more as a basic way of perceiving and interacting with the world around us. It comes as feelings about things as a direct and intimate experience where we know about something without a logical basis for knowing about it through the internal experience it creates. It comes more as an inner feeling (vibration) that’s connecting with the inner nature (vibration) of everything and everyone around them. It’s more like a soul-to-soul recognition, which penetrates and sees through matter to the mental atmosphere within and radiating around something. Intuition is an energetic communication that operates through the fundamental Law of Resonance.

Our soul, which is synonymous with our mind, operates out of inner senses as our spiritual faculties that sense the inner quality about things, ideas, and situations. It sees through matter to the spirit or quality of consciousness that’s embodied in it, and expressing through it as a kind of personality or way of being. We can directly sense and interpret the feeling attitude that underlies and motivates the behaviors being outwardly expressed. What we perceive intuitively doesn’t have anything to do with the outer appearance of something, or how it’s being presented in terms of outward appearances, but always senses and deals directly with the motivation and true intentions as the feelings we get when in the presence of their energy. The energy of everything around us is constantly interacting with our energy by vibrating certain aspects of it, calling those aspects forth in us.

Interference pattern

This ability to communicate soul-to-soul and experience the inner nature of something as inner resonances of some sort that either harmonizes with their outer expression, or contrasts it, is how we recognize congruence as integrity, or a lack of it that attempts instead to hide its true nature and intentions. Through this inner recognition of its vibratory constitution, we can also learn how to tell true knowledge from false ideas. We can know what’s real and what’s not, because intuition about something doesn’t operate through logic or rationalizing, but out of universal laws that are based on qualities that animate form as behaviors that act out a creative process of some kind. Qualities of consciousness stimulate us through feelings and emotions that always reveal to us the psychology or idea being played out through the mental impressions they form.

The quality around something as the feeling we get from it, tells us whether or not it’s true, right, correct, honest, real, and so on. This doesn’t come as a rational thought process about it or our own internal processing formed out of a concept about it that allows us to explain, describe, or tell ourselves a story about that makes it seem real, but rather as a feeling of knowing without knowing how we know. This inner knowing around something as an imagined experience that emerges naturally through the energetic relationship we form with it, either makes it seem compelling, attractive, and forms an innate desire to move deeper into it (we feel an affinity for it), or makes it seem repulsive so we contrast, disconnect, and are repelled by it.

Energetic interaction between two people

The question then becomes, how do you know the difference? How do you know if your simply processing and perceiving things through your own mental model, and either approving or disapproving based on your ability to judge and logically understand it, or where you can’t explain it exactly, but you simply know it to be true and real as a form of inner guidance that’s designed to either move you into ideas or away from them? The real illusion often lies in the fact that while we think our ability to logically explain something or form a working understanding of it is a good way to tell if it’s true or not, we’re always using our own model of the world to perceive and interpret ideas, which, chances are, is built out of a massive collection of errors that’s only capable of discerning through the same errors that we’re mistaking for truth or facts. We’re always using what we already know or believe to interpret everything else in order to gain knowledge of it by being able to perceive it through our current level of understanding. So anything that can’t be interpreted (explained, described, and understood) through the same set of dynamic beliefs as fundamental errors, can’t be meaningfully understood or validated as being true using our model.

Intuition, which is the perception of laws operating within an idea can be felt and known through the direct experience of them without being able to explain or reason as to what you know and why. Because the intuitive faculty of the mind perceives the inner nature and working of people, things, and situations, as a recognition of their mental-energetic atmosphere, it’s always realizing the truth of things through their underlying motives. As soon as we try to explain what or why we know to give it meaning, we begin reshaping it to match our mental model, which is constructed primarily out of what we’ve been taught by others and accepted as being true, that we then incorporated into our belief-system which becomes our perceptual lens and means of experiencing the world.

Time warp

As we come across truth as knowledge of some sort, using our intuition, which recognizes only the laws involved that are serving to motivate and structure it, we can tell if it’s true or not by how it makes us feel in response to it. All knowledge comes to us through a form of seek and find method as a pathway to knowledge or a chain of associated ideas that involves a form of research as a treasure hunt, or solving a mystery. Where we first have the desire within us for knowledge as a form of connection, curiosity, or fascination around it that involves us in the constant activity of searching it out. We’re always connecting to it and looking for it somehow, while steadily gravitating towards it. One avenue becomes an open door, that feeds our curiosity, engrossing us with a deeper sense of fascination, wonder, and awe, and we find more hidden clues within it, that when researched and investigated, lead to a whole new series of ideas of a similar nature. Through a dynamic chain-of-associated ideas, we are propelled and led into an ongoing quest for knowledge that can often last a lifetime. This quest never really subsides or leaves us, but serves instead to take us deeper and deeper into in it while expanding the breadth of knowledge attained through the realization of its interconnection to everything else.

It becomes, as the saying goes, ‘how far down the rabbit’s hole do you want to go?’ Knowledge, like everything, is multidimensional in nature and exists as multiple layers that all interpenetrate each other forming new insights through the integration of knowledge that modifies and updates our paradigm, allowing us to see new things that we couldn’t see before. By consistently evolving our mental paradigm through the synthesis of new ideas, we begin seeing life in brand new ways, and can readily see things that completely eluded us before, or that we denied and resisted, and posed ourselves against as a result.

Waves propagating through space

Intuition is how we perceive the world around us through its interconnection and wholeness. It’s the ability of the soul to penetrate matter and see directly into the spiritual essence of things as their true inner nature. This same penetrating ability allows us to recognize the truth in all things, regardless of what its outer appearance is. Intuition moves us into things through an inner connection with them (resonance). It allows us to see the truth that lies in any idea or branch of knowledge produced by an individual.  Where certain aspects become illuminated through an affinity for them that impregnates us with the seeds necessary to continue our investigation by allowing a whole series of interrelated ideas to start unfolding in a synchronized manner, and we step into their secrets wide-eyed and filled with a sense of anticipation.

Intuition makes learning and growing a passionate pursuit where we learn about ourselves through the experience of learning about everything else. All learning becomes a personal journey back into the essence of who we truly are. We can only truly know everything else through an inner recognition as correlating aspects of ourselves. One produced by our authentic self with the authentic, though hidden aspect, of everything else. Intuition works energetically through resonance where the vibration of something else enters into and activates that same vibration in us, allowing us to experience it as a quality of consciousness felt inwardly. All intuition is feeling oriented as a frequency that stimulates and causes a whole reality to arise within us as its potential for expression.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Integrative Mind-Body Medicine Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher

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