Internal Dialogue – “The Most Natural Form of Self-hypnosis”

Many people believe that self-hypnosis is a technique or process that has to be studied and learned in order to be proficiently practiced. Yet, in reality, we are always engaged in self-hypnosis as the most fundamental behavior of the mind that we naturally engage in without realizing it. All operations of the mind are not foreign ideas that have to be sought after and learned in order to be able to do, but rather simply becoming fully aware of how we use our mind in an ordinary and ongoing manner.

We are constantly engaged in a form of thinking as internal dialogue that’s always telling us stories about people and things, wondering about something, describing something, explaining things, and creating an internal reality out of feeling emotions. All of this is the most basic and natural way that we act to program ourselves by use of our own mind-body system. The foundation of hypnosis is a relaxed and therefore receptive state (no resistance or challenging (your own) ideas), while being given suggestions as dialogue that you simultaneously picture in your mind as a image or object, scenario, or living reality as the conceptualization of what you’re telling yourself. This is the most natural way the conscious (thinking – talking) mind gives directives as commands or imaginary prompts to the subconscious (feeling – experiential) mind, which turns them into realities that appear real and create an internal experience of the thoughts, which become a form of virtual substitute memory that acts like a template for creating outer experiences that match the internal ones.

The conscious mind programs the subconscious mind by giving it instructions for what type of idea to make into a reality. The reality is a self-creation that not only provides a memory-template for the subconscious mind (which operates through memory) to create instant realities of the same nature, but also acts to hone our vibratory frequency to that reality, while simultaneously revealing our vibratory frequency as an expression, while also asking for more of the same thing.

doorway to other dimensions

Our internal dialogue as our most basic form of self-expression is also the most primary form of prayer that asks for a certain type of experience through the universal language of sensory enhanced imagery formed in our imagination by us. We shape our own reality by how we use our imagination to first create it as on ongoing thematic story-line internally, tuning our vibration to that state-of-mind, which then acts as a mental filter or lens for restructuring our external reality to be ideal for telling the same type of story. We only see and use the elements necessary for creating a story by how we interpret other people’s behaviors, situations or events. We reform our external reality to match our internal by how we interpret it to give it meaning. The meaning becomes the basis for the story that shapes the experience we create out of it. In any situation or event, we only notice and abstract what can be congruently used to tell the same type of story we hold as a life theme. Whatever doesn’t match or naturally lend itself to the telling of our thematic story, we don’t notice or react to.

Our subconscious mind, which is equivalent to our body-consciousness, produces behavior to act out whatever story as a reality it has been programmed with, through memory of some form. Whatever we think about that has strong feelings and emotions attached to it, which is why we keep thinking about it, while running it through our mind repeatedly and imagining it as different scenarios being played out in a variety of ways, is programming ourselves to naturally create those type of experiences as a general theme that’s congruent with our life’s story.

Hypnotic state

We naturally engage in this process most of the time without direct awareness of what we’re actually doing. Naturally any experience that has a strong emotional impact anchors that memory in our body, making it compulsive. We tend to dwell in it, and think about it constantly throughout the day as normal random thinking and daydreaming. As we run thoughts through our mind repetitively we program ourselves to the frequency of those thoughts, not only seeing them readily and reacting to them in others and in our environment, but we also magnetize ourselves according to those thoughts (which are imprinted in our Astral (mind) field) and draw to ourselves people and situations ideal for creating more of those same type of experiences.

So the most basic form of self-mastery as self-realization and creation, is not only to master our own internal dialogue and what we focus on, think about and picture in our mind as a potential experience, but to use it intentionally and in a deliberate manner to program ourselves with positive ideas that strengthen virtuous qualities within our character that tell naturally express by telling beautiful, adventurous, and meaningful stories of your own choosing that enrich our sense of well-being and our ability to enjoy and relax into our own life. Whatever you tell yourself as an imaginary thought-process, you become. The trick to anchoring the thought is to imbue it with strong feelings and emotions that make it appealing and compelling. Feel the thought by shaping it with sensory definition (what are you seeing, hearing, feeling, telling yourself) creating it as a living experience in your mind’s eye, and begin programming yourself in a way that allows healing and a sense of empowerment within your own life. Take control of your life by consciously using your mind to self-create and become self-determined as a result.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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