How to Influence Others, Create Change, and Transform the Greater Whole
At some point in our spiritual evolution, we reach a point where we encounter the idea of how to bring about meaningful change at a greater level, or within our own life and current situation in a way that will be beneficial for everyone involved. When we move out of always thinking about ourselves in terms of taking everything personal, making everything about us and what we need and want, and we begin taking on a more universal and non-personal attitude, we encounter new challenges that require us to begin asking different types of questions. When we detach from our personal existence in always being self-serving, where everything is about fulfilling a perceived need or personal desire of some kind, which usually requires us to try and control others or manipulate situations to play out in our favor or the way we think they should . . . we move into a higher and more expanded version of ourselves. We move from selfish to selfless, and our attitude becomes about serving others and working in any situation to bring about the greatest good for everyone involved. This requires an entirely different attitude and set of skills that act to naturally facilitate a whole new stage of growth which comes as a form of soul searching and learning how to embody a higher way of being.
We begin wondering how to impose a direct influence on others and our environment in a way that’s non-intrusive, harmonious, and beneficial in terms of enhancing awareness and helping them form new realizations that will promote their own spiritual growth and development in the best way possible. It’s when we no longer feel the need to try and control others that we have the greatest ability to influence them. We’re always faced with a basic form of dichotomy when it comes to understanding our own essential nature and the nature of the world around us, because we’re so caught up in the illusion of our own self-made image and façade that we mistake it for being real. We fail to recognize that in the most basic sense we’re energetic (spiritual) beings and function according to the same universal laws that govern all life throughout the cosmos. We’re always emanating (sending out and conceiving) the vibration of our consciousness as our whole, core being. Yet in the ordinary sense of awareness and how we perceive ourselves in relationship with the world around us, we’re always working out of fragmented aspects of our being, rather than our whole being. When we take on a more universal sense of ourselves, where we let go of our personal ego and step into a higher way of being, we’re no longer working with one aspect or the other, but begin operating as a single mind, single nature, and single way of being. Even though this nearly always comes as a gradual process of growth and development, we find ourselves in new and unfamiliar territory, which takes a while to get used to and is usually something we have to learn how to navigate on our own.
I spent years investigating methods and techniques for how to “impose an influence” on the greater field around us, as a means of subliminally influencing others. I was involved in community and global meditations designed to use the group mind to influence the greater whole at an unconscious level, some of which exercised various methods to try and measure the results, which of course is always a hit or miss proposition, and you never know for sure if the results you’re getting are due to your own desire, wishful thinking, or beliefs. I had the added advantage of being very experienced in various forms of hypnosis, mesmerism, and trance induction, which of course works by using one aspect of the mind (conscious) to subdue and lead the other aspect (subconscious) through rapport, suggestion and reverie. And while this works very well in a one-on-one situation, or even in small groups, you’re always confronted with the moral implications of imposing your will on another person, and the karmic consequences that result from it. At the universal level, which means the greater whole rather than the individual, the number one rule (law) that even the highest powers don’t violate, is you can’t ever impose your will on another person. You can’t ever make their decisions for them or make them do what you decide they should do. Everyone is bestowed with the higher capacity of reason, freewill, and the ability to create by making their own decisions in how they live their life, and are ultimately responsible for their own creations.

All change, in the most basic sense, comes through experiences that cause you to form new awareness that brings a series of realizations about yourself in relation with the world around you. These realizations form the basis for making clear decisions that are passionate and self-affirming in nature. When we realize things about ourselves based on how we feel in certain situations or when we’re around certain people, and how we become in relationship with them, we’re faced with a very basic form of decision regarding our morality and who we are as a person. We either like how we feel, or we don’t like how we feel. We either expand, becoming larger and more powerful, or we shrink back, becoming smaller and weaker. All change has its roots deep within us and becomes known through feelings we have when we come into touch with who we really are. We’ve been trained psychologically to systematically produce our own pain and suffering by how we think and feel, always struggling with our own weaknesses and shortcomings. We’re always caught up in a relentless form of inner turmoil and moral conflict . . . with ourselves. Where poison feels good and leaves us craving more, limitation and restriction creates a false sense of safety and security, and numbing ourselves becomes an easy solution that’s readily available in a variety of forms. We accept limitation with the belief we have no other choice, and fear becomes the walls of our prison cell that leads to moral decay.
We give up and give in out of fear in even trying, and cling blindly to a meaningless existence, overwhelmed with a sense of hopelessness and no vision of a future where we feel alive and powerful in our own life. Fear acts as a cancer that kills us from the inside out, eating away at our soul bit by bit, diminishing us to the point where we no longer have the strength or courage to seize and annihilate it. We’ve become invested in residing in a lowly existence where we struggle to make it through the day and try to subdue our anxiety with toxic food, drugs, and alcohol. We pass valuable time with idiotic, meaningless entertainment that doesn’t matter in the most basic sense, and only glorifies shallow, self-absorbed people starving for attention. We’re beaten down and held in captivity by our own unruly thoughts, riddled with self-doubt, without ever realizing we have the key to set ourselves free from our own gilded cage.
The only real spiritual quest in life is the journey of becoming a powerful, sovereign being in our own life, who works always for the good and well-being of society as a whole. A patron of our community. A peacemaker, leader, and benefactor. There seems to be a constant struggle to find balance and maintain it through the turbulent sea of life’s ups and downs, happy moments, ordinary sequential moments, and horrific moments of tragedy that leaves us consumed with a feeling of devastation and hopelessness. Happy moments flow naturally with a sense of pleasure and enjoyment, ordinary moments allow us to relax and settle into a feeling of mundaneness that eventually causes us to want more, tragedy turns our world upside down, sending us into a tail-spin that we have to fight vigorously to pull out of, and together . . . we move through cycles of time that seem to set the stage for us to grow in unexpected ways by how we define ourselves in relation with it all.

Through an earnest desire to know and dedication to constantly experimenting using the ethical laws that govern the eternal soul, I came to realize the secret to truly influencing the field of the greater whole, and of humanity in general. Naturally, it starts with your immediate environment and the people who are a part of your everyday life, and by influencing them in a particular way, they in turn influence everyone they engage with in their circle of friends in a similar way, and it continues to grow and multiply as a result. The individual and the whole that they’re apart of are always vibrating in harmony with each other at the underlying level of their subconscious mind. You work with or through the unified field of greater consciousness, not through purely mental means, but by “being” what you want to cause and bring out in others. What connects all of us at the underlying level of pure consciousness is our character. We all share the same character traits that are developed to different degrees and levels, based on different behavioral dynamics (patterns). Our character exists as a formula of archetypal qualities (12 archetypes of the Zodiac) that form our thoughts, inner feelings, emotions, and all the behaviors and activities we naturally engage in. You have to “be” what you want to elicit in others. Not just in thought as a visualization or intention infused with an emotion, but in terms of your entire being and how you are in the normal sense of your everyday life.
Your entire being and what you demonstrate naturally through your attitude and behavior is what forms your mental frequency, which emanates through the greater field of the collective unconscious, imposing a correlating influence on it. The greater field of energy that surrounds us is subliminal in nature. It’s what forms the subconscious mind which is the collective consciousness and aspect of the mind we all share in common. If you try to directly influence somebody with a mental projection formed through concentrating on an idea intensified by an emotion that you direct towards them, they can sense it subliminally, realize you’re trying to control them, and will usually resist it, counteract it, or retaliate in some manner. This is the basis for what is traditionally called a spell or curse, which acts by directly imposing your will on another person. If the person or group of people don’t realize what’s happening, and think it’s their own thoughts and will or a feeling that simply overcomes them, and act on it without realizing what they’re doing, you become karmically (magnetically) tied to that person, and the intention that motivates the act you sent out, returns to you, albeit in a way that you’re not directly aware of. Energy is electromagnetic in nature, and all projections, no matter how they’re formed, always reach an outer point where they curve back on themselves and return to the center from which they came. All energy is polarized and cyclical in nature, and what you put out always returns. When we attempt to control others, we end up being controlled by others. They’re different ends of the same act. What we give, we also get.
If you’re pretending, putting on airs, or struggling yourself, that’s how you’re influencing everyone and everything around you. We’re only capable of bringing out in others what we ourselves are at the core of our being. You can’t fool energy, and it’s not prone to illusions. Pretending to be something you’re not is an illusion that becomes a delusion and keeps you locked into the situation (reality) and relationships that result from and act to foster the illusion. We’re always sending out the vibration of the feeling and emotion we’re trying to cover up with the mask and false façade we’re wearing in the outer sense. While we think our projection is the image of ourselves we’ve created as how we’d like to be seen by others, we’re actually projecting what’s motivating our need to hide and create a false image of ourselves. Our judgments of ourselves become how we judge others, and how we see the world in general, and is what forms our energetic frequency. They’re all connected by the same idea as a feeling, and act to reflect each other.

When we try to act confident in a situation where we actually feel insecure and unsure of ourselves, where we’re on the verge of freaking out, we reek of insecurity and self-doubt. Everyone around us senses it because we’re stimulating the same feeling in them. Our outer image (how we’re acting) doesn’t match the feeling we give others just by being around them. We think it’s about the outer image and persona we take on, when it’s really about how we make people feel when they’re around us and how we interact with them. It’s not about saying “don’t do this”, while picturing and thinking about what you don’t want them to do. It’s about saying do this, be this way by demonstrating it through your natural way of being, which will activate within them the same feelings, qualities, and way of being. Don’t focus on what you don’t want others to do, coupled with a subliminal command of “no” or “don’t do this”, and instead become “what to do and be” instead. Being is the precursor to doing. BE what you want to bring out in others as a way of being and type of person. Be an example and demonstrate it through natural behavior and in every area of your life. However you are in the most natural and honest sense of your inner nature, you act to naturally stimulate, bring alive, and call forth in others and everything around you.
In this way you’re not violating choice and free will of others or trying to control and manipulate them to be what you think they should be, you’re simply stimulating the character traits in them that will act to naturally produce a certain type of feeling and behavior as a way of being. They’ll express the same character traits in their own way that will bring them new types of experience, out of which a correlating mindset will begin taking shape. As we form new experiences of ourselves as being a certain way, equally new realizations transpire through the experience that form the basis for making new decisions. As we make new decisions for ourselves that require change, we have to exercise our will in bringing about those changes, and we grow as a result. The only way we truly have of imposing a direct influence into the field of mass consciousness, altering it in a correlating manner, is through the vibratory frequency of our innermost nature and way of being. Fragmentation doesn’t work, and neither does visualizing with the intention of trying to control and manipulate. It’s based on your whole being and true inner nature.
This same idea works on all scales and levels of consciousness equally. If we move this idea out to greater and greater levels, where we want to be able to impose an influence at the community, societal, or even global level, we have to first bring about the changes we desire in the world within ourselves and our daily life. We have to cultivate the necessary character traits within ourselves, intensify them with a feeling of passion and purpose, and then bring them into practice in every aspect of our daily life as our “natural way of being in the world”. We can’t pray for peace, or join meditation groups aimed at global change, where we embody and visualize the idea of peace for a short period of time or intermittently, we have to become a peacemaker in every aspect of our daily life, and cultivate it as a constant experience. Peace has to be the natural result of our character and innermost being. As we create peace in every aspect of our daily life, we resonate the traits, practices, and way of being that directly influence and set an example for everyone around us, increasing and multiplying it. As we become the cause that multiplies and amplifies a peaceful way of being, we act at the individual level to alter and adjust the conscious frequency of greater, and greater wholes. We change the world by first changing ourselves. We have to be the change we want to produce in others and the world around us.