Category: Personal Transformation

How to Influence Others, Create Change, and Transform the Greater Whole

At some point in our spiritual evolution, we reach a point where we encounter the idea of how to bring about meaningful change at a greater level, or within our own life and current situation in a way that will be beneficial for everyone involved. When we move out...

The Meaning of Life and Understanding Your Souls’ Life Purpose

Many people feel confused or mystified in regards to the meaning of life, and what their purpose or life mission is, because we don’t understand our own dual and seemingly paradoxical nature. We often look to others or society to tell us who we are and what it is...

Creating a Well-Formed Outcome: “How to Make Smart Goals even Smarter”

There’s an art to setting goals that will make them much more achievable, called “SMART goals”. SMART is an acronym for making goals more Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed. Goals that are developed mentally as a sensory experience of the outcome you want to accomplish, are far more...

Becoming More Self-Aware

The most basic process for becoming more self-aware is to learn how to be present in your body and aware of your immediate environment. Your body is your vehicle (medium) for attaining awareness of yourself and for creating how you interact with the world around you as a means...

The Absolute Law of Karma – Mortality, Immortality, and the Nature of Destiny

In most esoteric texts and spiritual doctrine, Karma is referred to as the Absolute Law because its fundamental in nature and transpires naturally through our very nature and way of being. We’re all born into the world with a predisposition that naturally equips us with everything we need to...

The Law of the Tetrad – How we Manifest and then Act to Evolve Our Own Manifestation

In Sacred Geometry what’s known as the Tetrad represents the principle of material manifestation. The Tetrad corresponds with the number “4”, represented by a cube, because it’s the fourth principle to evolve out of the primary principle of the Monad, and in science 4 is the number that represents...
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