The Chakra System Provides Us with a Model for Using Our Mind to Heal Our Body

 The Chakra system of the subtle body gives us a model for creating from a dual perspective as the movement of energy that’s both descending as spirit into matter, and matter ascending back into spirit. The creative process works from both angles because it’s the continuous flow of the same thing. When energy as vibration is descending from a higher plane, it comes in a unified form that divides and propagates as aspects of itself that form stages of development as a kind of growth process of an idea becoming a material form and reality. There are no individual or independent operations slated to each chakra as many believe, but rather a unified idea that steadily takes on physical properties and becomes something specific as an actual material reality. It’s the system through which an idea manifests as an equivalent physical correspondence or analogy.

What originates as an archetype or ideal is a form of prototype or general template as more of a theme, which holds the infinite potential of that idea as a wave-form (crown chakra has a thousand petals), enters into the individual mind and body system, where a form of natural selection takes place that accesses certain aspects of potential that correlate with it, and through a series of interference patterns as a process of adaptation based on the unique relationship that thematic idea forms with the individual character that’s acting as a vehicle for it to come into an actual form of expression, it’s modified, and the wave is collapsed around one possibility (limitation is imposed), which is brought into expression to produce the reality as its physical form.

The crown chakra is where the idea, which has already penetrated and been absorbed and inducted into the mind as the subtle energy field that surrounds and in-forms the body, as a whole idea that contains all aspects required for creating in a unified manner, enters the body. It’s received into the 3rd-Eye of the sixth chakra as an inspired vision or imagined reality (similar to a memory) that has both optical and audio properties (6th chakra is represented as two petals). It comes as an imagined thought that’s accompanied by an inner voice. As the voice speaks a vision is formed as the meaning of the words spoken as a material reality. This inner voice (5th chakra) and imagined reality becomes the basis of what we call thought, which when beheld and dwelled in, forms feelings as sensations as it descends into the heart center. These feeling sensations of the imagined idea act as a form of vibratory programming for the subconscious mind of the body, and is what connects us to that same type of reality in everything around us in the material world of formation.

The astral plane of phosphorescence

The potential reality as an imagined, sensory and life-like reality produces emotion as the chemistry of the body as it descends into the solar plexus, which adjusts the biological body to the same state (vibratory quality) as the idea. The emotions are produced as a reaction to our visual thoughts, and unlike the feelings of the heart that are felt both inside and out as a connection to the material world outside of us, emotions are felt with intensity within the body as a strong stimulation that’s arousing and brings the body into an active state in response to the thought. This strong arousal and pronounced activity within the body takes place as the emotion enters the sexual-generative center of the second chakra, which is creative in nature, and what produces action as behaviors of some form as it enters the root chakra, and acts to bring the idea into expression as an experience by producing an effect as the reality of the thought. Once an idea is acted on, it steadily manifests as not only our inner reality, but also our outer reality. This is how ideas become rooted in reality as the personal creation of those who serve as the vehicle and conduit for actualizing them.

Because this process begins in the brain, the point in the body where ideas are received in full sensory terms, then broken down and distributed to the body itself for manifesting, the brain is attributed as being what generates the ideas as a primal form of consciousness. Yet all material form only acts as a passive receptor and instrument for consciousness, which operates it by informing, instructing, and animating it. Consciousness, like everything else that emerges from it, is dual in nature as both a passive and active component. Matter is the passive aspect of consciousness that acts as a form of shell or dead form for spirit to inhabit and give life to as a living being with a personality and subconscious mind. So the body is the means through which creation takes place as the active expression of consciousness (the Soul).

This same process as an infinite flow of energy that forms a kind of feedback loop, which allows the soul to witness its own creation, takes place through a form of reverse engineering. In the ascending flow of energy from the lower to the higher mind, a behavior or action of some kind arouses and stimulates us with a strong emotion, which then produces a feeling sensation as a form of reflection that activates a memory as a visual and verbal idea that provides an automatic pattern for creating as a reality. In this orientation and movement, the emotion and feeling produce the imagined thought, instead of the imagined thought producing the emotion and behavior. One originates as a conscious and willful movement, the other originates as an unconscious and automatic movement. Both are equally creative in nature and serve as correspondences to each other because our thoughts are what create the programs as memory of the subconscious mind. These programs habituate us to emotions that keep us in an aroused state, forming the basis for what affects us and causes an automatic, knee-jerk reaction as an emotional charge that makes us go unconscious and act in an automatic, thoughtless fashion.

3 aspects of the mind and soul

All of our reactions, ultimately, come as the result of how we’ve consistently programmed ourselves over a period of time with our own thoughts that formed our memories as a product of our conditioning. Our memories are formed by how we interpreted events through emotional perceptions as the reality we formed around them based on what we told ourselves about them that gave them the meaning they have. All things only mean what we make them mean by the story we tell ourselves about them. This process of feelings that are received from the environment that act to prompt an emotion as an active arousal, which in turn produces an automatic behavior, is how the instinctual realm of the plant and animal kingdom operate. When we bypass the intellectual capacity as the ability to reason, discriminate, and form our own interpretations as a function of the conscious mind, and live instead out of emotions that form illusions as memories that produce automatic behaviors in us, we live in much the same manner as an animal out of a primarily unconscious state.

The intelligent capacities of the Higher, creative Mind, represented by the three upper chakras (voice, vision, idea, and will), has the ability to work through, direct, and ultimately program the lower, subconscious mind of the body, represented by the four lower chakras, all of which are physical in nature, and more specifically the lower three, with the fourth heart chakra being what bridges and acts as a pathway between the higher and lower planes, and the inner and outer of the material plane. Information is received from the higher plane of archetypal ideas as original thought from the crown and head, forming a vertical motion of up and down, whereas information from the same plane (material plane), is received through the heart, and forms a horizontal , as a back and forth, inner and outer movement. When we only live out of our feelings and emotions, stimulated from outer events, others, or in response to thinking as memories of some form, we bypass the intellectual capacity and live out of an unconscious, auto-pilot state of being controlled and determined in much the same way a puppet is operated by a series of strings, or in a remote control fashion, with others constantly being in control of the remote.

Personal consultation for personal transformation and soul evolution

The model laid out as a creative process by the chakra system as a hierarchical structure, provides us with the key and method for employing to work in a conscious and deliberate manner with our own subconscious mind and body to alter and transform our physical body and reality. The subconscious mind doesn’t have the ability to generate and produce reality as an original creation, but relies instead on memory which it uses as the basis for creating more realities of the same nature and kind. A memory acts as a preformed pattern or theme that’s used as a template to produce fractal patterns of the same nature as a replication or consistent type of story that produces the same type of experiences over and over, varied only by the uniqueness of the circumstances, situations, and relationships being used to create them. It simply plays out the same ideas over and over in a habitual manner, and produces and maintains the condition of the body as its equivalent and of the same nature and condition.

Whatever story we tell ourselves about our self and life, we become in form. Our mental paradigm is what produces all of our perceptions, which is an interpretation that we use to create our experiences that then determines how we behave, and simply acts in all situations to generate more of it self. It’s only modified from its habitual tendencies through the introduction of an original idea, that’s delivered in its original state as an imagined reality and inner voice, that gives it a pre-made idea as a virtual memory that it can use in place of an actual memory to produce the reality of the idea by becoming it in body and actions.

In this same fashion, the subconscious of the body, often referred to as the heart, can be given direction on what and how to manifest based on visualization of the process desired as a reality and by talking to it, explaining the process and how it works, and how it’s going to benefit from it. A sense of pleasure and positive emotion needs to be connected to the idea as what the reality will naturally produce. Thought as an idea (replicates a memory) must be translated into the feeling and emotion that’s the equivalent of the idea because it’s what actually produces the behavior or motivation (arousal) of the subconscious. Emotion is the motivating force as the chemistry of the body that forms all of its biological processes. Emotion comes as the stimulation of the Endocrine glands – the master of which is the Pineal and Pituitary body that act together to regulate all others as a unified operation – that produce hormones as messengers that alter the state of the body and activate certain processes by turning some aspects on while turning others off, in much the same way DNA operates. It’s only through coherence of the brain and heart (conscious and subconscious) as an idea and its emotional equivalent that manifestation and transformation naturally takes place.

The energetic matrix of the subtle body

A thought that’s not properly translated through a sensory reality that produces the emotion of the idea, doesn’t manifest because it doesn’t work to alter and regulate the chemistry of the body to produce the actions necessary. It’s only an idea imagined as a full sensory reality that’s felt as being real, that provides a process or operation for transformation as a form of instructions or direction that invoke an emotional response as altering and producing the physical equivalent as the production and distribution of hormones that transforms how the body regenerates itself. It produces the chemical messengers as the information and instructions necessary to alter DNA sequences and neuro-pathways that change how the body regenerates and performs.

While we tend think that what we call reality is something that exists separate and independent of us, the fact is reality results from our perception of it. How reality appears to us, what we see and comprehend and what we don’t see or fail to recognize all together, is based on our ability to perceive and conceive of it. While we also tend to believe that perception is a product of our brain or heart, in fact, we perceive with our whole being, with both our mind and full body as a unified state and cohesive system. Just as we think with our whole body, in which every organ of our body produces neurotransmitters, and performs different aspects of thinking and perceiving, we also perceive the outer world through the lens of the inner world. Whatever ideas we program ourselves (subconscious and self-conscious) with, shape our paradigm, which produces an equivalent and corresponding outer reality as its expression and personal creation. Every individual perceives the same objective reality in a unique, different, and individual way. It’s only by changing our mind and body through the introduction and development of new and original ideas that we reprogram our subconscious to be able to perceive those ideas as a natural part of our outer reality. By changing ourselves, our whole world changes accordingly.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Integrative Mind-Body Medicine Consultant and Spiritual Mentor

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Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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