Year: 2020

Transforming Fear and Isolation into Compassion and Community

What I have come to realize in my lifetime is that all true change only seems to come through extreme situations. The greater the intensity of the situation the more pronounced the emotion it elicits in me, the greater my ability to transform myself and my way of thinking...

Understanding the Spiritual Power of Fear

Fear is one of the most powerful spiritual forces there are due to how it functions on the human psyche and within the mind-body relationship. While fear comes instinctively as the means of warning us of an actual danger and immediate threat, allowing us time to prepare or by...

We Only Cultivate Spiritual Powers through Live Experiences

One of the greatest forms of self-delusion that we’re all prone to comes through our natural tendency to create a false image of ourselves as we’d like to be seen instead of as we truly are. This image starts in childhood and is set into place through our conditioning...

The Art of Interpreting Symbolic Imagery Designed to Communicate Higher Knowledge

Interpreting symbolic imagery is an art-form that only comes from an in-depth knowledge of the principles and cultural icons being illustrated. I wanted to use this famous Egyptian/Sumerian hieroglyph as the means of demonstrating how to translate symbolic imagery because it portrays a very basic principle and I have...

How We Create Ourselves through Our Life Experiences

Once we gain a fundamental understanding of how consciousness as an energetic flow works, we can acquire the self-awareness necessary to create in a much more meaningful way. The principle represented in Sacred Geometry by the Monad is the toroidal energy system that operates within the material world as...

How to Become Aware of Yourself through Your Reaction to Everything Else

One of the easiest ways to gain awareness around the hidden aspects of yourself that are actively creating in your life is by realizing that all outer stimuli only serves to awaken what’s alive within you as correlated qualities. As inherent aspects of us are activated and brought out...

The Art of Introspection: Self-Knowledge, Awareness, and Tools for Transformation

The cornerstone of all spiritual growth and psychological healing comes through the motto “know thyself” as attaining deeper forms of self-awareness that brings realization and insights into your true nature and why your life is the way it is. The whole basis of healing in the psychological sense comes...
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