Month: September 2019

Learning How to Work with the Subtle Body

Working with what we refer to as the subtle body in an intelligent and effective way can be difficult in the most basic sense, because, like the mind that produces it, it’s invisible to the physical senses and operates according to complementary laws. The most fundamental universal law that...

How to Release and Erase Memories of People and Events

Memories are something that only exist in our mind as a mental construct and habitually play out in our mind over and over due to the intense emotion associated with them. All of what becomes actual memory that we can vividly recollect in emotional detail years later comes from...

Understanding the Nature of Different Dimensions and How to Mentally Move into Them

What we refer to as parallel dimensions are interlaced dimensions that are polar opposites of each other. Sound and light, for example, are frequencies that are complementary in nature, and sound as vibration serves to organize light into living forms as a perceivable reality. Vibration has both a pattern...
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