Learning How to Look at Your Diet with New Spiritual Awareness
I won’t even attempt to approach this idea from the typical angle of scientific studies and conditioned mindsets born out of supposed conventional education regarding nutritional value of foods, but rather from the perspective of understanding energy and the natural laws that govern it. Most studies presented to the public nowadays come as more of an educated opinion created by the food and pharmaceutical companies, or that have read and are regurgitating whatever ideas are currently considered popular and widely accepted within various communities. When we don’t really know how to tell truth from fiction, even the decisions made with the best of intentions can bear unremarkable, unexpected, or even disastrous results.
All of what we can call true wisdom doesn’t come from opinions and individual perspectives of some kind that’s designed to sway you in one direction or another, but rather from a basic understanding of universal laws, which apply to every single aspect of the phenomenal world, and are always true in terms of understanding the fundamental nature of things and how they operate. Universal laws demonstrate the relationship that naturally exists between consciousness, energy, and matter. All reality is formed by multiple planes that all work together to form what we perceive as a single plane that are correlated with each other through a dynamic and interactive series of correspondences. All spiritual wisdom, without exception, is the practical understanding of how laws operate within all planes of existence to produce a material form of a certain nature and kind. We now know for a fact (scientifically) that all material objects are coupled with an energetic field that acts as its double or mirror image (polar opposite) in terms of how properties are organized into a coherent pattern and what appearance and activities it takes on naturally as a result.
The only real way to look at the true nature of any kind of food, is through an understanding of how these law operate to produce its energetic and chemical constitution. The energy in our food is what works to likewise produce our energetic and chemical constitution in consuming, breaking down, assimilating, and utilizing it where it becomes an essential part of us. All matter as we know it is produced or grown from mysterious invisible forces that act to organize various combinations of elements to produce cells which then begin systematically replicating and differentiating to produce a whole plant or being. All genetic information used to construct something comes as pairs of opposites that are combined to form sequences through a process of natural selection. What’s selected and what’s not is determined by the Life-force energy that acts to form it into a specific type of structure that vibrates at a certain rate, making the form ideal for absorbing (resonating with) and utilizing specific types of complementary energies available in its immediate environment.

The Life-force energy is what acts to animate a seed of a specific species causing it to begin growing while organizing its physical structure and thereby determining what type and kind it becomes. A seed is produced as a combination of information (genetics) obtained from the parents (male and female) who share complementary information as the means of producing the genetic information inherent in the seed as its potential for growth and development. Most of the energy that governs the material plane is electromagnetic in nature as both active and passive qualities that together form a functional third as their offspring.
The essence of a seed can be thought of as the soul of the plant. The soul is the etheric double as an energetic blueprint used to organize the information contained within the DNA into a specialized pattern of a specific nature. This sequenced genetic information determines how it forms and what it acts to naturally absorb from the atmosphere, soil, water, and various forms of consciousness that exists in near proximity to it. These elements naturally make up what’s referred to in Spiritual Sciences as the 4 Elements of the material world, out of which all beings of the Earth are formed into specialized patterns by the Life-Force energy that activates, holds it together, and animates it.

All essence is the energies that give life to an entity and forms its nature as a vibratory frequency. The material form of a thing has no life unless it’s ensouled by a living force that serves to grow and determine it. As information comes to life and begins absorbing and organizing Elements into a living being, it forms a structure out of coalesced light that acts as a form of empty shell or neutral body for the Life-Force to concentrate and express certain qualities. This shell that’s constructed out of primal intelligence (instinct) and Life-force energy acts as a kind of neutral housing for accumulating energies and determines what elements it acts to naturally resonate with, and thereby absorb and assimilate that are inherent in the space (astral field) around it. Everything in the material and energetic sense of formation are based on vibration, resonance, sympathetic induction, and coherence as a harmonic unification based on a constant process of regeneration that utilizes new variations of the same type of energies in order to continue constructing itself.
Whatever we use to get energy from, we use to form our energetic constitution to be of the same nature, evolving it to different states of the same basic type and kind. The same kind of plant, for example, grown in different soil and climate, will have different chemical properties based on the combinations formed from what nutriments it naturally acts to absorb from the soil, air, and water it’s growing in. A certain type of plant will absorb certain chemical nutriments, while a different plant will absorb a different array of properties. This forms the basis for agricultural practice of compatible planting and crop rotation, as well as allowing periods of rest in order for the soil to rejuvenate after being depleted of certain nutriments. All forms of nourishment as the plants essence and active properties are ultimately obtained from the natural elements available to it that it uses to construct itself, and the energy it obtains from the stars (sun) that causes minerals and metals to grow that act to refortify the Earth.

All material forms can therefore be seen and understood as simply being containers for the vital energies they house. The outside appearance and constitution of a material object or being simply allows us to identify what type of energy it contains. A plant is killed and considered dead when its physical constitution has been altered to the point where it’s no longer an appropriate container for the Life-force energy to inhabit and express through. Plants aren’t killed by picking their fruits or even pulling them out of the ground by their roots, and will continue to mature and ripen through live enzymes and active properties. While we have a tendency to think that death is something that happens instantaneously, in fact, it’s actually a gradual process that usually happens over a period of a couple of days. The etheric body or energetic double of a living being lingers for a period time intact before it begins disintegrating and returning back into the original elements that formed it.
When a plant is cooked at high temperatures, or refined by changing its energetic and chemical composition, it releases its life-giving energies, and they’re no longer available by eating or drinking them. What this means is that their nutritional value is significantly reduced or eliminated altogether, making it a dead food source. In other words there’s no energy to be obtained from it. This is why most processed foods are fortified by adding certain vitamins and minerals, which are of course synthetic in nature, meaning they’re also highly processed and contain no actual nutritional value that can be assimilated and utilized by your body. Our body needs the full array of the chemical properties naturally present in food in order to be able to utilize it as fuel.

Whole Foods – the Complementary Nature of Passive and Active Properties
Another huge form of ignorance that’s prevalent in our modern concept of nutrition and health is that we typically think that only what we call the active properties or ingredients are important or meaningful. Yet the entire material world and all forms of growth, regeneration, and the means for forming our material substance is based on both active and passive (masculine and feminine) properties that are complementary to each other and work in relationship with each other to form both our inner essence and physical health, both of which are analogous to each other. The passive components are necessary in order to break down and fully utilize the active ones. It’s the passive components of the food we eat that stimulate the active ones in our body, which then produces its own nutrition. We don’t necessarily need to get nutrition in its full form from our food, but rather the proper ingredients that our body needs to produce its own. For example, we don’t need to eat protein in its whole, already made form; we simply need to get the necessary amino acids for our body to make proteins. Science is only now beginning to understand the importance of what they call micro-nutrients, enzymes, pigments, and so on, in helping to properly assimilate and utilize the full nutrition available in a plant.
Once we become aware of the importance of eating whole, natural and organically grown foods as the means of not only acquiring their energetic essence, but also in being able to fully utilize it once acquired, we can begin using this knowledge to not only intelligently select what we eat, but also in how we go about preparing it. All of what we call processing comes by how it’s prepared. Much of the problem we’re now facing is not just in the constitution of the food itself, but also how it’s prepared, or what happens when we process and refine food, often completely changing its chemical composition and releasing all of its Life-force energy, killing it.

The Benefits of Eating Live Food
Whenever we’re talking about the energy in food, we have to look at the entire process undertaken to raise it, and the environment and method in which it was grown. We acquire our energy as nutriments from whatever food we eat and drink. As we consume it, we break-down the physical structure of the shell itself, releasing the Life-force energy contained within it, which we then use to fuel our own biological activities and regenerate our molecular structure to be of the same type of energy, and as a result produce the same type of energetic condition as our mental, emotional, and physical health. Like always begets more of what’s like itself. In processed foods its structure has already been altered and the life-giving energy released from it. It becomes what we can think of as dead food, which means it has no energetic value and contains only remnants of the physical properties still inherent in its substance.

Preparation Alters Energetic/Molecular Structure
Along with the various methods used to prepare processed foods, we also have to look at how we’re being taught to prepare foods through various cooking methods. I’m not going to enter the debate on how it affects what we call the actual nutritional value, because of course none of us really know for sure, but only consider the energetic aspect as the Life-force contained within the food which is what actually determines its nutritional value in terms of assimilation and the fuel it provides by releasing the energy contained within it. Energy is what acts to produce the electrical impulses that activate natural biological processes within the body and is what determines how it’s overall condition and how it functions as a correlation.
This idea is very easy to understand for anyone who has taken basic chemistry or biology in school and for those who are educated in occult sciences and realize that all transformation is achieved through the element of fire (heat). As we heat up any physical substance, we begin systematically altering its chemical make-up. The greater and more direct the heat, the more pronounced its transmutation. Once the physical structure that houses the energy of a substance is altered to a certain degree, it’s no longer appropriate for housing the energy that grew, organized, and formed it. As the structure of an object is altered, the Life-force energy is discharged and released, and the food itself becomes lifeless. This means it no longer possesses any life-giving energy, and only contains dead remnants (etheric substance) of the energy it was once infused with.

Anytime we kill food as the means of eating it, it acts likewise to kill us by failing to re-energize us with electromagnetic properties and introduces instead a form of toxic substance. Processed foods and those prepared by way of certain methods are the leading cause of illness, disease, and cancers within our modern day society. This is self-evident by the fact that when life leaves a substance, there’s no longer any activity and the Life-force that was organizing and holding it together ceases (leaves it), causing it to begin disintegrating and putrefying. It begins rotting and decaying and will make you sick if you eat it. This is why processed foods are sterilized through cooking methods and ad so many chemical preservatives and flavor enhancers just to keep it looking and tasting like real food.
Food that’s cooked at high temperatures discharges all of the energy the food contains and the chemical components that make up its constitution are likewise altered. Foods that are steamed and softened through indirect heat at a lower temperature, may not actually kill the food, but still alters its outer structure and inner chemical composition, which is why as it softens it also tastes different. Cooking at just about any temperature kills live enzymes and other chemical properties necessary to efficiently break-down, utilize and assimilate the nutriments still contained in the food. Different properties are altered at different rates based on the type, degree, and direct contact of the heat. Food that boiled at high temperature for a long period of time, discharge the Life-force energies and contain no live enzymes and very few actual nutrients. Animal foods that contain high amounts of fat are rendered toxic through searing, charbroiling, and frying.

Microwaving Food
Microwave ovens are not only hazardous to use in terms of the propagation of the waves themselves and the outer exposure, but also in terms of how they cook food. Unlike convention stove top methods of cooking, a microwave heats food from the inside out rather than from the outside in. As the microwave heats the food internally it shatters (explodes) the cells of the food, releasing all life-giving energy while simultaneously infusing it with radiation. We end up with dead food of very little nutritional value that’s a radioactive substance that we then consume and use to energetically fortify our energetic body and molecular structure.
This problem is further compounded by the fact that most microwaveable foods are highly processed and loaded with unnatural chemicals, and usually cooked in plastic containers. In this case we’re starting with food that’s already void of life-energies and of very little nutritional value, loaded with synthetic chemicals, which are also saturated with chemical contaminants of the plastic containers, and turned into a radioactive dead substance. Plastics, which are synthetic themselves, are loaded with toxic chemicals, some of which imitate hormones and are endocrine blockers that also leak their chemical toxins into the food through temperature inversions, especially heat. But like most things, we continue to eat them due to ignorance about what’s happening, because it tastes good (flavor enhancers), and of course they’re cheap, easy, and convenient.

Animal Products – Recycled Energy
Animals that we eat as food are usually mammals, avian, and fish of some kind, which are of a similar nature to us biologically, and metabolize food in much the same way we do. They also have endocrine systems that regulate all physical processes and mental states through chemical messengers known as hormones. Hormones are produced a number of ways, but most notably through events and the experiences they bring that alter their state in order for them to react in the most appropriate and beneficial way possible in order to preserve their life. All animals share the subconscious aspect of the mind with us, whose main motive is self-preservation, and are emotionally driven to produce instinctual (automatic) behaviors as a means of survival.

Hormones are produced from electrical impulses received and interpreted by the subtle energy centers of the body (chakras) that in turn act to regulate the endocrine system as the means of instantly altering their state to produce a natural way of behaving and functioning. Whatever energies are active and expressing in the atmosphere around them are absorbed, decoded, and converted into proper electrical signals that run through their nervous system and serve to operate all major systems of the body in a coordinated fashion. Energetic essences are constantly being produced and transmitted through the air where they become an unconscious stimulus that’s designed to produce an appropriate action of some sort that doesn’t require realization of any kind, the need to think about it, or make any actual decisions as to what to do. All chemical messengers as hormones are circulated throughout the body through the blood stream. The blood of any being (which is comparable chlorophyll in plants) contains its essence as all the accumulated energies it acts to naturally absorb from its environment and successfully integrate, and is the energetic summation of all of its life experiences.

Animals are sentient beings that possess a certain level and type of consciousness, and are self-preserving in terms of clinging to life. This Is self-evident by the fact that when an animal is being killed, or feels its life is threatened in some way, it freaks out and does everything in its power to get away and escape it, or fight for its life just like we do. As they begin panicking, their whole system is saturated with hormones that instinctively produce the fight or flight response. Their blood chemistry and muscles are infused with the energies that produce a feeling of stress and fear in us. As fear sets in all blood flow is slowed down to the brain and major organs and is redirected to the muscles in order to run or fight, and so the meat of the animal, which is primarily the muscle, is infused with these type of hormones and act to produce that same mental and emotional state in us by eating it. As we consume the flesh of animals, we’re consuming their blood and all the chemistry of their experiences, which produce the same kind of mental state and natural behaviors in us. Our modern western society is currently being grossly overtaken with chronic forms of stress, fear, and anxiety from a seemingly unknown source.

In a similar fashion, animals that are deprived of quality of life and confined to an environment that causes them to feel pain, suffer emotionally, and live in a chronic state of poor health, produce a product of the same nature. Our food supply has moved to an industrialized organization that’s brutal in the most basic sense of the idea and raises animals in a form of assembly-line process of mass production that turns out a product of extremely low quality. Animals are not only mass produced in small facilities where they live in crowded and often filthy conditions, but are then pumped full of growth hormones to mature and fatten them up in a fraction of the time it normally takes, then pumped full of antibiotics to keep infection and disease at a minimum long enough to slaughter them. The method used for killing them is usually inhumane and causes them to experience terror. Their entire life, which is often only a few months, is spent in an environment that causes depression, fear, stress, and anxiety while in a bacteria infested pin, yard, or warehouse where they’re often further abused by the people caring for them. Some never even experience the feeling of sunlight on their body or roaming freely in a grassy countryside. All because we take an attitude that their only purpose in life is to be food for us.

Our modern day society is currently plagued with not only physical ailments and cancers, but also mental and emotional conditions whose causes have yet to be accurately identified. Depression, which is usually formed from a constant form of anxiety without an obvious reason, is currently an epidemic in the western world where meat is being produced in an industrialized fashion and has become our main staple diet. Many people have been trained to eat meat at every meal. All energy, which is a form of consciousness, comes through a basic process of photosynthesis in plants as a direct form of a neutral-like essence, that’s then eaten and metabolized by animals and people. Plants don’t have the same animal-mammalian body as we do, and don’t produce hormones as emotional states that give us the same type of experiences.

Plants grow out of the mineral kingdom, and animals eat plants, converting the raw energy contained within them into blood chemistry as a form of interpretation, that people (who are animals also) then eat, acquiring energy of the sun that has been transmuted to include mental and emotional states that affect them in the same manner. As a basic rule, whatever we consume, absorb, and take in, whether energy, air, water, or food, and we integrate in order to energize and build our substance out of, we become like in nature. By eating only live plant food that doesn’t contain blood, we acquire a direct source of energy that optimizes the fuel of our whole system, energizing us without altering our mood and setting the premise for how we behave.

Energy as Vibration
The most fundamental law that governs all of life is the Law of Vibration. Every single thing and being vibrates at a certain rate and mode that has a specialized pattern as a structuring mechanism for organizing all the elements available to it into a similar life form. Whatever we consume and become one with in essence, we become like in nature, and act to not only produce the same type of mental state with as a certain type of perception and experience, but also take on the same type of emotions and behaviors. All behaviors are emotionally driven at an unconscious level. How we feel determines how we think and act. Because all of this happens at the energetic, unconscious level, we often don’t intuitively make the connection and realize what’s actually happening. The process of cause and effect that we’re constantly engaged in can completely elude us in the most ordinary sense, because the effect takes time to accumulate to the point where it manifests as an actual condition of some kind. All things are built up through an accumulative process of energetic acquisition that eventually alters our physical health.

The Process of Regeneration
Our body regenerates itself structurally within different times frames, and we have a completely new body, bones (most dense) and all, every seven years. Because of this it can take several years of accumulating the same energies for illness, disease, and cancers to develop. Many people who don’t necessarily manifest specific physical diseases due to their diet, still suffer from poor mental and emotional health through various forms of depressions, stress, chronic anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, lack of motivation to change their life and habits, and by maintaining negative and destructive emotional states and attitudes.
Energy is primal in nature, which means it initiates the process that forms a series of correspondences as a chain-of-association that produces an equal or greater effect mentally, emotionally, and physically. This chain reaction is an energetic flow that moves both ways as a form of infinity that both descends and ascends simultaneously. Just as our mental state produces emotions of the same nature, which motivate all of our behaviors and activities, what we take in and become one with in our environment, likewise affects our emotional state which then drives and determines our thoughts. Whatever we think about and how we feel as a result, are directly correlated to each other.

As creative beings we’re bestowed with self-awareness and the ability to realize truth through intuitive realizations of various sorts. These realizations provide us with the means for making calculated decisions that act to direct all of our activities. We’re always the one producing our health by what we choose to eat, drink, and associate with. We can’t use the excuse that we didn’t know any better and are therefore not responsible for what we create, or claim to not deserve what happens to us that were actually self-induced and willfully undertaken.
Our ability to make informed and intelligent decisions isn’t based on who else’s opinion we accept as fact and therefore adopt as our own, but rather through our ability to understand the Natural Laws at work in any situation that provides us with the truth that’s not always outwardly apparent and equips us with the proper means for creating ourselves with a sense of awareness and intention. In fact (not theory), there’s no such things as universal injustice or being a victim to others, because everything we do to ourselves comes as a demonstration of our true knowledge and awareness, and comes through the volition of our own decisions and the actions that result from them. We are all bestowed with the higher creative capacity of choice and will and it’s up to us to care enough to seek out the knowledge it takes to make what we deem good decisions. It doesn’t matter so much if we’re right or wrong in our decisions, but rather that they’re truly our decisions and not made for us by another. The only point in life is to learn how to create ourselves through our higher capacities of realization, choice, and free will to be an individual of our own making.
Dr. Linda Gadbois
Transpersonal Psychologist, Consultant for Integrative Mind-Body Medicine, and Personal Transformation Coach