DNA and Self-Creation – Programming Your Biocomputer through Linguistics, Imagined Thoughts, and Meaning

The term linguistics as it’s used here, refers to language and thoughts which both have an optical and acoustical component. Words form images in the imagination as the meaning of the words. As we think and speak, we’re steadily forming the reality that the words represent in our imagination. In this sense, to hear is to simultaneously see, and to see is to simultaneously hear. As we observe an actual or imagined and well-formed image, we simultaneously produce a mental narrative that describes and explains it to ourselves in a way that gives it meaning. The meaning we give it forms the basis for the story we tell ourselves about it as a way of making sense of it. While we have a tendency to believe that the words themselves and the images they produce as an experience of the reality indicated by the words “is†the “programming†factor itself, in reality, it’s what it “means†that’s the actual programming.

Meaning, like everything else, is three-fold in nature and creates simultaneously on three corresponding and correlating levels. Meaning is purely a product of the individual mind, and whatever meaning something has for us, simultaneously means something about other people, the way the world is, and about “us†in relationship to it as the creator of it. Whatever story we tell ourselves about “the way things areâ€, we are simultaneously creating ourselves by way of that same story. Our story about things is what unifies all levels and scales of reality to be about the same thing. The DNA of our body, which operates according to the same principles as our mind (both subconscious and conscious), isn’t programmed in the literal sense of our verbal thoughts or by the imagined realities produced by our thoughts, but rather by the “self-creative†component of the “meaning†our self-produced realities have for us.

Brain waves

The Nature of Thought

Thought is formed in the mind’s eye as an image, scenario, or reality that simultaneously forms a narrative that assigns meaning to the image by telling a story about it. Likewise, words spoken outwardly form mental images of the meaning of the words in the mind of others, and is a basic way of creating the same mindset as a “version of reality†in everyone around us. Thought and the image of the thought is a two-way process as the unification of both sound and vision as being a part of the same idea. This process is illustrated by the 3 upper chakras of the human energy system where an idea is received in its whole form (unified) as a transmission, that then forms an image in the minds-eye that’s accompanied by verbal thoughts, which, when spoken outwardly, organize the 4 Elements of the lower plane (4 lower chakras) to produce a corresponding reality as an experience of the thought.

On the higher, unformed plane of information in its potential state, words are spoken that form images as the primary means of calling forth reality. On the material-created plane of forms, visual images provoke thought processes in regards to them. Thought is comprised of a dual action of words and images that together form meaning as reason. From a purely creative and energetic perspective, we are constantly creating ourselves and our life experiences through our own imagined thoughts and what we talk about with others. As we speak, we call forth the reality of our thoughts in both our mind and the mind of others, and it becomes a template for co-creating the same reality as a joint venture.

All reality as we know it exists as a unified field where different ideas are being played out on multiple scales in a correlated and interdependent fashion. While the material world appears to operate in a separate, individual, and dualistic manner, at the energetic level, which is the field of information as a dynamic matrix and virtual substratum that “in-forms†and gives rise to the entire material plane as a hologram, everything operates as “Oneâ€. Reality exists fundamentally as a cohesive and coherent whole. The energetic (spiritual) level exists outside of space and time as a larger pattern made up of separate parts that all contain the information of the whole, and communicate in an “instant fashion†to the entire organism at once. It doesn’t operate by the laws governing the speed of sound or light, which requires a “pathway of travel†between organisms, but rather through the laws governing “entanglement†as an instantaneous function between organisms of the same nature. This is because what we perceive as being separate and apart from each other, are actually a holistic, unified, single organism. Our mind (electromagnetic field surrounding and permeating our body), brain, nervous system, heart, and the DNA in every cell within the body are all receiving signals and being “informed†at the same time in the energetic sense, and all morph and behave as a harmonious and spontaneous movement.

Energetic matrix of the mind

The process of receiving, interpreting and processing, and transmitting information, works as a two way street, where we are both affected and constantly being influenced by the frequencies outside of ourselves being received by our mind and DNA, and by the thoughts generated internally as the interpretation and modulation of what’s received. As we “reinterpret information†giving it new meaning based on context, we simultaneously transmit it, influencing the outer, unified field of mass consciousness. We are both being influenced by everyone and everything around us, and the one doing the influencing. DNA and the mind can also cause what we call “disturbing patterns†in the vacuum (greater unified field) that produce what we refer to as “wormholesâ€.

A wormhole is a metaphor for describing the idea of a tunnel between entirely different areas of space through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time in an instant fashion. It operates according to subtle (energetic without material substance) laws, rather than gross laws which require a material pathway as an explanation. Information is transferred instantaneously through entanglement, which is based on resonance, which connects and informs us by the same frequency no matter how great the distance between us appears to be, because the distance is an illusion only perceivable from the perspective of being within space and time. Subtle energy exists “outside of space and timeâ€, as whole dimensions based on frequency. We can connect to that same frequency and receive and transmit information as holographic language anywhere in the universe and between higher and lower dimensions that are of the same frequency as we are. We are always being informed by the same frequency, regardless of its location, because the matrix is singular in nature.

Personal Transformation & Soul Evolution Coaching

The Nature of DNA as a Biocomputer

DNA, which is an intelligent system, is always attracting and interpreting information that appears in our conscious as thoughts and realizations, and is received fluently whenever we’re in a relaxed state. Both the subconscious mind and DNA are passive and receptive in nature, and is “programmed†by suggestion as ideas that are readily taken in, thought about and formed as realities in the imagination, producing an inner experience of them, that become the memory as a blueprint for connecting with and creating a corresponding reality outwardly. Thoughts that are dwelled in with intensity and imagined as actual experiences, form an electromagnetic field as a holographic blueprint that both attracts and organizes information in such a way that it constructs an equivalent physical form, as well as an entire complementary reality as the same pattern played out on a larger scale that’s more complex and inclusive in nature.

By relaxing our body and mind, eliminating all active thoughts and freeing our imagination, while being seeded with a suggestion that’s imagined as a form of scenario that constructs it as a sensory and emotional experience, we literally “re-inform†our mind and body through our perception of its reality. This is naturally done through various forms of meditation, auto-suggestion, self-hypnosis, passive engagement in entertainment, formative education and conditioning, video games that replicate experience, relationships as an interaction, media and advertising, and of course, the most fundamental way is through our own thoughts as internal dialogue which is always talking to ourselves.

We can “tune into†higher frequencies and dimensions and act as a receiver for new types of information as a form of hyper-communication. We can only transform and evolve our current mental and physical condition by embodying and employing new forms of information that modulates our paradigm and changes our state, producing a new physical equivalent. Whenever our mind is active, especially from anxiety or stress of some sort, and filled with constant repetitive thoughts as worrying and anticipating the future as the reality of our thoughts, or a hyperactive intellect, it prevents hyper-communication as an intuitive flow of information, or it distorts the information received in a fluid way by how it “reinterprets it†that makes it useless or even damaging and destructive in some way. By reducing the anxious activity of compulsive thoughts, we can access and utilize higher knowledge in a constructive and creative way.

thinking dreams

Putting it all Together      

Vibration as thought forms patterns as holographic realities that vibrate at certain frequencies. Sound, as words spoken both internally and externally, has dual properties and forms an electromagnetic field as a holographic image of the pattern inherent in the word. Electromagnetic fields are self-organizing and self-perpetuating fields of information that vibrate at a certain frequency, and by resonating with that same frequency in everything else, re-informs the outer environment as a greater whole to be of the same pattern as a “type of reality†as the inner. As we resonate with the same frequency in everything around us, activating the same aspects, while deactivating others through a process of adaptation and modification, we form our outer reality to be of the same nature in terms of meaning, as our inner reality.

Meaning is the unification of word and image as an experience or story that’s told by living it. What we see is based on what we think, which is based on the meaning and significance we’re programmed with as a vibratory frequency that has a thematic pattern inherent in it. We can only truly “see†and perceive in the outer world and our inner imagination what matches our thoughts as beliefs about it, or what our thoughts naturally act to create. Thought and form are two aspects of the same thing that we use to create ourselves by way of the reality that arises out of them and the activities that ensue from them.

Our DNA is constantly being programmed or informed by our thoughts and perceptions (and those of others), not so much in the literal sense of producing the physical equivalent as a correspondence to them, but rather in terms of the meaning they have as our “experience†of them and reason for thinking them. The DNA of our body and the mind of our soul operate out of the same principles and act as a vibratory tuner, receiver, transducer and interpreter, and transmitter of vibratory (unformed) information. It acts as a channel and biocomputer for translating an idea (archetype) in its potential state (frequency) into an actual material reality as an experience of it that becomes a memory.

The memory itself isn’t formed out of the actual events themselves, but rather the emotional impact and meaning they had for us that formed the story we began telling ourselves about things as a result of them. The meaning and reason for something provides us with a kind of dynamic theme that we use to shape all of our future experiences to be of the same nature, or to keep telling the same “type of story†that gives us more of the same type of feeling. No matter what happens, we interpret it to make it mean what we need it to mean in order to keep telling ourselves the same story. It’s the meaning things have for us as the feeling we get from the experience, whether real or imagined, that serves as the “programming†that “creates us†in a unified manner, as a body, soul, and spirit, through the “memory†that’s created out of it or used to produce it.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Integrative Mind-Body Medicine Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher

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