Tag: principles

Spiritual Sciences – Originality and Personal Interpretations of Universal Concepts

One of the biggest hindrances spiritual sciences has in being considered an established philosophy, scientific discipline, or religion comes in the fact that it’s always based on originality and creativity, and never on dogma or a single interpretation. There’s no right way of seeing something as opposed to a...

The Law of the Tetrad – How we Manifest and then Act to Evolve Our Own Manifestation

In Sacred Geometry what’s known as the Tetrad represents the principle of material manifestation. The Tetrad corresponds with the number “4”, represented by a cube, because it’s the fourth principle to evolve out of the primary principle of the Monad, and in science 4 is the number that represents...

A New Way for Understanding the True Nature of Your Mind and Soul

It’s interesting to notice how modern science and psychology are acting to steer us away from our own true spiritual nature by attempting to equate our mind with our brain and body, and our memories as something stored in the brain, while debunking the idea of the soul as...

“17” – The Star, Hope, and Rebuilding after the Destruction of Illusion

In the Hermetic Arcane of the Tarot, the archetypal idea of the “starâ€, which is Key 17, follows the “the Lightning Struck Tower†(Key 16) which represents the destruction of illusion (Key 15) and is what prompts the “the dark night of the soul†as an identity crisis that...

The Art of Interpreting Symbolic Imagery Designed to Communicate Higher Knowledge

Interpreting symbolic imagery is an art-form that only comes from an in-depth knowledge of the principles and cultural icons being illustrated. I wanted to use this famous Egyptian/Sumerian hieroglyph as the means of demonstrating how to translate symbolic imagery because it portrays a very basic principle and I have...